The eWrestling Encyclopedia

The Accidents are a punk rock band from Scottsdale, Arizona. The band formed in 2012 as an indie duo, comprised of Tahlia Walker and Trip Johnson. Walker soon left the duo, and rather than abandon the project, Johnson repackaged it as a punk rock quartet with three of his friends.

The band is still touring as of 2015, and has plans to release their second full-length by 2016.


The band got its start in Scottsdale, Arizona, the hometown of Trip Johnson (born April 13, 1973). Johnson, a professional wrestler who was recovering from an injury at the time, decided to pursue his passion for music, and formed an indie rock duo with his good friend Tahlia Walker. The duo had moderate local success, doing small club shows while Johnson rehabbed for the ring. Walker and Johnson had a child together, and after a falling out, Walker left the band.

Rather than give up on the project, Johnson repackaged the group as a punk rock band, inviting three of his friends to join while he moved from back-up vocals to fronting the band himself.



  • The Accidents EP (2012)

Studio albums
