The eWrestling Encyclopedia
The eWrestling Encyclopedia
Tom Fraser
[[Image:|{{{image_width}}}px|Image of Tom Fraser]]
Real name {{{realname}}}
Ring Names 'The Captain' Tom Hardy
Height 6'4
Weight 265lbs
Date of birth 29th August 1990
Place of birth London, England
Date of death
Place of death
Resides Gloucester, England
Billed from 'Now Residing In Gloucester, England'
Trainer Darren Matthews, Dave Finlay and Dave Taylor
Handled by {{{handler}}}
Win/Loss Record {{{winloss_record}}}
Debut May 2007

Tom Hardy is currently working in Mayhem Wrestling Entertainment and is Currently out for 2 months with a broken arm.

History (Before MWE)[]

Tom Hardy was trained by three of the greatest british exports to American Professional Wrestling; Dave Finlay, Dave Taylor and Darren Matthews. Since then he has devoloped a close friendship with all of them and in his spare time he helps out the men to train new talent. But due to the Mayhem Wrestling Entertainment schedule he hardly finds time to return back to England.

Mayhem Wrestling Entertainment[]

In May 2007, Tom Fraser was called up to the MWE Roster and was given the ring name of Tom Hardy, in honour of one of Tom's favourite wrestler's; Matt Hardy. He Entered the Company with a snobby and arrogant attitude simular to William Regal but with difference between the characters. On the very first Monday Night Mayhem, Hardy was entered into a Ten-man Over-the-Top-Rope Battle royal for the Newly acquired MWE World Championship. Tom Went to the last 3 before being elimanated by Alejandro Rodriguez. Disheartened but still determined to hold gold. Hardy was entered into the MWE United States Championship Tournement, where he was elimanated in the first round by Brian Michaels. During this time Hardy devoloped a fued with Alejandro Rodriguez. which has resulted with Tom memorably attacking Alejandro Rodriguez and sending him to the hospital with concussion. But Next Week, Rodriguez returned the favour with a thunderous Chair shot. The following week the two met each other in a fatal-4-way match for the MWE Television Championship against Sonny Williams and Nick Pastley. Hardy won the Television title with a shooting star press onto Sonny Williams. the heated rivalry between Rodriguez and Hardy grew to boiling point were Hardy offered a handshake to Rodriguez after the match but resulted in Rodriguez spitting in Hardy's face. The Next week on Mayhe, he faced Rodriguez in an Impromptu Ladder Match in which he lost The MWE Television Championship. Even though he lost Colin Lexington decided to put Hardy in a match at Turmoil for the MWE United States Championship. Ultimately, Hardy Lost and take the Pin From Aiden Copane, but comments made about Copane by Hardy, were'nt best recieved by Copane where he subsequently attacked Tom Hardy Breaking His arm and forcing him out of action for 2 Months.

Titles Held[]

  • Mayhem Wrestling Entertainment

Wrestling Facts[]

  • Finishing and Signuture Move
  • Torture Rack Backbreaker
  • The Needlepoint (Air Raid Crash)
  • 99 Crusher
  • Top Rope Leg Drop
  • Triple S (Spinning Side Slam)
  • STO Body Scissors
  • TKO
  • Side Effect
  • European Uppercut
  • Sit-down Powerbomb
  • Figure 4 leglock
  • Enziguiri
  • Shooting Star Press
  • Hardy's Theme Music is a mixture between Screamo, Techno and Rock and is 'Sorry, Your Not A Winner' by Enter Shikari.


Hardy's Influences have mainly come from Matt Hardy (His Favourtie wrestler, he even incorparates, two of Hardy's moves into his own Moveset. But also includes many others...

  • Paul Levesque
  • Richard Fleihr
  • Adam Copeland
  • Michael Hickenbottom
  • Mark Callaway
  • Glen Jacobs
  • Chris Beniot
  • Kurt Angle
  • Dave Finlay
  • Darren Matthews
  • Dave Taylor