Travis Anderson is one of xWo's cockiest superstars ever. Anderson thinks that he can beat the best in the buisnesis -- a.e. Chris Fame, Mephinsto... and etc. Travis Anderson has held 1 title in xWo... the Hardcore Title
Travis Anderson was originaly born in Washington D.C. however, Travis likes to say he was from New York - where his mom got pregant at - not much is really known about Travis. Nothing really out the ordinary... Travis has just shared one thing with the xWo about his past
On the day before Travis' mum and dad and him were moving to Toronto. Travis experienced the cruelness of life and death. When his mom told Travis to go wake his dad up Travis went to do what he was told. He shook his dad and said: "Daddy.. time to wake up" But unfourtanetly... daddy didn't move at all. After shaking his dad three times Travis started to screem at the top of his lungs and his mom raced up. She felt his pulse and heart rate and the biggest shock ever in Travis' world happened... his dad had died. Travis' mom called police and they arived.. but it was too late. Travis attended his dads funeral days later and then the Anderson family moved away to Canada
Wrestling Career[]
Xtreme Wrestling Organisation: 2006[]
To Be announced soon
Xtreme Wrestling Organisation: 2007[]
To Be Announced Soon
Finishing Moves[]
- Career Cutter (RKO)
- The T.A. (Walls of Jericho
Signature Moves[]
- To Be Annouced
- "Career Killer"
Theme Music[]
- "Survival of the Sickest" By Saliva
Awards Recieved[]
- None Yet
Championship Success[]
- The Current Hardcore Champion!
- Hardcore Title