The eWrestling Encyclopedia
The eWrestling Encyclopedia

A Training Process may refer to the way a federation ensures that new handlers are up to the required writing skill level to join a federation.

It is also used to stop no shows and flakers from joining up by requiring them to complete a full set of tasks before they can post on a show.

There are many different ways that training can take place but the general set up would be for new talent to submit a profile and then submit a smaple or two of role play and if the fed is match based then also a quick sample match.

The advantage in this process is that new talent demonstrate their ability and also give an example of how their characters acts. This gives the established members something to work with before the person startss to post meaning older talent can use these new guys from the off rather than waiting to see what they are like.

The disadvantage is that some handlers do not like to do all the tasks and see it a some kind of elitist test. This can put off some people from joining a federation especially if they have written for many feds before or are very new and feel they might "fail" the test even though this is not the case.
