The eWrestling Encyclopedia
Xteme World Championship Wrestling
Federation Name Xtreme World Championship Wrestling
Abbreviation X-WCW
Shows Warzone, Nitro (Up when they're up)
Previous names Xtreme War Championship Wrestling
Time open 2002- Present
Owner(s) Cyberstrike
Based in United States
Federation type Angle Based
Pay-per-views Quarterly
Website Click here

Xtreme World Championship Wrestling, or X-WCW, is an e-fedran by Cyberstrike. It is a spawn of the old Wreck and Rule, WaR fed. The X-WCW is know by many as a place where a character, or wrestler is they are given a fair chance to show what you can do. The X-WCW also features some of the most dangerous matches ever.

In the beginning, WaR, DC, and the layout[]

Orginally created by Depth Charage (aka DC) founded the fed for the old Wreck and Rule message boards is what eventually became known as the X-WCW. After several false starts DC decided that he couldn't handle it, and eventually DC had a poll with the names of people you wanted the job and after a narrow victory, Cyberstrikewas picked to take it over. Cyberstrike quickly decided that the fed needed a name and created a poll that featured X-WCW as the last option and that was how the name was chosen. Another in the list of canidates were OptimusPrime who ran the ACW and was gracious enough to stay on as an assitant to help the X-WCW. Cyberstrike contacted some friends he had made in another fed, the AWF, and asked if they would be intrested in joining the new fed. The first was D-Extremeand he quickly became a very good friend of Cyberstrike's. While D-Extreme joined others were reluctant to join and in attempt to boost the roster Cyberstrike allowed everybody to have 3 characters. They could use real life wresters, made up wrestlers, wrestlers based comic book super-heroes, and even Transformers! The X-WCW forum quickly bacme a popular part of WaR boards and WaR was becoming a very popular Transformers message became too popluar. Eventually the boards were swarmed with spammers, trolls, and troublemakers. Finally the head administor was fed up and deleted the whole board except the X-WCW and RPG forums. By this time, Cyberstrike was a moderator at another Transformer site called Mechaex. Feeling that the X-WCW's days were numbered on the old WaR boards and not sure if another would be started, Cyberstrike convinced Mechaex's webmaster (Carmen) to give the X-WCW a new home and he quickly did.

The X-WCW moved to it's new home and like it did at it's old home it became a popluar part of Mechaex attracting new people like Eamon X, Autobot Jazz, Divebomb, Wolfang, Otacon, and BLASTER to join it. Eventually a server move that took Mechaex down for a few days began made Cyberstrike decide that it was time to create a back-up message board. It proved to be a good idea a few months after he did, Mechaex was hacked and Carmen was having a lot of personal problems and decided to take the site down for good.

The beginning of a legacy[]

The fist X-WCW PPV, Ground Zero, will go down in history as the show that set the legacy of X-WCW into motion. On that night, Chyna won the X-WCW T.V. Title, and D-Extreme won the 20 man Royal Rumble Match to win the X-WCW World Heavyweight Championship. The show ended with friends CS and D-Ex toasting beers and saying "X-WCW is open for bussiness!".

The Wrestling Revoultion[]

The X-WCW also hosted what many fans considered to be the best idea; the Triple Cage Match. In this match, the defending X-WCW WHC, Cyberstrike, was defeated by Wreck-Tron. In the post match chaos, CS was thrown 30 feet down to Caged Heat. Then, WT was ambushed by Chris Jericho, and thrown to the arena floor. This shocked many fans, but saw it as much more thrilling than the WCW version of the match. The following statement was put on after the show:

D-Extrme suffered a light concussion but will be back in time for Doubleshot. Wreck-Tron didn’t land on the floor as James Russell said he landed on some gym mats that were being set up at time he suffered some bruised ribs, a slight concussion, and a dislocated shoulder we will be at Doubleshot! Cyberstrike suffered a massive concussion, two cracked ribs, and blown out knee he will be out for quite sometime.

At Vendetta, the X-WCW debuted a new type of match, based off the WWE Elimination Chamber. This match, called Hell's Chamber, a last man standing match in a chamber, won by Vin Ghostal. However, CS got the last laugh with a Crackdwon on thumbtacks after the match.

