Myke Adams | |
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Given Name | Mykeal Gregory Adams |
Height | 6 feet 2 inches |
Weight | 223 pounds |
Birth Date | September 11, 1982 |
Hometown | Cumberland, MD ![]() |
Alignment | None |
InRing Style | Risky Innovative Daredevil |
Finishing Moves | "The Swanton", "Perdition Plunge" |
Trained By | J.Rose & Rich DeLounge |
Current Promotion | Fight One Wrestling |
Mykeal Gregory Adams... better known in wrestling as "Myke Adams". Goes by his monikers of The Suicidal Superman (the most commonly used and popular) as well as The Human Highlight Reel -- The Suicidcon and The High Risk Heretic. 'In-Character' Myke is an American Professional Wrestler, and 9-time World Heavyweight Champion although some promotions he's worked for called their top title something else, it was their equivalent of such. He is currently under contract with Fight One... And was recently taking on a ‘synthetic role’ as a Co-Owner/Staff [incharacter onscreen] of the promotion after being forced to take time off to heal when re-aggravating his surgically repaired neck, after his injury years ago (Spinal Stenosis or Nerve Compression). Even with renewed constant pain, he's not required to have a second Posterior Cervical Foraminotomy. According to Fight One’s ‘kayfabe’ Myke was left a share of Fight One by a good friend he made in Atlantic City (Gary Mac) which has made Myke a 'Co-Owner' of the company. This lasted until Monday, September the 21st when new co-chairman Jack Clemmens 'fired' Adams from his position in staff because Myke had aligned with Namen Hammer his biggest rival in Fight One during his time as the Fight One Champion, the company's 'highest honor'. Calling themselves simply ‘’’Nemesis’’’, the two had teamed up for a one night tag team tournament to crown new Fight One United Tag Champions. The event was titled ‘United We Stand’ and aired on 09/02/15. These two ‘nemesis’ actually came together and formed a formidable tag team, and won this tourney… As the new United Tag Champions that is, Hammer having been on leave since his failed attempt to take Myke’s F1 Title months ago, and Adams since his reign as F1 Champ ended on June 22nd in a triple threat when Kipper Haven pinned Adam James after Myke took James and himself down and out with his ultra risky 'Perdition Plunge' (the 'risk' that put him on the shelf to a degree via his neck issues). Thus the title changed hands without Adams actually being pinned! He first joined Fight One while he was also in Boardwalk Wrestling as the company's Atlantic City champion, their highest title as well. He won their Atlantic City championship on March 6th at "Joker's Wild" iPPV against former title holder, Siobhan Townsend and Sean Fuller in a triple threat event headliner. He resigned from Boardwalk on March 23rd abruptly, his reasons unknown even to date (possibly personal, maybe something more?!). But he won two companies highest honors in a matter of a few weeks time!! He has also recently worked for DoPE Entertainment, holding their 'Entertainment title' until the promotion went under due to complications in the front offices. Myke has worked twice for Alpha Entertainment a Nation Wide company, twice for Boardwalk Wrestling out of Atlantic City, New Jersey and once for Revival Wrestling in Chicago, Illinois. Adams is also renowned for his time with Simcoe County Championship Wrestling, an independently run regional fed out of Ontario, Canada... His first 'home' however was the Revolution Wrestling Federation [RWF] where alongside his brother, Justin Rose, the two forged the second longest tag team title reign in the federation's 8+ years of operation. Adams spent most of his early career in the [RWF] starting on New Year's in 2000 and wrestling his final match for the company in the Summer of 2005. Along with his dare devil tactics, his 'no fear' personality made him a main stay and long time RWF fan favorite (as well as most of the promotions he's competed for!). He's had other brief stints, all successful in UCW, IWX [twice], and the ACWO. No matter whether he has played a "baby face" or a "heel" he has managed to gather quite a buzz. He has taken two long leaves of absence from ring action in 2006-2008 (for rehab from a pain pill addiction), 2011-2012 (Injury Recovery) then again in late 2012-Spring of 2014 (personal leave)! As of December, Myke failed to take the Fight One title back in his grasp from Miranda Rezieger… He then failed to capture a victory over Lyza Reyes… Since that contest he’s been a mystery… M.I.A. from Fight One, and wrestling in general. Recently he’s been noted on Twitter, speaking with his brother Justin Rose, as well as his one time fiancée Sydney Meleoli-Laroux. Will the ‘Suicidal Superman’ be coming back to the ‘sport’ anytime soon? It appears as a resounding 'not a chance' after Fight One recently saw Damion Darkside's accomplice dubbed simply 'the Heretic' unmask to reveal himself to be Adams!! The Heretic, is all Myke chooses to be known as recently. Away from the ring was back with the love of his life, Sydney Meleoli-Laroux and her children. The second oldest is actually Myke's by blood, but Adams and LaRoux didn't last long once back together! Her constant struggle to stay half way sober came between them, so Myke now has their son Kace! And plenty of leverage in any dispute thanks to a video he shot on his iPhone of Sydney high on heroin with a needle in-between her toes... Basically passed out with her and Myke's son Kace, as well as her two youngest with Ojeda left unattended! Myke has broken himself away from Sydney once and for all, and has the only good reminder of the love he gave to that union by his side in his four year old son Kace Mykeal Adams!. He's happy with that, in action... His career continues in Lowell's Fight One. Aidan Morag has been trying to slow Myke down, his recent union with Damion Darkside and Baz as 'The Devils Rejects' has seen the group terrorizing Fight One weekly!! Long time friends behind the scenes, Darkside and Adams have eaten up this chance to finally work together on screen! What lies ahead? Well only the Devil's own may know!!!
