The eWrestling Encyclopedia
WcE PrimeTime
Show Name WcE PrimeTime
Creator WcE
Format Sports Entertainment
Opening Theme Bodies by Drowning Pool
Location Worldwide
Running Time 2 hours
Starring WcE Roster
First Aired May 22, 2005
Last Aired Currently Running
Federation Type Roleplay-based

WcE PrimeTime originally aired on May 22nd, 2005 heralding the beginning of WrestleCrazy Entertainment's new era. This marked the end of the hugely popular, but syndicated WcE WildSide show, but marked the start of WcE being broadcast at prime-time. That night also marked WcE's debut in Calgary, one of Canada's greatest wrestling cities. Although the card was missing many big names, Antonio DeMarco, Edward Freeze, Xtreme and Lennox Armstrong all wrestled that night.

The show however ended its' reign at the top after negotiations broke down with the television network to extend the contract to provide prime-time entertainment, and WcE returned to its' roots by announcing that WildSide would return in place of the show. Many put the success of PrimeTime down to the popularity of the company at the time, experiencing huge growth and full of entertaining storylines that played out dramatically on TV. This crash-style television may have also lead, however to the downfall of PrimeTime.