Ground Zero II: The Acquisition of ACW[]

At Ground Zero II, the X-WCW unviled another stunning match to crown the ultimate champion between the X-WCW and ACW. The Triple Cage X Rules Match. In this match, the X-WCW World Heavyweight Championship and the ACW Championship were on the line. The match proved to be a great one, seeing friends Cyberstrike and D-Extreme take each other apart, as well as Wolfang and Tony Bonito turn on each other. Eventually, Cyberstrike got to the belts, but then, he had to walk out the cage door. However, per match stipulations, he and Wolfang left the cage at the same time, and fought to sudden death, won by Wolfang, the first ever X-WCW Ultimate World Champion. The celebration was a long one, for Wolfang was the supreme underdog in the match. And with this match, the ACW ceased to exist.

X-WCW: The Rise (2004 to 2006)[]

Today, the X-WCW is host to many of the greatest role players and e-wrestlers on the web, as well as some of the most gifted writers. However, it was in the late 2004- mid 2006 period where the writing talent soared along with new members. One year after the X-WCW moved from MechaEx to the current message board they have at conforums, members such as Karl Baller, TGO, Judge Death, Sandy Drake, Sean Byrne and Ignavus were the newcomers who gave the X-WCW the new blood it needed. During the same era was the rise of Eamon X, Otacon, and Divebomb. After Ground Zero II, Eamon X became a focal point of the X-WCW when he defeated Wolfang for the Ultimate X-WCW World Title at Vendetta II. He would hold onto the belt for quite some time until dropping it to Divebomb at Royal Bash II. However, his title loss was one of the worst world title matches in X-WCW history that included the faulty structure and finish of the match. It dampen the image of both Eamon and Divebomb. And image that would be restructured towards the road to Starrcade: Xtreme.

Eamon X had a high profile feud with Cyberstrike while Divebomb worked his way up the Lord of the Ring II tournament to meet BLASTER for the Ultimate X-WCW World Championship title match at Starrcade: Xtreme. The Eamon X vs Cyberstrike match culimated into both of them getting 'fired' and out of the x-wcw for a couple of shows thanks to the return of Tony Bonito. Divebomb, on the other hand, retained the Ultimate X-WCW World Championship when he won it against Blaster in the main event.

Divebomb's title reign, and the 'firing' of Cyberstrike and Eamon X would only last so long. A few shows later Cyberstrike and Eamon X resurfaced with new names. Cyberstrike went back to calling himself in his real name: Christopher Back while Eamon X opted for Grandmaster E. Grandmaster E got the X-WCW UW title at Ground Zero III, the event in which the first UW title was created. During the same time frame, Otacon started his meteoric rise to the main event status after a feud with Bonito and a solid run as the X-WCW US champion. He defeated Grandmaster E at Bloodbath III to win the title. In between Ground Zero III and Collision Course II, the X-WCW 'acquired' the rights and liscense to UCW, a federation that was formerly owned by TGO. The UCW is all but erased from memory. However the UCW is still brought up by color commentator Randall King, as an insult to Radon. The X-WCW contiues to grow and expirement with new ideas.

Collision Corse II: Hostlie Takeover[]

With the UCW brought up, the PPV Collision Course II was made in order to facilitate the UCW and X-WCW unifcation matches while the main event would pit the X-WCW with the AWF superstars. Cyberstirke posted a challenge in the AWF board to 5 AWF wrestlers to face the X-WCW wrestlers. The challenge was answered, but within the following months, the whole main event idea evolved from the AWF vs X-WCW to add two more federations. The two federations added was the XWA headed by Wes Davis and the 2NLW headed by Joshua Johnston. With that idea given, it would now be a 4 federation war in the main event of Collision Course II, a first in X-WCW History. In order to provide a "backstory" to Collision Course II Cyberstrike decided to try a bold experiment new kind of show for the X-WCW-The House Show Wars, a results only series of events, based on a small tour with a theme, that allowed X-WCW writers D-Extreme, Karl Baller, and Cyberstrike to delevop not only the backstory for the Collision Course II's main event but introduce a host new characters created by people who had just joined the X-WCW it has proved so popular that a new tour is currently in the planning stages.

