The eWrestling Encyclopedia

The Termination Chamber at State of Emergency (2018)

The Termination Chamber is a professional wrestling, multi-man elimination-style match held in ALPHA Wrestling. The match was created by Bradley "Ice" Jones and was introduced by him in October 2018. It features a large chain-linked circular steel structure, which encloses the ring. The chamber's floor is platformed over the ringside area which elevates it to ring level. Within the chamber are four inner enclosures outside each ring corner. While similar in profile and nature to wrestling promotion WWE's original large scale steel-structured match, Hell in a Cell, the Termination Chamber match is a multiple participant match wherein two participants begin the match in the ring as the remaining four are held within each inner enclosure and are released into the match at five-minute intervals. The objective is to eliminate each opponent from the match via pinfall or submission, both of which must be accomplished inside the ring. The winner is the last remaining participant after all others have been eliminated. As in the Hell in a Cell match, disqualifications do not apply. The original structure was 16 ft (4.9 m) high, 36 ft (11 m) in diameter, weighed over 10 short tons (9,100 kg) and comprised 2 mi (3.2 km) and 6 short tons (5,400 kg) of chain.[3][4] There has been one Termination Chamber in ALPHA Wrestling history (with another scheduled for Gods Among Us (2019), which took place at State of Emergency (2018) for the ALPHA World Heavyweight Championship.



At ALPHA Wrestling's first of their three main 2018 pay-per-view events, State of Emergency, Aaron Arkham defended his ALPHA World Heavyweight Championship against Shawn Hunter, Marcus, Tyler Morgan, Kai Stevens, and Drake Young. Stevens won the first and thus far only Termination Chamber. At Ascendance (2019), Bradley Jones announced that ALPHA Women's Champion Hayley Webb will defend her title against Ana Somnia, Samantha Taylor, Rima, Yoshino Nakano, and Io Ishimori in the first-ever Women's Division Termination Chamber at Gods Among Us (2019).



The Termination Chamber match is a variation of elimination-based matches which draws elements from steel cage and Hell in a Cell matches in that the wrestling ring is surrounded by a large steel-fenced cage supported by girders. The Termination Chamber is a circular-like chain-linked structure. Its floor is platformed over the ringside area around the ring which elevates and levels it with the ring mat. Within the Termination Chamber, facing the outside of each ring post behind each ring corner are four enclosures referred to as pods encased in plexiglass. The match is contested by a number of participants, with two beginning the match in the ring while the other four are held within each inner chamber. Every five minutes, one of the four participants within a pod is released into the ongoing match. This continues until all four have been released and so an Termination Chamber match typically lasts over twenty or more minutes. The objective of the match is to eliminate each opponent from the match by scoring a pinfall or a submission. Pinfalls and submissions must take place in the ring. Disqualifications and count-outs do not apply in the process of elimination. The winner of the match is the last remaining participant after all others have been eliminated.


The structure is made of black-painted steel with an outer structure of 16 frames, each weighing 300 pounds (140 kg). The chamber is 16 ft (4.9 m) high and 36 ft (11 m) in diameter, and weighs a total of 16 short tons (15,000 kg), 10 of which consists of steel. Each inner chamber consists of three large steel framed sheets of plexiglass, costing US$225 per sheet. The chains that surround the chamber stretch 2 mi (3.2 km) long and weigh 6 short tons (5,400 kg).

A 50 ft (15 m) flatbed truck is needed to transport the chamber. Assembly in the arena takes eight hours to complete, and eight motors are used to suspend the structure over the ring before each event. When not in use, the structure is stored at a storage facility in Miami, Florida. Unlike standard steel cage matches and Hell in a Cell matches, Termination Chambers cannot be held at several arenas due to the structure's massive size and weight, similar to how WarGames matches can only be held at certain arenas.

Match History[]

At ALPHA Wrestling's first of their three main 2018 pay-per-view events, State of Emergency, Aaron Arkham defended his ALPHA World Heavyweight Championship against Shawn Hunter, Marcus, Tyler Morgan, Kai Stevens, and Drake Young. Stevens won the first and thus far only Termination Chamber after lastly eliminating defending Champion Aaron Arkham.

Championship Match Number One Contendership Other * Ten Count Variation
Number Promotion Prize Result Date Event Location Length
1 ALPHA Wrestling ALPHA World Heavyweight Championship Kai Stevens defeated Aaron Arkham ©, Tyler Morgan, Drake Young, Marcus, and Shawn Hunter October 28, 2018 State of Emergency (2018) Las Vegas, Nevada 45:11
2 ALPHA Wrestling ALPHA Women's Championship Hayley Webb © versus Ana Somnia versus Samantha Taylor versus Rima versus Yoshino Nakano versus Io Ishimori June 30, 2019 Gods Among Us (2019) New York, New York ??:??

Participant list[]


Wrestler Victories Appearances
Kai Stevens 1 1
Tyler Morgan 0 1
Marcus 0 1
Drake Young 0 1
Shawn Hunter 0 1
Aaron Arkham 0 1