Personal Information[]
Misc. Info[]
- Blood Type: AB Positive
- Ethnicity: Caucasian
- Eye Color: Very Vibrant Light Green
- Hair: Multiple Shades (naturally light brown)
- Birth Parents: Mykeal Sr. (status unknown) & Lorena (status unknown) Adams
- Foster Parents: Richard (deceased) & Cheryl (deceased) DeLounge
- Sibling: Justin Rose (Older Half Brother)
- Significant Other: None (currently single)
The Most Important People in His Life[]
These are the most important people in Myke's life, he has seen his fair share of hardships... which have in turn molded him into the person he's become today. Here you'll find brief information about his closest friends, family, and allies as well as his former lovers that have also helped shape who Myke is.

Myke's best friend is fellow Boardwalk superstar & pro-wrestling veteran, Mac Bane [pictured left]. The two met long ago behind the scenes, when Adams first returned to the business after a long hiatus. They hit it off, and became super close... Actually coser to eing brothers then Myke is with own older half-sibling J.Rose! They spent a few years wrestling in different promotions until last year Bane brought Adams out of another break from the ring to form the 'Suicidal Saints' w/'Godly' Ken Davison in Boardwalk Wrestling. The trio heroically took a stand against BW's 'power' group The Future! Eventually winning in a 'WarGames' match against the group before leaving BW & wrestling a few months for Myke's brother Justin's Alpha Entertainment. After Alpha folded both Mac & Myke took a semi-retirement... Taking time to heal up and rest, they remained close as brothers. And when Bane decided to return to the business [specifically Boardwalk] this January [2015], he once again talked Adams into coming with him. Only this time the two 'brothers' joined forces with the fan hated 'One Percent' group, and went from the so-called 'heroes' to two of Boardwalk's biggest 'villains'! Things came to a head in BW, and they left for Fight One after disliking some directions Boardwalk was taking. Mac suffered an injury during their first few months in Lowell, where Fight One is stationed and has had to take an indefinite leave from the ring. The two remain in close touch, Myke helping his 'brother from another mother' get through his recovery!

Natasha 'Tosha' Bridges [pictured right] is one of Myke's two most recent 'ex-girlfriends'. She is still dating Nicki Pierce! The trio had a 'three's company' sort of relationship going on. Adams met Natasha [who prefers only Natasha but doesn't seem to mind Adams' referring to her as 'Tosha'] when he was out one night having a few drinks with another former Alpha/Revival/Simcoe alumni Trey Jordan. Jordan, known as the REAL Show originally tried making passes at her, but Bridges was drawn to Myke. She was actually a long time fan of his, not just for his heroics and death defying style in the ring but also his inked up arms, back, neck and so fourth. She herself an avid tattoo fan. While she isn't tattooed to the extent of Myke's ex, Sydney Laroux... Natasha has quite a few tats. She's a rather out spoken person, she can become quite aggressive when the time calls for such behavior. How her relationship with Myke AND Nicki pans out remains to be seen. The three have only been in this 'trio' for about two months now. Adams confessing to his closest friend, Mac Bane that he didn't find himself in love with Tasha, or Nicki... Myke split from their trio, but remains close friends with the two lovers (Natasha/Nicki) Both women are understanding of his choice, and their love remains strong regardless.

Myke's other recent 'ex', Nicole 'Nicki' Pierce [pictured left] was first dating Natasha Bridges... Adams didn't meet her the first night her ran into Tosha. Instead he and Tosha had what some may call a one night stand, but possibly not since their relationship continued after they slept together the night they met. The following week, Natasha had already talked to Nicole about Adams and after they had tried this triangle styled love months before and failed [the third woman became jealous] they decided if Nicki found Myke interesting enough she'd let Tosha date them both. Upon meeting up with Myke, Nicki and him hit it off much like he and Tosha. After some drinks, and dancing the trio ended up back at the ladies' apartment and things got hot & heavy. After they had trouble confronting Myke about it, eventually the two ask him if he'd be interested in dating them both, whilst they dated each other as well. So far their relationship has stayed uncomplicated... Tosha being the more laid back, Nicole is more laid back and quiet. In April 2015, Myke, Nicki and Tasha came to the understanding that their three way relationship wouldn't last. Nicki and Natasha were in total love, and Myke felt a third wheel since he didn't love them the way he should. The two women, Nicki and Tasha are still close friends with Adams. Their relationship (Nicki/Natasha) continues to burn brightly with love.

