The eWrestling Encyclopedia
Ring Of Beauty
RoB New Logo
Federation Name Ring of Beauty
Abbreviation RoB
Weekly shows Sunday Night Primetime
Owners Michael Showtime
Christian Gardner
Federation type Roleplay based
Pay-per-views Bi-Monthly

Ring of Beauty is a virtual media company focused in all-women wrestling, currently run by Michael Showtime and Christian Gardner. This company's headquarters is based on Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, with an office in New York. Ring of Beauty currently runs Sunday Night Primetime on a bi-weekly schedule, as well as their PPVs being bi-monthly, once every four Primetimes.


It was late in 2004 when Latin-American professional wrestling promoter Carlos Colon, after meeting with many women wrestlers on the independent circuit, decided to put together a legitimate all-women's wrestling promotion. A federation built upon the action and athleticism that the "men's" promotions were supposedly based on. With the right talent and management, Colon hoped to permanently dispel the myth that women were nothing more than eye candy for the 18-30 demographic. After meeting with a board of investors, Colon established Ring of Beauty Wrestling, a promotion which, he hoped, would single-handedly change the business forever. Renting out the FCC Arena in Miami, Florida, Colon purchased a nearby television studio, enabling RoB to cut television-quality promos and commercials.

Still weighed down by the responsibilities of his other Indy work, Colon has hired his son, WWE superstar Carlito, to manage the fed. RoB had the "cool", but to be regarded as a "serious" promotion, it needed a "serious" promoter. And nobody was more "serious" about wrestling than ex-WWE Lance Storm. The teaming of an Indy promoter, a WWE superstar, and an ex-WWE superstar would, Colon hoped, prove to be a worthy match for the male-dominated promotions. Unfortunately the federation lasted less than a year and closed its doors in late 2005. While some would consider Ring of Beauty's first run a failure two stars in the wrestling industry disagreed. RAWF legend Mr. Michael Showtime and "The Dreamer" Todd Williams as in late 2007 decided to buy out a bankrupt Ring of Beauty and start it up again. With a clean slate, with new stars and new excitement. Where Carlito and Lance Storm failed, they will try to succeed.


When Ring of Beauty opened their doors back up, most of the roster came from Divas Unleashed, considered by most to be a sister company more than a competitive promotion.

When it came to decide who would contend for the vacant championships, a battle royale was made. The tag championship contenders were already determined, while the remaining nine in the battle royale would determine which group of three would face off to declare their champions at the next show. The first group for the Television title, second group for the Hardcore title, and the last three for the World title. At the end of the match, Amber Burton was the last woman standing, and declared Queen of the Ring.

It should also be noted that a month into the promotion's start, Showtime booted Dreamer from his position as co-owner, and gave that spot to Martin Frisconelli a few weeks later.

Championships in Ring of Beauty[]

Title Wrestler Date Won Previous Wrestler
RoB World Championship Susan Rigger 08/09/2009 Linda Ragnal
RoB Hardcore Championship Bobbi Jackson 10/18/2009 Destiny Campbell
RoB Television Championship Lisa Richardson 01/04/2010 Angel Kash
RoB Pure Wrestling Championship Crystal Hilton 10/18/09 Jasmine
RoB Tag Team Championships Mia & Rachel Heafy 10/18/09 Chrysta & Rishanna Blood
Accomplishment Wrestler Date Won Previous Wrestler
RoB Queen of the Ring Ashley Riot 01/04/10 Carmen DeVega
RoB Money In The Bank Miss Evangelista 10/18/09 Alysson Gardner

RoB Triple Crown Potential Champions[]

Bobbi Jackson is the only wrestler to capture the illustrious Triple Crown milestone, capturing the world, hardcore and tag team championships. There are, though, other potential champions, and these are as follows:

Wrestler World Championship Tag Team Championship Second Tier Championships
Hardcore Championship
Pure Wrestling Championship
Triple Crown Winner
Bobbi Jackson
11/23/08 (with Alysson Gardner)
Potential Triple Crown Winners
Alysson Gardner
11/23/08 (with Bobbi Jackson)
Candace Okimura
01/20/08 (with Devil Matsumoto)
08/10/09 (with Rishanna Blood)
Destiny Campbell
08/04/08 (with Victoria Valentine)
Linda Ragnal
Victoria Valentine
08/04/08 (with Jasmine)

Linda Ragnal is also the only other potential Grand Slam Champion, as she is also a previous holder of RoB's third-tier championship, the Television Title.


