The eWrestling Encyclopedia
World Wrestling Corporation
Federation Name World Wrestling Corporation
Abbreviation WWC
Weekly show Thursday Night Mayhem
Owner Stephen Golds
Based in United States
Pay-per-views 1 per month
Website WWC forum

The World Wrestling Corporation was formed in Autumn of 2010. The WWC's first show, Thursday Night Mayhem, aired 11th November 2010, and the first title match: a 6-Man Battle Royal was the main event, which can we watched here. Jerron Finch pinned Ace Matthews to become the first WWC Champion in history.


Superstar Superstar
Jerron Finch (WWC Champion) Ace Matthews
Clint Macstop Red Hot
Dano C Dee Do
Trent Jackson (HardKore Champion) Epic
GSP Crowley


On 11th November 2010, the WWC finally aired with Thursday Night Mayhem. The first match was the 6-Man Battle Royal for the WWC title between Clint Macstop, Jerron Finch, Red Hot, Dee Do, Ace Matthews and Dano C. Dee Do was the first to be eliminated followed by Dano C. After a heated battle Red Hot, quickly followed by Macstop were next to be eliminated, leaving Finch and Matthews to fight it out for the title. Finch managed to defeat Matthews but only after landing Matthews' own finishing move, the Super Kick, against him, thereby becoming the first ever WWC Champion.

Rivalries between Macstop and Red Hot, and Finch and Matthews developed while new superstar Trent Jackson started an unbeaten streak leading up to Adrenaline. At the Pay-Per-View Jackson became the first ever HardKore Champion after defeating Dano C and Epic in a TLC Triple Threat match. Red Hot defeated Macstop in a Table match, and Finch retained his title against Matthews in an Ironman match with Mr. Golds as a Special Guest Referee.

External Links[]

WWC Homepage
