The eWrestling Encyclopedia

The emblem of TJT.

TJT is an American professional wrestling e-fed stable, best known for performing for the EWT. Consisting of the sub-team of Jimmy Thunder and Jason Jupiter, and their valet (and wrestler) Terina, they were the EWT World Tag Team Champions. Originally, they were to be a parody teaming, but within a few months became a more original, as well as popular, creation. While Jack Jupiter is not an official member of the team, he could be considered a member of the TJT associative umbrella due to his connections with Jason, his cousin.


In August 23, 2000, Jimmy Thunder and Jason Jupiter made their wrestling debuts at the CCF Special Event, Midnight Madness. It was after months of training spent at the hands of men such as William Regal and David Finlay (for Hereford), and of fellows such as Mike Awesome and Ron Hutchinson (for Thunder) as well as local schools, that they had readied themselves. Their debut match was as a mystery tag team that the then-champions, Ronald Siegel and Tyler Clemens had never faced before. They won, and a month later also won the CCF tag titles in a short feud. There they remained for almost three years, before heading to WCCF in late 2002. They became the mid card tag team up until March 7, when their longtime friend and wrestling fan Katerina (Under the stage name of "Terina") entered into the promotion after catching the promoter's interest. As she trained in local wrestling schools, Jimmy and Jason began to improve inside the squared circle. Terina started managing them almost immediately after joining, and by July, the two men had won the tag titles in a tournament. As Terina turned heads of not only the fans, but referees as well, Thunder and Jupiter were able to retain their titles in numerous matches by using rather dishonorable tactics. In September, Terina made her in-ring debut with a victory, and in November, had won the women's title of WCCF.

A few title changes and feuds later, the locally famous trio moved over to SWAPW in April 2004, enjoying a brief stint of title runs in the Texas-based promotion. At this point, they started calling themelves "TJT: The Trifecta of Perfection." Afterwards, they willingly vacated their titles and decided to go back around San Diego and the rest of the California area. They returned home in October 2004, and entered into CAAPW. By December of that year, they had quickly earned a degree of fame in the rather large independent promotion, and Thunder and Jupiter won the tag titles in February. In May, Terina maged to win the CAAPW Women's Championship in a two-out-of-three falls match, and the trio instantly became a staple of the promotion. Every week, they could be expected to wrestle matches. The record of Thunder and Jupiter was impecable, and the record of Terina was no worse. By 2007, after over two years with the company, they had defeated opponents from across the region, featured in countless magazines, wrestling documentaries, and other indy productions. However, they knew they had to move on, and on January 4, 2007, vacated their titles. They departed, and many were left to wonder what they'd do, until they found out less than one week later.

EWT: The Early Days[]

TJT made their EWT debut against the Zephyr Brothers on January 10, 2007. On February 14, they wrestled Team Ireland for the Tag Titles, just coming short of the win by a DQ. While at first, the team focused on dealing with the Wrestle Posse, Tenacious J&A, they were soon met by Joe One. One, with his fledgling faction, the Ministry of Peace, had only himself and abducted partner Christopher Indigo. With the supplemental power of the team that had him impressed, the Ministry of Peace would have more than double the numbers, and added firepower to match. This secret proposition was not yet put into play, as the team had other objectives to fulfill.

WP was TJT's primary target at the time. Despite the efforts of Axel Hallaway's and his odd partner Jobby McJobberston's attempts to defeat the condescending team, TJT was able to gain the advantage at all times. It had started with TJT interrupting a match, and from there, got more and more violent. It was not until a meeting between One and Indigo, and rivals Rated X, that TJT decided to play their trump card, attacking Rated X and making their allegiance clear.


At this point, TJT was officially, and publicly, inducted into the Ministry of Peace. From there, they continued to defeat the Wrestle Posse and Juri Sadamoto, notably against all of them in a 6 person tag match (with help from Joe One). Jason Jupiter assisted Christopher Indigo, helping him defeat challenger Redface Rodgers in Indigo's Toolshed Title defense as well. TJT then introduced Jason's cousin Jack Jupiter, and with Minipax one man stronger, the sphere of TJT's influence had increased itself. The ultimate culmination of this was the battle at the PPV "March 4." In a triple threat falls count anywhere finishers match, TJT, WP, and the Draugr faced off. Battling from the ring, to a storage area, to a parking garage, to an office, to the locker room hallways, and to another storage area, each team pushed one another to the very limits. Among the confusion, with the assistance of Jack Jupiter and Terina, Jimmy Thunder and Jason Jupiter were able to hit Thunder has Struck to Jupiter on Jobby, ending the match and picking up the win. Shortly thereafter, the Midnight Mystery was brought in by TJT, giving them the bulk of power in the Ministry of Peace (despite the entrance of "Killionaire" Richard Clay at a similar time, also in the Ministry).

Crap-a-Mania !!!! was a great--although boring--moment for TJT, as their scheduled opponents (two of the stable Rated X) no-showed the event, and their match. With a default win in the Escalator to Hell match, TJT managed to improve their contendership for the EWT tag titles (won at CAM by the Cidal Squad's members, Andy Duke and Jonathan Doe). In the same event, Joe One had lost his match for the EWT Championship against champion "Elementalcidal" Mike Ragnal, and Christopher Indigo had lost his Toolshed Championship to Voltigeur in a Concrete Ring Match. At that, TJT decided to extract revenge. Challenging Mike Ragnal to a handicap match, Thunder and Jupiter had gained the upper hand later on, only for Duke and Doe to make the save for their stable leader. Winning by disqualification, TJT had finally gotten the Number 1 Contendership for the EWT Tag Team Championship belts cemented, with their names.

