The eWrestling Encyclopedia
The eWrestling Encyclopedia
Vampire Molly
[[Image:{{{image}}}|{{{image_width}}}px|Image of Vampire Molly]]
Real name Molly Sophia Blake
Ring Names {{{names}}}
Height 5ft 7ins
Weight 140lbs
Date of birth August 13th 1983
Place of birth Transylvania.
Date of death {{{death_date}}}
Place of death {{{death_place}}}
Resides Reading, England and Transylvania
Billed from {{{billed_from}}}
Trainer Her father, and Scott Grayse.
Handled by {{{handler}}}
Win/Loss Record {{{winloss_record}}}
Debut {{{debut}}}
Retired December 2009


MOLLY SOPHIA BLAKE (born August 13, 1983) is a British professional wrestler better known as VAMPIRE MOLLY. She has been in the business 13 years and has been in a few organisations in the States and the UK. She is currently working exclusively for Total Championship Wrestling. Her gimmick is really her way of life, she lives and breaths the ways of the vampire. She has brought with her her family...her twin sister KATLIN and her nephew SHANE and her daughter ALIANA.


Molly began wrestling for BYW just 6 months after beginning her training at the tender age of 13. Not much is known about her time working for them as all their assets were seized by police during an investigation regarding paedophilia and the companies boss.


After working for FCW's developmental group for 2 years, Molly made her official FCW debut in December 2005. She caused a lot of controversy by heading straight into a feud with the then-Women's champion RAYNE. Molly went on to win the title from Rayne at her very first pay-per-view after being in the company just 2 weeks.

Molly then proceeded to drive Rayne from the company, before losing the title to MYSTIQUE in an Anything-Goes-Falls-Count-Anywhere Match in early 2006.

After aligning herself with former mentor SCOTT GRAYSE, went on to win the Women's title a further 4 times. Each time the matches getting more and more brutal. This happened over a period of 3 months.

After losing the title to a returning Rayne, Molly found herself in a bizarre feud with RICKER which led to her leaving the company for good under a huge cloud of confusion on July 16th, 2006.


During her time in FCW, Molly was also working for NAW. Her time there passed rather uneventfully. Although she won the NAW Women's Championship twice, she lost the title both times to the boss' girlfriend after a lot of interference from her run-in buddies.

Molly entered into a Loser-Leaves-NAW Match on November 11, 2006. Unfortunately, after yet more interference, she lost the match. She left the company the next night after cutting a brutal shoot promo on the fans, the roster and the boss.

The company later went bust after a mass exodus of talent.


Six months before leaving NAW, Molly entered HKW and won the Women's Championship on her first night, only to lose it one week later to former FCW rival Mystique. She won the belt back two months later and, with no warning, walked out of the company with the title.

That version of the company is now defunct, although no reason was ever given for this. However, Molly likes to take credit for being the one who sent it into decline.

Total Championship Wrestling (TCW)[]

Arrived in TCW in the August of 2006 with her (what everyone believed to be) then-2-year-old son Shane. She caused waves when she almost immediately aligned herself with Advent Rising and the AOD. Molly and Advent soon began dating.

Molly and Avent headed into a high profile feud with DUSTIN EDBERG and J. ARIES-EDBERG. However, after a particularly brutal attack by Aries and Edberg, Molly recruited the services of her younger brother Ethan.

Molly then went on to win the TCW Women's Championship from CANDY in the Cage Of Fury match on the October 31st 2006 Hell's Holiday pay-per-view.

Molly was involved in a horrific accident in November of that year, which left her severely injured and clinically dead (although her vampiric healing abilities enabled her to return). While Molly was on the 'dead' list, the Women's Championship was officially retired at the Resurrection pay-per-view on 22nd December 2006.

While out Molly discovered she was pregnant with Advent's child. Because of this Molly had to take longer than usual to recover from her injuries (around 11 months) thus leading Advent to believe she truly was dead and he moved on to date Crimson Kryptonite.

Upon her surprise return to TCW at Emotional Trauma in November 2007, it was clear that the heavily pregnant Molly (her slow healing also caused her pregnancy to last 11 months) would not be rejoining Advent, as that night she appeared alongside TCW Co-Owner JOEL POTTER.

Molly left TCW again in December due to health problems caused by her pregnancy. She had a healthy baby girl called Aliana on January 20th 2008.

Molly returned to TCW 8 weeks after her daughter's birth, along with the rest of her family. A few weeks later Advent kidnapped his tiny daughter, leading to Molly planning her revenge and successful rescue of the tot.

With her family back together Molly became more focused and determined than ever to prove she is still the woman to fear.

Molly went on to win the War Of Ages match at Final Retribution on 27th April 2008. As a result of this Molly was rewarded with a shot in any match she wanted, against whoever she wanted, for whatever title she wanted. However there was one catch to this otherwise perfect deal ... Molly wouldn't be the one to face her opponent in her picked match ... She had to pick another wrestler to do it for her! (Molly has yet to pick.)

After the results of the WOA match, Molly was attacked by Sarah Twilight, which led the a bloody and brutal Ultra Ten match at Summer Wave on June 30th 3008. However the night didn't end how either of them expected when PETER ROBIDOUX made his surprise return to TCW and proceeded to beat down both already battered women.

Later the same night Molly and Sarah forged an allegiance ... THE UNHOLY ALLIANCE comprising of Molly, Sarah, Molly's sister Katlin, Sarah's sister RACHEL and Molly's nephew Shane.

The Unholy Alliance then went on to chase Robidoux out of TCW after nailing him to an inverted cross and setting it alight.

At Emotional Trauma on August 31st 2008, in a fan picked match Molly entered into a Intercontinental Championship match against Victor Laputa. At the end of a hard fought match Molly walked out victorious.

Molly held the title for a record 127 days.

The title was later retired with Molly recognised as the last ever person to hold the TCW Intercontinental Championship.

Molly then went on to become the TCW World champion, but was however fired from the group just 2 weeks later and, despite the rumours being spread by Kaida Ackley and Crimson Kryptonite, is NOT in a mental institute but actually at home with her young daughter and back part-time at college hoping to gain her degree in Law.

As far as Molly is concerned she is now done with wrestling ... In her own words "There are too many backstabbing assholes in this business for it to survive!"

She may reappear for one off appearances on the indepenent circuits, but it won't be for a long time to come yet.


UNDEAD NIGHTMARES - Corkscrew Moonsault.

DEAD END - Superkick.

MIDNIGHT'S CALL - A full nelson suplex into a bridge, but when they land Molly holds them in place and digs her long, sharp nails into their head and face. Its a variation on the Double Leg Muta Lock.

FULL MOON - Shooting Stardust = A 720 corkscrew Shooting Star Press.







Arm Bar,

Ankle Lock,

Hesitation Dropkick,

Back Elbow,

Anaconda Vice,


Dragon Suplex,

Dragon Sleeper,

Standing Moonsault,

Red Mist,

Sunset Flip piledriver,

Standing Rana,

360 Standing Heel Kick,

Springboard Corkscrew Senton.


5-time FCW Women's Champion

2-time NAW Women's Champion

2-time HKW Women's Champion

1-time TCW Women's Champion

Last woman to ever hold the TCW Women's Championship

WOA 2008 Winner.

Last person to ever hold the TCW Intercontinental Championship

1-time TCW World Championship


T shirt-molly

Molly War of Ages Winner Tee


Vampire Molly Tee