Myke's ex-lover, Meglyn Elliot [pictured right], the two knew each other way back in high school... And Meglyn showed up during Myke's time in Ohio with IWX. The two had a heated love going for nearly a year... But Myke's love for wrestling splintered them, Meglyn's father a wrestler in his day was wrecked with bad knees, and a bad back. She couldn't stand by Myke's side and watch his risky nature in the ring doom him. After the attack Myke suffered in Portland the two fractured... They recently have been talking again, their complicated 'relationship' continues to be up and down!

Myke's older half-sibling Justin Rose [pictured right] is one of Myke's closest allies and friends, as well as his own flesh and blood. The two were abandoned when they were mere babies, Rose being three and Adams not hardly over a year old. They grew up in the foster care of Richard, and Cheryl DeLounge. Richard being the one who got the boys into wrestling... The two have had their fare share of spats... But always find a way back to their thicker than water, blood ties. Currently Rose and Adams have been keeping their personal lives off screen in the business of wrestling. But Justin has recently taken over Alpha Entertainment and talked Myke into a contract, Alpha once again failed to 'take off'. Now Myke is left trying to help his older brother 'pick up the pieces' of his shattered dreams. His wife Danine, and two kids Madison & Gavin all being involved in a serious accident. Rose seemingly against Adams recent "turn" in Boardwalk... Will their bumpy brotherhood's path through life ever find smooth ground to travel upon?

Myke's long time lover, and former manager Becky DeLounge [pictured left], the two have recently had a bad fall out over Becky intercepting Myke's fan mail and tricking him into thinking no one had tried to contact him after the violent attack he suffered in Portland during his time with Alpha. They sorta have a son, the child Ian Mykeal is named after Myke but is another man's blood... Daniel Scott, a close friend to Myke before he found out Danny and Becky had a two year affair behind his back... And Scott got her pregnant with Ian. Myke loathes Becky, but can't seem to rid his life of her... His older brother, Justin has even hired DeLounge as his General Manager of Alpha Entertainment! The federation has since ceased operations, Becky's status is unknown. Myke's relationship w/Becky's son Ian slowly dissolved once DeLounge married another former Simcoe wrestler, Jaden Michaels in 2012. Michaels worked w/Myke & Becky in a storyline during Adams' first tenture in Ontario in 2005-2006. Michaels had previously lost his wife & two children to a driveby shooting. Myke has stated hes happy that DeLounge found peace & love, and even happier that her son Ian found himself a great role model & stepfather in Michaels.
Wrestling career[]
-ACWO- (1999)[]
- Myke came into the ACWO with a vengeance, wearing a black mask and going by Snake~Eyes he won eight straight matches using his finishing move dubbed "the Striking Distance". This would later become his fan favored Swanton Bomb, as Snake~Eyes he went out and made a challenge, an 8 man stage match is what he called it. Basically eight superstars on a stage, fully loaded for a band to come and play, lighting, amplifiers, guitars, heck even a full drum set. The match was a hit and Myke survived to be the winner, thus earning him a spot in the King's Cup tournament. The light at the end of the tunnel? The winner of the King's Cup earned a shot at ACWO Heavyweight champion Apollo.
- Myke entered the King's Cup against the ACWO's hardcore champion, sTar, the match was nasty. Tons of high flying action and the ACWO crowd ate it up. Since sTar and Snake (Myke) had agreed on no DQs the match finished with Myke nailing the Striking Distance (alias Swanton Bomb) from a ladder onto sTar and through a table. Myke was now the Hardcore champion and moving to round two. Justin however as Grimskull had been knocked out of the first round and injured by ACWO mega star Apocalypse. The next few rounds didn't mean much, Myke worked his way through ACWO's hopefuls and made it to the final round against none other than Apocalypse.
- Justin showed up as Grimskull at ringside to support Snake~Eyes, the match was a long drawn out affair, Apocalypse man handled Myke, he even tried de-masking him on a few occasions. But no matter what he hit him with, Myke refused to submit or be pinned. Apocalypse grew angry and tired and started ranting and raving, Myke gathered up what courage and strength he had left and in the next few minutes of the match etched his way right into ACWO stardom. He drilled Apocalypse with high risk, high octane dropkicks and body blocks. Working the big man down to his knees before nearly decapitating him with a shining wizard like kick. Justin, in his Grimskull get up and all shouted from ring side for Myke to cover, but the crowd wanted more. They wanted the Striking Distance. Myke hopped to the top rope and slowly stood up, peering down at the fallen Apocalypse and then paint brushing himself over the fallen barbarian with a dazzling Swanton Bomb. The crowd seemed so loud it shook the arena as Myke got the cover for three.

