"The Virus" Robert Davis (born December 22, 1979) is an American professional wrestler, most famously active on the Revolution brand of European Wrestling Federation, but hasn't been seen in the wrestling world since EWF most recently closed.
Before Wrestling[]
The exact details of Robert Davis' life before entering the pro-wrestling scene are vague, at best. Unknown sources that typically use cryptic names (S.E. being the most common) provide the information, usually without Davis knowing. It is known from these sources that he had an abusive father, Micheal Davis, who would later disown him at the sight of a medical expense. It is also known that a car accident at the age of 18 left Robert in a hospital, where a deranged Doctor Edgar Hathaway would conduct strange and seemingly irrelevant experiments on him. He is also known to have been involved with a group known only as "The Foundation." What this group does and whether or not that's its full name is not known. His exact reasons for becoming a professional wrestler are also yet unknown.
Early career[]
World Wide Wrestling[]
Immediately after his initial training as a professional wrestler, Robert Davis received a job at World Wide Wrestling and was immediately put in a triple-threat triple-tables match at the company's first pay-per-view, Egomaniacs, in June 2007. While preparing for the match, he met Russ Harrison, who would train and manage Robert from then on. Robert easily won that first match, but lack of interest closed World Wide Wrestling shortly after.
Real Hybrid Wrestling[]
Two months later, in August, Robert was accepted as the first member on the roster at the new federation, Real Wrestling Hybrid calling himself "The Virus." Despite Russ Harrison's liberal training methods, Davis lost his first two matches, one a cage match, and the other a ladder match for the federation's only championship. The week after, however, he came back to win a fatal-four-way match against half of the rest of the locker room. Real Wrestling Hybrid closed its doors after that night in September, leaving Davis without work again.
Hazardous Championship Wrestling[]
Robert began searching frantically for another federation, not finding Hazardous Championship Wrestling until late in December, 2007. HCW would also close, however, after one night (which was a victory for Davis), an event that would discourage Robert from wrestling as a career.
European Wrestling Federation[]
After six months of failing to make it as a programmer, Robert Davis found European Wrestling Federation and decided to apply in June, 2008. Not 24 hours later, he was back in the business in a well-established federation. For the first few weeks after his arrival, Davis had little credit to his name. He frequently lost matches, but after Exotic Sunset, which was another loss, he found his inspiration and began a dramatic rise in his level of competitiveness. This culminated in an International Championship match that would have taken place at Capital Combat, but the company closed its doors before the pay-per-view took place. While much of the EWF roster moved directly to Elite Wrestling Academy, Davis did not, and has stayed out of wrestling ever since.
As A Wrestler[]
Common moves
- Dropkick
- Leg Drop
- Roundhouse Kick
- Diving Karate Kick
- Fish-hook Suplex
- Overdrive
Favorite moves
- Diving Bulldog
- Standing Hurricanrana
- Springboard Dropkick
- Diving Legdrop
Finishing move
- Respiritory Arrest
Finishing move description = He ties his opponent into the ropes, then he runs to the other side, bounces back and dropkicks them in the chest, sometimes with a chair for extra damage.
Entrance Themes
- "Once" by Pearl Jam (EWF)
- "Down with the Sickness" by Disturbed (WWW, RWH, HCW)
Robert Davis currently has no major championships or accomplishments to his name.
External links[]