The eWrestling Encyclopedia
Nick Bryson
[[Image:|280 pxpx|Image of Nick Bryson]]
Billing information
Ring name(s) {{{names}}}
Height 6'1
Weight 245 lbs.
Born December 15th, 1988
Hometown Flag of the United Kingdom Template:Cleveland, England, UK
Theme music "The One" by Slaughterhouse
Affiliation(s) SPARTA, YNG
Federation(s) FMW
Brand(s) Anarchy
Previous federations TNA, XWF, OWC
Wrestling information
Alignment Heel
Wrestling style Technical
Finisher(s) Sickle Touch
Trainer {{{trainer}}}
Handler {{{handler}}}
Professional career
Debut Anarchy 3.4
Record 21-14
Accomplishments Full Metal Champion
FMW Ultraviolent Champion
XWF World's End Champion
Mount Vesuvius Torch Winner
Retired N/A



Nick Bryson originally was a member of the TNA official E-fed. Able to secure a spot in their ever increasing roster, due to TNA's increaing popularity, Bryson was placed in the tag team division. Bryson achieved a less than stellar record here, only ever being in the hunt for the tag titles and securing one title match before being let go. Bryson also developed the nickname "The Cleveland Crippler" just before his stint in TNA.


Nick Bryson found his way to the Xtreme Wrestling Federation (XWF). Originally struggling in his earlier career as a singles wrestler, Bryson found support in a stable titled "The Avengers". Lead by Marshall X, Bryson was able to achieve some moderate success. Dubbing himself the "Saviour" and "Phoenix" of the XWF, he set himself out on a goal to right the wrongs of the XWF and its corrupt higher ups. Bryson then proceeded to attack his current stable leader, Marshall X. This sparked a long term feud between Marshall and Bryson, which ended up including roster members such as Spade and Matt Couch, amongst others.

Bryson eventually won the newly created XWF World's End Title, a world title equivalent. He was the last to hold the title as the XWF was shut down when a number of XWF superstars were involved in a terrible tragedy in the ring, where during a massive tag-team bout, an overzealous fan hopped into the ring brandishing a pistol and fan-favorite Marshall X, acting in self-defense, disarmed the man and shot him on live television.


Nick Bryson had drifted from indy to indy until the Outlaw Wrestling Coalition was formed. A year after the XWF incident a cunning salesman from New Jersey named Brandon Bullitt was able to buy up the majority of the XWF's stock and take ownership, booting out former management of Dan Bane and acquiring all of the contracts of former XWF wrestlers. He merged the XWF with his own New Jersey based organization to form the Outlaw Wrestling Coalition, which would be a mix of professional wrestling and legitimate street fighting.

Bryson made his debut on the first OWC Pay-Per-View in their Heavyweight Championship Tournament. He advanced to the second round and drew opponent Marshall X, reigniting their feud that had never been settled. Marshall X won via interference from his assistant David Fortune. Bryson was apprently sent to the hospital after the attack.

During the show, a battle royal was taking place to determine the new OWC Outlaw Division Champion. After David Fortune had entered, Bryson's theme music hit and he was able to make his way to the ring, eliminating Fortune and becoming the first OWC Outlaw Division Champion. Bryson would later loose the title a short time before the federations' closing


Bryson debuted as the teammate of his cousin, Drew Michaels, under the banner of SPARTA. The two of them quickly used their popularity to rise to the top of the card, their peak as a team coming when they helped successfully lead the Resistance against the Original Sin, saving FMW.

Bryson would have a troubled history with FMW, including his feuds with FMW Legend Jaro and the Original Sin, which included being set on fire with his cousin Drew as a member of the resistance. Bryson was elected into the main event by a pblic vote into the Catalyst main event against John "Doc" Derrick and Christian G. Smitten, winning his first Full Metal Championship.

He would then go on to feud with the recently turned Alex O'Rion leading into the second FMW Ultimatum event over the Full Metal Championship. Bryson would lose the belt at the show and then take a hiatus from FMW.

Bryson returned to FMW later, after a successful run in the film industry. His return revealed a new side of Bryson as the former champion turned on the talent associated with his cousin Drew, The Broken Saints. Bryson then shocked the world when he won the annual FMW Mt. Vesuvius match, awarding him the MT. Vesuvius torch which guaranteed Bryson a Full Metal Championship match at Ultumatum three, giving Bryson his second consecutive Ultimatum main event, the first man to main event two consecutive Ultimatums, FMW's flagship event.

Bryson then feuded with Hannibal Frost, then Champion, leading into Ultimatum three. Bryson used his big budget to try and make Hannibal 'more entertaining' to the fans, to help generate interest for the event. Bryson also caused issue with an outburst at the Oscars ceremony when he felt he was snubbed for his performance as Sir Henry Cooper in a biopic about the British icon. In response, Bryson purchased a small town in England and renamed it Cleveland, relocating to the UK and himself being awarded with a Knighthood. Back in FMW, Hannibal and Sir Nick Bryson would spar verbally as well as facing off against one another in a tag team match (Which Bryson and partner Tyrant would win) during the cycle, culminating in a Nick Bryson victory at Ultumatum.

After his title victory, Bryson would defend his belt the next show against underdog Trey Spruance in a controversial match. He also announced on the same show a formation of his own Stable, Your New Gods (YNG), to help his fight against the Sons Of Attrition and Hannibal Frost. His first member was rookie sensation Matt Ashburn, then TV Champ. His second member was revealed to be Mark Johansson when Mark fingerpoked his way to the TV Championship against Matt Ashburn in another controversial episode. YNG are teasing the debut of their fourth member in the buildup to Death Row, and a match against the Sons of Attrition.

General Information[]

Entrance Music[]

  • Four Words To Choke Upon by Bullet For My Valentine (ended at Lethal Injection 2008)
  • Clouds Over California by DevilDriver (Ended at hiatus)
  • The One by Slaughterhouse (Current Heel Theme)
  • Saints by Destroy The Runner (When teaming in SPARTA)
  • Can't Tell Me Nothin by Kanye West (YNG Theme)


  • "Sickle Touch" - An inverted Widowmaker
  • "Crossclutch" - A Sharpshooter/Camel Clutch combo. (Also referred to a Queen Angilita Stretch)



  • Bryson is the cousin of current FMW Superstar, Drew Michaels, aka: Headbanger
  • Bryson was once a superstar in World Wildzone Wrestling (3W). He also lead the booking team before it was closed.

Wrestling History[]

Championship History[]

  • XWF World's End Champion
  • OWC Outlaw Division Champion
  • FMW Ultraviolent Champion
  • Full Metal Champion x2 (First ever multiple time Full Metal Champion)

Other Awards[]

Mount Vesuvius Torch Winner (2010)

External links[]