As Snake, Myke talks with ACWO's rowdy crowd.
- Two weeks later he faced Apollo in the heavyweight title match, but the week before his title match he was set to defend his Hardcore title against sTar. Now sTar wasn't so excited about losing to the newcomer in the beginning of the King's Cup tourney and he made sure Snake~Eyes felt that. Hardcore title defenses of course had no rules and sTar and Myke put on another brilliant match, full of very risky spots and fast paced action. The match climax came when sTar had the upper hand and was dragging Myke towards the entrance way after multiple chair shots. As sTar lifted him to his feet Myke somehow got under him and hoisted sTar up into a standing fireman's carry like position before twisting his arm over sTar's neck and crunching him into the unforgiving steel rampway with an inverted neckbreaker. Once again everyone thought he would try a pin, but Myke didn't the crowd needed to scream. He stood slowly and ascended the entrance way before quickly diving at the fallen sTar with an insane Swanton. Barely able to roll over and pin the crowd was going bananas as Myke picked up the victory and successfully defended his Hardcore championship.
- But then came the match with Apollo, ACWO pay per view material. A savvy veteran ACWO megastar against the up-and-coming Snake~Eyes. This match wasn't good for Myke, Apollo battered him and used a lot of grounding techniques. Myke was worn out and Apollo was giving him the business, taunting the crowd and Myke, his arrogance growing larger it seemed. Myke did manage to somehow get a foot on the rope after Apollo's finisher was nailed, and Apollo let the referee hear all about it. The crowd got behind Myke and he managed a hugh rally and eventually won the match with his Swanton. Believe it or they didn't but four months into his pro-wrestling career and Myke was the ACWO World champion.
- Apollo was disgusted with his loss and left the ACWO the next night, Myke was excited as hell to be champion but also almost ashamed he had to don a mask in order to compete. He got Justin and they confronted Firestarter about losing the gimmicks and letting them show who they were and what they were about. You know creative freedom. Firestarter was not happy to say the least and he made sure Justin's knee stayed injured. At the next show Myke was defending the World title against Apocalypse, Justin was shown backstage in a heap of pain. No Grimskull get up, just his street clothing, Firestarter had paid "Humanity" Mike Fallwell and the Druids to bust Justin up good. Watching this on the tron infuriated Myke, but nearly cost him the match. One in which he escaped due to interference by the Druids. They destroyed Snake~Eyes, ripped the mask from Myke's head and battered him with chair shot after chair shot.
- Only being champion for two weeks and he had a severe concussion, Firestarter named Mike Fallwell the new contender for the title. The weeks leading up to the event, Justin wasn't anywhere to be found, he was home recovery from a knee surgery that would later plague his career. Myke was forced to defend the Hardcore title and wrestle non-title Heavyweight bouts every show. He somehow endured and managed to escape victorious every time, that was until the last show before his big show down with Fallwell. Myke was lined up to wrestle "Jagermeister" for his Hardcore title in parking lot brawl and then wrestle Apocalypse in a non-title "weight room" showdown. During the Hardcore title defense, Myke got the best of Jager and went to the top rope ready to fly down with the Swanton. Fallwell showed up and with distraction from his Druids he busted a bottle of jagermeister over Myke's head. The concussion set in and Myke crumbled to the mat, he was no longer Snake~Eyes but a mess of what once was. Jager got the cover and took Myke's Hardcore championship.
- It sadly wasn't over, after EMTs got him up and moving, two matches later he had to wrestle Apocalypse in the Weight Room showdown. Myke didn't back down and lost his second ACWO match in the same night as his first. Apocalypse destroyed Myke with dumbbells and weight bars. Any and everything he could find, he didn't even pin the champion. The referee over seeing called the match because Myke was near unconsciousness. Myke laid low that week and at the event where he was to face Fallwell. Firestarter and Fallwell didn't think he would show, but Myke interrupted their celebration and "almost" stripping of his title. He showed up and showed ACWO fans his true side, introducing himself as Myke Adams and not Snake~Eyes and charging the ring with everything he had. The match was the highest rated ACWO match to date and Myke almost had it won. Fallwell got some interference from Firestarter and nailed a swift chair to Myke's head. Mike Fallwell got the pin and took the World title.