RoB has six PPVs a year, five of which have been introduced so far.

Current Roster[]


Heels Tweeners Faces
  • Cassandra Cain
  • Delilah Payne
  • Kandi St. Claire
  • Lana Holmes
  • Samantha April Smith
  • Taleah Williams
  • Veronica Payne
  • Yara Fernandes

Stables and Tag Teams[]

  • the Angelic Kittens (Alysson Gardner, Bobbi Jackson, Carmen deVega, Giselle Anderson, Linda Ragnal and Sarah Richardson)
    • Bobbi's Angels (Carmen deVega & Giselle Anderson)
    • the Rocking Kittens (Alysson Gardner & Bobbi Jackson)
    • Linda Ragnal & Alysson Gardner
  • the Devils (Chrysta, Destiny Campbell, Jasmine, Victoria Valentine, Felicia Fury, Velvet Raven and Rishanna Blood)
    • Destiny & Velvet Raven
    • the Heartless (Chrysta & Rishanna Blood)
    • Jasmine & Victoria Valentine
  • Sexified Perfection (Jessica Jackson, Kimberly Aries, Stephanie Sullivan, Kandi Saint-Claire and Susan Rigger)
    • the NYCrew (Jessica Jackson & Kimberly Aries)
  • Edgeline (Manami Kokoro, Mia Heafy & Rachel Heafy)
    • Mia Heafy & Rachel Heafy (Tag Team Champions)
  • The Beautiful Brawlers (Taleah Williams, Claudia Milasaki & Jennifer Williams)
    • The Williams Clan (Jennifer Williams & Taleah Williams)
    • Taleah Williams & Claudia Milasaki
  • the Unforgiven (Crystal Hilton & Lana Holmes)
  • Vicious and Delicious (Delilah Payne & Veronica Payne)
  • Intolerable Cruelty ( Miss Evangelista, Brittany Knox, Leah Scott & Dakota Layton)
    • Evolutionary Change (Dakota Layton & Leah Scott)

Out of Ring Talent[]

  • Christian Gardner - RoB Co-Owner
  • Michael Showtime - RoB Co-Owner
  • Elizabeth Glover - RoB General Manager
  • Tanya Baker - RoB General Manager
  • Dominique Frost - Backstage Interviewer
  • Katrina Showtime - Backstage Interviewer
  • Melody Schwartz - Head of Talent Relations/Hostess

Notable Inactive Roster[]



  • E-Fed Knights' Show 30 Featured E-Fed
  • eWE's Fed of the Month March 2008
  • RoughKut's December/2008 E-Fed of the Month
  • EWZine's January/2009 Site of the Month

Gimmick Matches[]

Other Curiosities[]

  • 12 different countries are represented on RoB by its characters: Austria, Brazil, Canada, England, France, Japan, Mexico, Italy, Ireland, Puerto Rico, Russia and, of course, the United States.
  • Among the handlers, 5 countries are represented: Brazil, England, Finland, Canada and USA.
  • The TV Title has the most title changes (21 as of 10/18);
  • The Pure Title has the LEAST amount of changes (four as of Created Equal 3 10/18/09; Freya Kane-Ragnal being the first ever and Longest reigning champion, 149 day)
  • Linda Ragnal, Victoria Valentine and Bobbi's Angels are the only two-time champions, with Linda and Victoria both holding the Hardcore Championship twice; with Linda holding the World Championship twice as well. The Angels are two-time Tag Team Champions.
  • Carmen DeVega and Linda Ragnal are the only double champions - Carmen once held the tag team title and the TV Title at the same time, and Linda Ragnal held the TV Title and the Hardcore Title simultaneously;
  • The longest reigning world champion is Destiny Campbell, reigning supreme for 168 days/23 weeks as of 03/29/08
  • The longest reigning tag team champions ever are The Rocking Kittens, Alysson Gardner & Bobbi Jackson, beating the previous record by Asian Invasion, holding the tag belts for over 4 months
  • The worst W/L record holder is Stephanie Sullivan. Giselle Anderson holds the best W/L record.
  • Bobbi Jackson became the first Triple Crown Champion at Created Equal 3, holding the World, Tag Team & Hardcore Championships, Linda Ragnal is the potential grand slam champion holding the world (x2), hardcore (x2) and the television championship

External Links[]

RoB TemplateRing of Beauty Wrestling
Championships and Accomplisments
Cards and Super-Cards