The eWrestling Encyclopedia
The eWrestling Encyclopedia


Vile "Vince" Viper has a reputation as the busiest man in Internet wrestling... he makes cameos and guest spots in dozens of federations a month.  He's frequently in four to five federations at a time, so many of the below over lap.  Also only character defining runs are listed. 






Signing up for a one night world title tournament at the request of friend, "Malibu" Mike, Vile "Vince" VIper was absolutely livid when a nagging injury in the first round caused him to lose the semi-finals to virtual unknown, the Dream Catcher.  WIth a personal vendetta against the federation, Vile decided to stick around, making everyone's lives miserable as he picked fights with all the top faces "Gentleman" Chris Cartwright, COOL ShadesMalibu Mike, and Rey Jaren.  Brutally assaulting the world champion's girlfriend, Vile was granted a title shot against D.C.Doug on pay per view, winning his first world title with the organization.  An over the top "Christmas Tree" death match with Malibu Mike put Vile out for a few months, despite picking up the win.  At the year end awards, Vile's Satan Strut tied with Rey Jaren's Confessor for the finisher of the year award... inferiority complex running wild, Vile cheap shoted Jaren, before stealing the award.  This led to a showdown over the trophy, to be decided in a FINISHER'S match, headlining a PPV; which Vile won, but not before developing a personal hatred of Rey Jaren.  When Jaren picked up the world title, Vile used his previous victory to get another title shot... a world title which he once again won, only to hand over to his friend LOCO in a move designed to devalue the title, and hurt the federation.  WIth LOCO, and Setzer Van Styfe, Vile went on to create the notorious Lynch Mob... the group running rampant over the WOWA until its eventual demise.









Masters of the Ring VII[]

Nick Demola's annual tournament was once again kicking into high gear.  Not a fan of the tournament format, Vile angled to appear on the supercard in a special attraction match.  Devising an over-the-top death match, Vile contacted the only other albino in the sport to aid him in stealing the show.  Albino's skin pigments burn easily in light, so against Vandal Gomez, VVV proposed a TANNING BED death match. "May the better albino win!"  The match was absolutely brutal, with Viper taking the brunt of the punishment, but still fighting back.  After half-an-hour of wild brawling, a preplanned finish saw Viper take the sizzling bump, leading to the classic line:

"...I always wanted to have a tan."

Problems with the broadcast equipment saw the MotR cut off halfway through the broadcast, so while the Tanning bed was scheduled to break up the action between the quarter and semi finals, it actually turned into the main event of the show.  Unlike anything seen before, and never to be repeated again, Vile had finally turned heads, leading to a contract with his biggest federation yet.


When VVV first got to the IWF/WOW his Indy Sleaze reputation proceeded him, and he was immediately turned into "enhancement talent," working with younger guys like Mack Ensassarol and Fabian Cruz, and low end regulars like Sabin Figaro and Cooper Concrete.  Despite a stellar feud with Ensassarol, Vile was never going to do more than curtain jerk, while talent like the Trifecta (Maverick, Nate McMannis, & Travis St. Clair) headlined... then Brian Nelson took over.  Doors were open for anyone hungry enough, and Vile was hungry.  A four-way-dance at a PPV, offered an IC title shot, a shot that Vile wasn't supposed to win, but a decisive victory over Ensassarol gave him.  The victory allowed Vile to headline the very first GRAPHIC NATURE - Islash's flagship show, against IC champion Maverick.  A joke like Viper wasn't suppose to do anything more than get squashed by Maverick, but he was hungry.  A brutal 20 minute encounter saw Viper take all the champion could give him, and dominate the monster heel on his way to a lousy count out victory... the glass ceiling had been broken.  Playing up the camp factor, all of Viper's promos would come out of a retirement home for broken down wrestlers; the comedy hitting all the right notes with the fans.  Over the next year, VVV would take on a number of proteges like "Jester" Chad Allen, while having stellar feuds with the "Wicked Voodoo" Dave Pietka, "The Walking Contradiction" Sabbath, and Steel City's Finest, on his way to finally picking up some gold.  The  Intercontinental title had moved from Maverick to fellow Trifecta member, Travis St. Clair, another member of the heel group Vile saw as his bitter rivals, all the more sweeter than the king of snakes would win the belt off him.  In the later days of Islash, Vile aligned himself with his personal hero, Super Scott Hibbs, acting as a cheering section for the infamous Super Cool tag team.  Super Cool's feud with Nate McMannis led to a career high point for Viper, in which the old man pretending to be McMannis's father wrestled his "son" to a five star MOTYC, a clean pin getting Vile his last win over the hated Trifecta.  Taking liberties against popular stars like Hannibal Carver and Rob Magnum, on his way to defeating them, Vile became even more despised by the online crowd, his name turning to dirt.  At the Egos & Icons Royal Rumble, Vile found himself wrestling alongside men like Caleb Temple & Brody Thunder... a dream realized, but when Islash went out of business, VVV was left out in the cold.  