- Myke was on the shelf as was Justin, it had only been a few months since he joined the ACWO and he already had doubts about the pro wrestling game. Justin's knee healed and he convinced Myke to go at Firestarter one more time. With only two months left on their ACWO contracts they showed up wearing a more trademark Adams and Rose look and pounded the Druids during one of their infamous ranting segment. They gave a speech ACWO never forgot and challenged the Druids reigning tag champions to a title match. Adams and Rose's challenge was accepted and they won in high flying A&R fashion. They held onto the tag titles for the remaining two months they were in ACWO, fans loved them, Firestarter hated them. Refusing to play on the gimmicks he wanted them to he didn't renew their contracts and they never returned his tag title straps. But something good did come from the whole ACWO ordeal, Revolution Wrestling President Brian Slack had seen their work and alongside his Vice President they were highly interested in Adams and Rose. Slack made them an offer, stating the RWF needed something fresh, something new, some people to shake the pot a bit. Adams and Rose accepted and on New Year's Eve 1999 one of the RWF's greatest tag teams did more than shook the pot, they took it and ran with the thing!
-RWF- (2000-2005)[]
- It was the turn of the millennium when Myke made his RWF debut alongside his brother Justin. Asked by Brian Slack to shake things up they made a quick alliance with RWF resident "outlaw" Marcus Torn and helped him get the jump on the RWF's main stay stable, the UnHoly Alliance. Thus Partners in Crime was born. But it was short lived, Adams and Rose didn't used any gimmicks or catchy names at first it was simply Adams and Rose. They won their first match with ease, laying to waste a low card RWF tag team. Their second match Brian Slack decided to give his tag champions a scare and lined them up with A&R. To everyone's surprise, Myke and Justin beat the champs (Darkness) in a stairway to heaven match for the titles. Two matches in and they were champions already. Marcus Torn and a few others didn't like the ease of their title shot and victory. A cloud of harsh criticism fell on A&R, but they didn't care they defended and won each week, week in and week out for months. Torn had left them high and dry right after their title win, but karma got him when Brian Slack awarded him a match with RWF World champion, the undefeated Nightstalker. Nightstalker ended Torn's career, or so everyone believed. The team Darkness had good friends in Krypt and Morg, two brother convinced A&R was stealing their spotlight.
- Named Army of Darkness, they challenged the champs and Adams and Rose beat them three straight weeks in a row, by the end of the feud Krypt and Morg were left embarrassed and Krypt's long time girlfriend had left to join Adams and Rose's side. They continued their onslaught of the RWF tag ranks, winning and winning some more. An undefeated streak ensued and they defended the tag straps every week, twice during pay per view weeks. Justin eventually defeated Sinister to become the RWF Pro champion, a title he held for the next two months to come. Gathering the body count and enemies to boot, A&R continued to climb the ranks, Justin lost his Pro title to BarbWire Brian McKinley just a few days before they were scheduled to face their hardest challenge to date. The UnHoly Alliance sent RWF legends Drake Macon and Destruction at A&R.

Suicidal Youth with their RWF tag titles in hand.
- During the pay per view event Justin was jumped by a masked man, his knee battered with a lead pipe just hours before their big title defense. The match came and Myke ended up wrestling the most part, Justin's knee hurting badly, the match went back and fourth, Macon and Destruction worked Rose's knee every chance they got. But Myke kept bailing A&R out of trouble. The match finally reached its climax and neither team seemed to be up on the other, Macon went for an exhausted backdrop on Myke, but Adams' foot nailed the ref in the chin, knocking him down and out. As both Macon and Adams lay on the canvas, the masked man who attacked Justin showed up and entered the ring, Destruction charged in as well as Justin. Rose managed to nail a GunBlade on Destruction, but the masked man clubbed Rose upside the head with his lead pipe. Rose was out, Myke started to stir but the masked man never let him stand, pounding Myke into the mat with his pipe.
- The man rolled Macon over Myke before shaking the ref and sliding from the ring, as the referee made the three count and ended Adams and Rose's reign as champions as well as their undefeated streak the mask man pulled off his mask to reveal Marcus Torn. As the bells rung, the entire UnHoly Alliance entered the ring, Marcus Torn now an apparent member, they kicked and beat on the fallen Adams and Rose. The aftermath, Justin and Myke were furious and went seeking Brian Slack's help, Justin's knee busted up again and both warrior's pride hurting. Slack offered no console and even laughed at the situation. Justin and Myke walked out of the RWF that night. Refusing to return called from VP Dan or President Slack for weeks.
- Watching the RWF from a distance as Justin tried getting his knee back in shape, Richard DeLounge and Danine Preston decided to get involved. They talked the brothers into returning to the RWF and even joined them as co-managers. The new Adams and Rose didn't even aim for any titles or glory, instead they found good reliable allies in Rob Dracup and RWF odd ball "The Blob". The newly revamped Adams and Rose did far better with Richard DeLounge and Danine's direction at ringside and they battled it out with UnHoly Alliance in and out of the ring for months. Finally their big chance had come, the still undefeated Nightstalker had revealed himself to be the masked UA member Destruction. One half of the tag champs with Drake Macon. Even better Brain Slack announced a 7 man tango tag titles match, competitors from 7 different tag team would enter a battle royal and the winner's team would be declared champions. Adams and Rose didn't have to choose who would represent them as Slack also announced the main event World title match. Myke Adams would challenge the undefeated Nightstalker for the World title.
