The eWrestling Encyclopedia

The WcE Intercontinental Heavyweight[]

Title is the secondary championship title of the WcE. First won by Devlin Tornado. The launching pad for many a WcE World title holder, the current Champ is Toms.

Championship Reign by Time[]

Wrestler: Date Won: Won From: Event:
Toms November 11th, 2007 [ Mark Marvin ] WcE PrimeTime 2007
Edward Freeze (3) September 16th, 2007 [ Dan Stown ] WcE Night of Champions IV PPV 2007
Dan Stown November 29th, 2006 [ James Whitman ] WcE Out of Control PPV 2006
James Whitman November 1st, 2006 [ Edward Freeze ] WcE UnLeashed #1 PPV 2006
Edward Freeze (2) October 1st, 2006 [ Seamus O’Grady ] WcE Night of Champions III 2006
Seamus O’Grady July 15th, 2006 [ Antonio DeMarco ] WcE Fighting Spirit PPV 2006
Antonio DeMarco June 3rd, 2006 [ Seamus O’Grady ] WcE Spring Rumble PPV 2006
Seamus O’Grady March 11th, 2006 [ Adam Belmont ] WcE PrimeTime 2006
Adam Belmont (3) February 26th, 2006 [ Samson ] WcE Valentine Vendetta PPV 2006
Samson October 30th, 2005 [ Edward Freeze ] WcE Halloween Bash PPV 2005
Edward Freeze July 3rd, 2005 [ Adam Belmont ] WcE Out of Control PPV 2005
Adam Belmont (2) June 5th, 2005 [ Ken Forte ] WcE War Games I PPV 2005
Ken Forte April 27th, 2005 [ Thompson Orion ] WcE UnSanctioned PPV 2005
Thompson Orion March 23rd, 2005 [ The Orator ] WcE Re-Unification PPV 2005
The Orator (2) March 8th, 2005 [ Ace Johnson ] WcE Monday Night Titans 2005
Ace Johnson February 21st, 2005 [ The Orator ] WcE Monday Night Titans 2005
The Orator December 22, 2004 [ Vacated Title ] WcE Wildside 2004
Vacated Title December 15th, 2004 [ Adam Belmont ] WcE Redemption PPV 2004
Adam Belmont (2) December 1st, 2004 [ Lennox Armstrong ] WcE Wildside 2004
Lennox Armstrong November 17th, 2004 [ Rocky Stevens ] WcE Wildside 2004
Rocky Stevens November 10th, 2004 [ Antonio DeMarco ] WcE Fighting Spirit PPV 2004
Antonio DeMarco October 28th, 2004 [ Devin Tornado ] WcE Wildside 2004