S.W.A.T. North East[]

S.W.A.T. Backyard[]


"The Walking Contradiction" Sabbath

"Flaming" Bob Muretic

"Sadistic" Steve Liermann

Lynch Mob (LOCO, Setzer Van Stryfe, Rey Jaren, Immorality)

The Reniassance (Survival, Mr. Bungle, Patty Babes Carter, Flex)

Destruction Inc. Army (DOOMSDAY, Damon Zex, POE)

Dungeon of Destruction ((Archangel, Unforgiven, Python)


Titles/Accolades Held:

God of SPWShootfire Icon

Shootfire Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame
RAW World Heavyweight Champion (Last)
SPW Universal Champion
SPW World Tag Team Champion (W/Ryan Delaney)
ECWA TV champion (first)
EGW TV champion
6xEWF world champion
2xEWF extremecontinental champion
EWF ICON of the Ring (first)
HCW Heavyweight Champion
HCW TV Champion (first)
HCW King Of The Ring (first)
IWF/WOW Intercontinental champion
NEWF heavyweight champion (last)
NIWF international champion (last)
NJWC heavyweight champion (first & last)
NWWA heavyweight champion
NWWA All-State champion
NWWA hardcore champion
ONE hardcore champion
6xUWA world champion (last)
UWA tagteam champion (w/Flaming Bob Muretic)
UWF hardcore champion (first)UWF IC champion

USCW World heavyweight champion (first, longest & last)
WNDF cruiserweight champion (last)WOWA world champion

2x IGA television champion

1x IGA Fight Club champion

1 x IGA Tag team champion (w/Spike Nelson)

WILD Tag team champion (w/"Walking Contradiction" Sabbath)

TSWF tag team champion (w/"Walking Contradiction" Sabbath)

HARDKORE Frank A Marano Jr. Memorial Cup Finalist (w/Spike Nelson)

HARDKORE North American Tag team champion (w/Spike Nelson)

S.W.A.T. TWINSTAR champion (w/Adrian Tanner Jr.)

RSPWF / EWRT 2005 Wrestler of the Year
Plus dozens of Hall of Fame entrees, Heel of the Year awards, and titles in federations that folded weeks after opening…


Backdrop Driver
Low Blows (all variations)
Eye gouges (all variations)
Chokes (all variations)
Fistdrops (all variations)
Dropkicks (all variations)
Thumb to the throat
Series of Double Axe-handle chops
Rapid Fire Fists
Handspring Elbow
Standing Moonsault
Butterfly Suplex
Tiger Driver
Japanese armdrag
Octopus Hold
Crossface chickenwing
Exploder Suplex
Miracle Ecstasy Bomb
Single Arm Powerbomb
Mad Scientist Bomb
Spinning heel kick
Standing sidekick
Thrust kick to the head
Boot scrape to the face
Knee lift off the ring apron to the outside
Reverse neckbreaker
Frog Splash
Swan Dive Headbutt
Strangehold Omega

Signature moves

-VILE DRIVER = Jumping Backdrop driver (usually bounces off the mat with
his opponent’s impact, keeping the legs hooked with bridging ping

-Forearm Smash (Vile usually draws blood when hitting these)

-Running Brainbuster

-Release text-book suplex (VVV suplex lift, casually lets go of them 
in midair.  Striking a pose for the camera before they hit the ground,
usually landing awkwardly, face first on the canvas)

-Abdominal Stretch (no move in wrestling is more looked down upon, considered
less worthless, than the Abdominal stretch.  So Vile takes some pleasure in
locking on variations to humiliate his opponents, usually when they’re
already on the verge of defeat)


Finishing Maneuver:
Satan's Strut: VVV does a little fargo strut, only with his hands gesturing
the sign of the devil.  He then jabs his pinkie & index fingers into his
opponent’s eyes and throat, either paining them enough to get a quick pin,
or driving them down to the mat in a submission hold.

Set Up Move: Satan's Strut can be done at any time, but when he’s playing up
to the crowd, it will usually follow a backdrop driver.  After hitting the
driver, VVV will strut out of the corner.

Secondary Finishing Move(s):
TSUNAMI OF FLASHBULBS: When he’s certain an opponent won’t get up, he will
duct tape an empty beer bottle to his head.  Then proceed to execute a swan
dive head butt, smashing the bottle on his opponent’s head.  This renders
both men unconscious and bleeding, with VVV on top for the pin.  How can
these finishers be used, and how can they be reversed? If VVV doesn’t hit
head on, there is a good chance he will only knock himself out, rendering
him defenseless.  Also, the time it takes to duct tape the bottle leaves
plenty of time for his opponent to recuperate.

Constrictor: VVV removes his tie, and then wrapping it around his opponent’s
neck from behind, VVV kicks them in the spine.  With them face down on the
mat, VVV continues to choke (while grinding his knee into their back) hoping
to get the submission before the referee makes a five count, DQing the King of Snakes.

Noted Proteges[]

"Handsome" Henry

Lord Kevin Kingsley

Jacen Canadi

"Jester" Chad Allen

C.K. Walker