- Ad mist controversy Macon won the tango by pinning Krypt of the Army of Darkness. Justin was furious, but Richard and Danine kept him focused and he supported Myke as Myke faced the biggest challenge of his career. The match with Nightstalker was an RWF classic, Myke got swung around, slammed, beaten and battered and still managed to somehow drop the giant Nightstalker and land his Swanton Bomb for the three count and his first of three RWF World championships! No one believed it, not the UnHoly Alliance, not even Myke and Justin! Adams wasn't ready for a single's career, and after much delegation with Justin, Danine and Richard. Adams forfeited the title, they called out RWF on the sleazy finishes to tag title matches with UA and eventually walked out on the RWF for the second time.
- This time RWF didn't call, instead Brian Slack burned their contracts and banned them from the RWF for good. Justin took the time away from the ring to date and eventually marry Danine. Myke kept playing guitar, he kept getting calls from his girlfriend of the time, Angelene. Their relationship crumbled, he career at RWF came first. But after a few months of rest and relaxation they got a call from RWF offices. The crowd's had chanted for them for months now and Slack offered them another shot, this time he promised no more controversy in the tag ranks. So they gave it another go with RWF, but shortly after their return Richard DeLounge had a sudden heart attack and passed on. Adams and Rose had built a decent friendship with the RWF tag team 2xBytch and the girls, alongside Danine tried and tried to comfort the brothers. The loss of their father turned them in a different direction. Almost gimmick like, they entered the ring through a ring of fire on the entrance stage, wearing dark clothing with their hair wetted and hanging messy in their faces.
- This new A&R went on a mean winning streak before they finally lost another shot at the tag titles, returning home Rebecca DeLounge showed up at their place. She was Richard's niece that he hadn't seen since before he adopted the brothers. Becky introduced herself and explained how she had been doing Indy wrestling work for her father, Richard's brother. She stayed with the brothers and Danine. Her presence made their friends 2xBytch alittle jealous and they quit talking to Adams and Rose. Myke and Becky were instantly attracted to one another and their flame kept growing over the next few months. Adams and Rose dropped the fire and black, returning to their electric and vibrant selves! The RWF crowd loved it and they started climbing the ranks again.
- Never getting many title shots, a years time went by and the team was still on top, a rival federation had begun an invasion, the WIWF. They were converting RWF stars to their side, Adams and Rose behind the scene friends Ryan Kilmore and Sexton Hardcastle jumped to WIWF and earned the RWF tag titles. Furious by this Brian Slack asked A&R to bring the titles home. Tension had been mounting between Myke and Justin with a few losses they had suffered in the weeks building to their tag title shot. The match went well, both teams battled back and fourth until Justin hit a desperation GunBlade but was unable to pint. Instead of making the pin, Myke went to the top to try a Swanton, Ryan Kilmore ended up shoving Myke off the top where he crashed through the announce table. Kilmore then delivered his finisher to Justin and made the pin.
- Rose was furious over the loss and he and Myke argued over the next two weeks, when the WIWF was in the ring attacking some RWF stars, Myke and Justin came out to stop the attack. Justin was armed with a steel chair, Myke had nothing. As they got closer to the ring the crowd gasp in shock when Justin belted Myke from behind with the chair. Myke was left down and out by his own brother as Justin joined the WIWF and formed the Triad with Hardcastle and Kilmore. Myke and Justin had a heated feud for the next few weeks, having several brutal matches. The final being a number one contender for the Heavyweight championship match. A week before the match, Becky and Danine left Myke to help the WIWF. Alone and hurting, RWF diva Dallas Star took interest in Myke and guided him through Justin for number one contendership of the RWF World title.
- Disgusted in losing to his younger brother, Justin disappeared from the RWF as did Danine and Becky. Myke was alone, or so he thought, a heated romance grew between him and Dallas and he ended up winning the RWF World title, thus making his second time as champion. Only this time around he wasn't giving his title up, Myke held the title with pride and even a little ego. "The Impact Player" was born, Myke stating he ended the WIWF invasion with victories over all the WIWF's key players. The RWF superstars didn't take kindly to this and the champion was soon swarmed with challengers. With his ego inflated he lost his relationship with Dallas, she didn't like the new cocky Myke. But Becky did return, her and Myke were closer then ever and she loved his cocky side.

Myke giving a very candid interview about his career and goals in the RWF. This was during the famed RWF session with backstage Bev in which Adams boasted himself the greatest competitor RWF had ever seen.