At the EWT event "At the Soundless Dawn," TJT made their challenge for the tag titles. In a triple threat TLC tag match, the Cidal Squad managed to defeat the Nyrds and TJT to retain (On the other hand, Minipax won the EWT Stable Titles, along with Jack Jupiter losing to Cassinova in an Ox-Division Title match and Terina defeating Mella Drom Attoc in a GND Title qualifier). Shortly thereafter, TJT revealed that not only do they still remain the Number 1 Contenders, but they also issued a challenge at the next PPV--a previously unseen Passage to the Afterlife match--a rematch, with the Cidal Squad and the Nyrds for the EWT Tag Team Championships. However, with the rules of the next PPV, Old School, this plan has gone amiss, and TJT will now face their opponents in a less specialized matchup. At Old School on August 12, 2007, in a Triple Threat Tag Team Turmoil Single Fall match, a rematch between TJT, the Nyrds, and the Cidal Squad, Thunder and Jupiter managed to secure for themselves the EWT World Tag Team Championship titles via pinfall, their first title win in EWT. Several days later, TJT issued a challenge that set up a #1 Contendership gauntlet for the EWT World Tag Team Championship Titles, as well as a title defense at Skies the Limit II. During this promo, Jack Jupiter abandoned Minipax. In a tag title defense against Christopher Indigo and Noah Rodgers not long after, Jack Jupiter attacked Indigo with the tag belts from the audience, but the attack was dodged, resulting in Jason Jupiter being hit instead, DQ'ing Minipax. At this, TJT turned on their former stablemates, assaulting the both of them and escaping from a retaliation via the crowd.

After Minipax[]

After Minipax, TJT would engage with Team Raft Shack in a feud to defend their tag titles. In both Pay Per View efforts, Raft Shack would be unsuccessful. The team continued to wrestle numerous opponents while holding the tag titles, striking a short-lived alliance with Chance Confidence. TJT would lose their EWT World Tag Titles to the Highland Diamonds a few months after the alliance began, and since received their respective releases. However, the team is not technically dissolved, and with Jimmy Thunder and Jason Jupiter both in W*I*G, the possibility of a future reunion remains open. Terina is rumored to be involved with this promotion as well, but it is unconfirmed as to when she will debut (or if she is in fact a wrestler there).


  • TJT never lost a match in EWT by pinfall. They have lost by disqualification on two occasions since their debut, however, and lost their tag titles in a scaffold match.
  • The custom XJ Jaguar used in TJT's tag entrance is Jimmy Thunder's own car.

Title History[]

  • CCF Tag Titles (Thunder and Jupiter, held once)
  • WCCF Tag Titles (Thunder and Jupiter, held twice)
  • SWAPW Tag Titles (Thunder and Jupiter, held once)
  • CAAPW Tag Titles (Thunder and Jupiter, held twice)
  • WCCF Women's Title (Terina, held once)
  • SWAPW Women's Title (Terina, held once)
  • CAAPW Women's Title (Terina, held twice)
  • EWT Stable Championship Titles (Thunder, Jupiter, Terina, and Jack Jupiter, held with the rest of Minipax previous to leaving)
  • EWT World Tag Team Championship Titles (Thunder and Jupiter, current)

In Wrestling[]

  • Finishing double team move
  • Thunder has Struck to Jupiter (Crucifix Powerbomb from Thunder with neckbreaker from Jupiter, who bars the left and right arms of the opponent to deal extra limb damage)
  • Signature tag team and trio moves
  • Anubis Driver (Thunder and Jupiter lift up an opponent, as if to hit a Bonsoir, except grab the opponent, flip the person behind them, and drop them head-first onto the mat.)
  • An Explosive Solution (Thunder lifts opponent into electric chair position. Jupiter hits opponent with torpedo dropkick as Thunder falls back with them)
  • Center of Power (Thunder and Jupiter each wishbone a leg as Terina keeps opponent downed in a side headlock)
  • Torture Chamber (Bird's Nest of Pain from Terina as Thunder and Jupiter attack stomach of opponent with various moves)
  • Ball Lightning (Jupiter hotshots opponent across top rope, followed by a running knee to the back of the opponent on the ropes from Thunder)
  • Family Ties (Cross armbar from Jason Jupiter with stump puller from Jack)
  • Blazing Crash (Side backbreaker from Jupiter with springboard elbow drop to the face from Thunder)
  • Sunset Slice (Running Leg Lariat from Thunder with chop block from Jupiter)
  • BANK! (Thunder hits a superkick on an opponent, leading into a dragon suplex from Jupiter)
  • Market Crash( Inverted Thunder Suplex with a running knee from Jupiter)
  • Deal Breaker (Thunder places an opponent in a tree of woe, applying an inverted surfboard stretch; complimented with a torpedo dropkick to the elevated head from another turnbuckle by Jupiter)
  • Solar Storm (double deathlocks with bridges from Thunder and Jupiter)
  • Wipeout (Baseball slide from Jupiter to the standing opponent's legs, with a running lariat by Thunder)
  • Theme songs
  • "Different World" by Iron Maiden (pre-Minipax)
  • "Peace Sells" by Megadeth (Minipax-era)
  • "Welcome to the Fold" by Filter (post-Minipax)
  • Quotes
  • "Making the world just that extra bit closer to complete perfection."
  • "Ladies and gentlemen..." (Spoken during TJT Shoots Back, by Jimmy Thunder)
  • "Commoners of the world!" (Spoken during TJT Shoots Back, by Jason Jupiter)
  • Nicknames
  • "The Highest-Impact Team in EWT"
  • "The Trifecta of Perfection"