In June 2006, Collision Course II: Hostile Takeover saw the end of UCW and its titles in the X-WCW shows, and the dominace of the X-WCW. The X-WCW and UCW titles were unified in a number of matches in the undercard where all of the UCW champions lost their titles to the current X-WCW champions. Otacon defeated TGO in less than 2 minutes to retain his X-WCW UW Title in the first main event. On the second main event, Karl Baller won an Xtreme War Games Triple Cage X Rules Match for team X-WCW, which also included teams AWF, XWA, and 2NLW. The match was given 5 out of 5 stars and is highly rated as the 2006 match of the year for the X-WCW. This period of X-WCW History marked it's victory over the AWF as well, which promised a show to be posted up at the same date that CCII was posted, June 30, 2006.

Post Collision Course 2 era (Mid 2006 to Summer 2009)[]

Post Collision Course 2 saw the X-WCW having a new breed of wrestlers ranging from Nightmare, "Real American" Rocky Davis, and 2NLW's Brett Rayne. By the end of the year 2006, the new wrestler influx also paved way for some X-WCW superstars to leave such as Flash Stryker and a number of failed prospects like Sven Havok and NC-17. By the end of the year 2006, the biggest shock was the 'injuring' of D-Extreme at the hands of Tony Bonito. But with departures, there were surprising returns to the X-WCW by the end of the year in the form of R.E. Rage. The year 2006 was capped off with Otacon leading the way as the X-WCW champion before getting dethroned by the Slacker King Ignavus at Vendetta 3.

2007 paved the way with more new talent such as De'Si Nidea, Joe Goldstone, Mark Malin, The Lost Boys, and Justin Sane. Returning tag teams were at the helm to in the form of Fragile Minds (Vanish, Thornn, and Absinthe). This year proved to be the changing of the guard. Rising stars such as Karl Baller continued their way up the X-WCW ladder as the old guards Christopher Back and Grandmaster E took a small step back. Tony Bonito started off the year with feuding against long-time rival Christopher Back until he won the feud by bludgeoning CB inside the cage with a weedwhacker. Karl Baller, as mentioned rose to the top after winning the X-Rumble and eventually taking it from Otacon the next year. By the summer of 2007, Grandmaster E/Eamon Waford and X-WCW parted ways. As said this was the day after the X-Rumble where he lost in a three-way match between the champion Ignavus and the winner Otacon.

2008 was mainly the emergence of a new group called The Revolution which was headed by both John Crook and Tony Bonito. With the two main heads of the nTo gone (D-Ex and Back), the Revolution tried to take over the X-WCW. However, a returning Cane Deathscream was there to thwart their plans. At Starrcade: Revolution, however, RNR won the tag team titles while Tony Bonito took the biggest prize of all of X-WCW with him. He defeated Karl Baller and the rest at Starrcade to become the world champion.

Year 2009 was the 7th year of the X-WCW and with the Revolution standing tall, things just had to give. Weeks and months leading to the 100th show, Cane Deathscream, D-Extreme, and Cybesrtike separately told everyone that the most feared tag team in the X-WCW is going to make a return. The Revolution, especially John Crook, was fearful for this team that he took out a couple of other returning superstars such as Xille and Flash Stryker in hopes that they were the mystery team. On Groudn Zero IV: The Return, the mystery team turned out to be a fully healed duo of Christopher Back and D-Extreme. From then on, they defeated Tony Bonito and John Crook in the main event.

100 shows and counting[]

July 31st marked the 100th show of the X-WCW, Ground Zero IV: The Return. It had a number of title changes from Nightmare , The Lost Boys, The Young One Sandy Drake, and Joe Goldstone winning the X-WCW TV title, Tag Team Titles, X-WCW US title and Intercontinental Title respectively. After defeating John Crook and Tony Bonito, D-Extreme and Christopher Back battled to a double-knockout.

The repercussions of the double KO from the previous night prompted the reinstated Christopher Back to vacate the World Title and a double 8 tournament.

Current Champions[]

The current champions of the X-WCW are listed below.

Championship Current champion(s)
X-WCW World's Championship Vacant
X-WCW Global Champion Tony Bonito
X-WCW United States Championship "The Young One" Sandy Drake
X-WCW Intercontinental Champion Joe Goldstone
X-WCW World Tag Team Championship The Lost Boys
X-WCW Xtreme Championship Justin Sane
X-WCW T.V. Championship Nightmare

Other Accomplishments[]

Championship Current champion(s)
X-WCW Lord of the Ring "Real American" Rocky Davis
X-WCW X-Rumble Karl Baller