- He lost the title shortly after and was severely injured in the process after missing a Swanton from a 25 foot ladder and nearly crippling himself with a nasty neck injury. Myke was gone from the RWF, the fans never forgot him, but A&R were gone. Nearly eight months passed, but the RWF fans went ape when Myke did return, Justin and him had reconciled but Justin was starting a wrestling school in Maryland. His knee was just too much for him to keep going. Myke returned, Becky by his side.
- Myke would go on to win the RWF World title once more as well as the RWF North American title and TV Grappling and HardtotheCore titles. Thus making him one of only four RWF superstars to become Grand Slam champions. Justin even returned during the final RWF years and they won the Tag titles again, Justin's return was short lived as they lost the title ad mist controversy and he left RWF and the pro wrestling game forever. He now runs a wrestling school in Maryland. Myke's RWF career went on, he retained titles, and won them, he electrified and dazzled crowds. Until RWF President Slack decided to take alternate directions and sold the company. The new owner toned RWF down and canceled contracts to all the highest paid wrestlers, including Myke... who by the end of his RWF career was a legend there. The new owner turned it into a small Indy promotion and banked the money he gained. Myke left with a heavy heart and still felt that urge to compete. He traveled the Indy circuit again after years of time with RWF, nothing felt the same. The competition just feel like enough. That was when he got the call from a Canadian wrestling promotion who loved his work with RWF. A former RWF star, Ryan Reed, had shown the Canadian promotion tapes of Myke and they wanted to offer him a stable contract, thus Myke entered the COPW (Central Ontario Pro Wrestling)...
- Note: This isn't the exact RWF history, I spent years handling Myke there, that is the more exciting beginning and such. I will add more as I remember. Thank you!
-COPW- (Parts of 2006)[]
- With RWF closing its doors for good, Myke's brother Justin enjoyed his time with a wrestling school he had started. Myke on the other hand had agreed to terms with Central Ontario Pro after a few months without work, and was set to make his debut as the mystery tag partner for Ryan "Omega" Reed. This was a landmark moment for Myke, as he had never tagged with anyone other than his brother. At least not in the form of a regular team, with its own name and agenda.
- The chemistry was there, and as Suicidal Tendencies (later shortened to Suicidal T) Ryan and Myke took COPW by storm, dismantling their current tag team champions and claiming the titles in only Myke's second match with the company. This struck home in Myke's mind too, RWF he had taken the tag straps in only his second match alongside his brother. Together with Ryan, they defended the titles very well against great COPW teams such as the Trippies, PrimeTime (who would eventually claim the straps) even Riflewilly (who Adams and Reed would face multiple times) and Y2RR. Myke also defeated the Viking's chosen one, Ellidar (spelling questionable here) for the All Barrie championship.
- After a solid run as a double champion, Myke began his first stint as a "villain", aligning himself with Chris Champion and Guy Kadon in the Alpha Males. He was stripped of the All Barrie title, and later left alone by Ryan (who had personal matters to deal with) to take on Primetime two on one. Losing the tag straps, Myke blamed Ryan and attacked him in the ring.
- The re-emergence of his brother came next, Justin tried convincing Myke of the "bad" things Alpha Males were doing, yet Myke wouldn't listen. Justin's knee prevented him from doing anything so he enlisted the help of their old friend, a former NYPD S.W.A.T. team member, Jaden Michaels. During this time, Myke made a stride at the Heavyweight title, losing to the champion, Patrick McCarthy. This only made Adams more angry, as McCarthy seemed to have an answer for everything the Alpha Males tried. Finally having enough of Justin and Jaden's attempts to convince him to leave the "Males"... Myke challenged Jaden to a wild match.
- Michaels tried to get Myke to see the error of his ways, but their heated encounter lead to Myke nearly crippling himself in a tables and ladders match. Jaden blamed himself, but kept working his way through the COPW ranks, Myke was forced to sit on the sidelines, unsure if he could ever wrestle again. A month or two went by when Adams miraculously recovered, showing up at COPW, which had recently been bought out and became SCCW. He attacked and severely injured Michaels. Jaden was never seen on COPW/SCCW programming again, Myke had dropped out of the Alpha Males, but continued on his arrogant demeanor. He had a short and heated feud with Josh Generation before his neck acted up again... Thus forcing him to abruptly leave COPW/SCCW behind and wrestling for good.
(Late 2006- Summer 2008)[]
- Myke remained inactive from the ring for the next several years, his long time girlfriend and valet, Becky had a child shortly after his leave from COPW/SCCW.
- Eventually after a year of taking it easy, the two embarked on a tour of the Indy circuit, competing as the team, Beauty and the Extreme before Myke had to rest once more, his neck's pain was too much and ended up having Myke become addicted to the pain killer, Oxycodone (or Percocet) and this addiction drove a wedge between him and Becky. One to the point that they hardly spoke and he had next to nothing in regards of spending time with her, or their child. (one that was later discovered to not be Myke's) After a few years of eating pills and working on his music, Myke received a phone call from his former RWF valet and manager, Dallas K. Star.
