The eWrestling Encyclopedia
The eWrestling Encyclopedia
Randy Roko, Angus McDonald And Willard `The Immortal`.
[[Image:{{{image}}}|{{{image_width}}}px|Image of Randy Roko, Angus McDonald And Willard `The Immortal`.]]
Real name {{{realname}}}
Ring Names {{{names}}}
Height 6'2, 5'9 and 6'9.
Weight 212 Ibs, 201 Ibs and 325 Ibs.
Date of birth {{{birth_date}}}
Place of birth {{{birth_place}}}
Date of death {{{death_date}}}
Place of death {{{death_place}}}
Resides {{{resides}}}
Billed from Irvine Scotland,Edinburgh Scotland and Death Valley
Trainer Omega
Handled by {{{handler}}}
Win/Loss Record {{{winloss_record}}}
Debut XTV4:06
Retired {{{retired}}}

The Immortal Highlanders.[]

Randy's Background

It was a serious time for TWOStars. No fun...all serious. Two men; just two, simple, average men set out to change this. Randy `Rudie` Roko, and Angus McDonald, were two different men who just happened to be moving through the TWOstars training academy at the same time. Although a friendship was sparked, with Angus graduating before Randy neither man really thought any more of it... and when both debuted as single's superstars, who could blame them.

Randy was a pirate, a relative of the pirates that sailed the seas before dodo's became extinct, but he was also a wrestler. Many people did not bother to take him seriously, but the ones that didn't paid for it - and in his first match he won via his finisher, the R'NR. He was fun, he was fresh, he The fans liked him, the kids especially, and he had the talent to back it up.

He went on to meet back up with Angus McDonald, and the two got to talking. Coming together, finding that spark that they shared in their training, they stretched out the hand of friendship to a third member of the roster; Willard`The Immortal` who in turn, decided to talk with them. This was the begginning of an Immortal era.

Angus's background

Willard's background

Superstar Quotes[]


  • "The Immortals will live forever! Yarr Harr!"
  • "We never get tae use the cannon...."
  • "How do you spell **** *** ***** ******* ****?"
  • "My friend Angus, and my friend Willard, we are the Immortals, and we are your Highlanders."



In Wrestling[]

Current Triple Team Finisher: The Immortal Ride. - Willard boots the opponent in the gut, causing them to double over, he then lifts them up for a Vertigo, but lets them drop down to a ganzo bomb positiong, (the opponent is completly verticle, their head hanging between Willards legs) randy then runs at teh ropes, jumps up on them, and rebounds with a low dropkick to the back of their opponents head, causin gthem to be pushed upwards, Willard then lifts them up for a Vertigo, Angus, in front of Willard, jumps up and grabs onto their opponents shoulders, and when Willard performs the Vertigo, Willard and Angus combine moves, making a lung blower/elevated powerbomb move. Willard and Angus then get out of the way, as Randy runs to the ropes yet again, jumping up on them, he rebounds with a Lionsault onto their opponent, pinning them with one half of his R'NR.

Entrance Music[]


Entrance (s)[]

Randy & Angus

The fans are quiet, waiting the next match, but when `Hunting Song` by Korpiklaani hits the speakers, the fans rise to their feet, anticipating the arrival of `The Flying Scotsman` and his friend and partner `The Rolling Rok`, Angus and Randy. Suddenly, the two friends arrive, but in a very different fassion from normal, they both swing into the scene, on opposite ends, passing each other, they high five in mid-air, before sliding down the rope, and touching down safdely on the stage.

Angus and Randy then let go of the ropes, which slide safely to the sides of the stage, before they both raise their arms and bring them down in unison, making a huge,


And a huger pop from the crowd, they then start to make their way down the ramp, pausing at various fans and handing out Immortal Highlanders official merchandise.

Tony Chimmel: Aaand introducing first/second/what ever, weighing in at 413 Ibs, they are the Immoooooooooooortallllllll Hiiiiiiiiiighlaaaaaaaaaaaanderssssssss! `The Flying Scotsman` Angus Mcdonald & `Mr Roko` Randy Roko!!

Randy and Angus finish handing out merchandise, and meet in the middle of the ramp, they grab each others hands and lift them up into the air, smiling broadly. Before heading to the ring, both slide under the bottom rope, and head to turn buckles, Randy `searches` the crowd, while Angus makes running motions with his hands, then they both glance at each other, give each other a quick thumbs up, before back flipping off of the turn buckle, landing neatly in the square of the ring, (the opposing team will need to be out of the way) to a pop from the crowd.

`Hunting Song` dies out...

Randy & Willard

Willard & Angus

The Immortal Highlanders (ALL)