- She had found a new place for him to wrestle, if he could still do it. Myke wrestled one last match for the Indy promotion TWF before agreeing to a deal with Ultimate Championship Wrestling... It was there, that after three years, he would finally make his way back onto the big stage of wrestling.
-UCW- (Summer 2008- Fall 2008)[]
Greeting UCW's crowd before his first match up with the company.
- So Dallas took Myke to UCW, Becky in that time left to return to Cumberland, ending her relationship with Myke. It wouldn't be the last of her though, as her memory would haunt Myke for some time to come. So he pushed that aside, and with Dallas guiding him, Myke spend a few weeks training non stop, even going as far as to with draw from the pain killers, to the point he finally got himself off of them. He showed up at a UCW Monday night Mindgames and proclaimed his return to wrestling on the bright stage. The crowd was excited, Myke was excited and thus the cycle continued.
- Myke stormed into his first match, defeating Stardust and Ash Matthews in a three way match. He would take Ash on again the following week and win yet again, using his brash arsenal of death defying, high risk moves to win over UCW's fan base. UCW took notice, their owner Joey Johnson grew found of Myke and decided to test him. This would be where Myke ran into his future best friend, the Scorpion Samuel Hessingstock.
- Adams was on a roll, but not quite 100% what he was, he had a great match with Samuel, losing in the end only fueled his resolve to improve. Sam went on to be crowned UCW's World champion, Myke focused on the task at hand and defeated Axle Vengeance the following week. His next scheduled match would be against Damien Kahn, a match that never too place as Myke was in a severe car accident and was forced to actually leave UCW altogether.
- When he healed and came back, UCW's owner Joey Johnson had stepped down and left the company. Patrick McCarthy (who had ironically been competing there) left as well as a few others. Myke butted heads with the new directors and ask for a release. It was then that he was invited by UCW's World champion into a place that seemed built for Myke... Indy Wrestling X, or IWX.
-IWX- (Fall 2008- Early 2009)[]
- IWX would prove be the place where Myke lost a brother, and gained another...

Myke defies gravity in one of his famed Indy X matches.

Myke goes airborne against his brother, Justin Rose in their highly raved IWX match up.
- Coming into IWX, Myke was reunited with his older brother, Justin. Who had thought he was finally ready to compete again, his knee healthy. They were re-dubbed the Suicidal Youth and took on the BROs, Ian and Greg at IWX's first Monday Night Warzone. Adams and Rose made quick work of the BROs, mainly due to Ian and Greg's grievances with backstage management. The match was forced and Adams and Rose held nothing back.
- Next they would defeat the Infection's leader Samuel Hessingstock and his personal body guard, Ryan Fitzgerald in tag action. During this time the IWX was running a points system for a chance to be crowned its World champion, (ironically both Adams and Rose would finish in a tie atop the points brackets) Myke wrestled in some great high flying, and risky match ups.
- Gaining the attention of another former UCW star, Aaron Blaze. Aaron and Myke would go into a very heated feud leading up the Rags to Riches tournaments final week, their only match, Myke would win in dramatic fashion. A week Myke would never forget however as his brother turned on him for the chance to be World champion and the stage was set for a showdown at IWX's first super card, Honorbound.
- Justin Rose, Aaron Blaize and Myke met in a triple threat to crown the new champion, a match Blaize would win. And the heat between Aaron and Myke only grew hotter as Justin joined forces with Blaize to form "the Dynasty" alongside their Russian body guard, Jonathan Pane. Myke's back up in this whole ordeal would come from Samuel Hessingstock.
- Sam and Myke grew close, like brothers as they battled the Dynasty up until IWX's owner Ace Static sold out the company, just before a Survival of the Sickest four on four tag match was slated to happen. One that would have teamed Adams alongside his friend Hessingstock, as well as IWX's most feared female competitor Jane Doe, and Simcoe's famed Damion Darkside to take on Justin Rose, Aaron Blaize and their choice partners. Their brief time there forged quite a friendship, but both went their separate ways, as Myke's high school girlfriend Meglyn had come back into his life after Dallas had left him high and dry during the first few weeks of IWX's opening.
- IWX closed down, and Myke left wrestling again. Focusing his time on training and honing his ring abilities so that he wasn't all flash and no substance. Meglyn and him having a good bit of problems over his focus on the sport and not their relationship. Myke wasn't ready to come back, rejecting an offer from Saints Haven, it wasn't until he received a call from Canada that he'd return to action...
-SCCW- (May 2009- August 2009)[]
- Myke would return to Canada, a place he had left as an egotistical jerk, and try to right the things he had done wrong. His first quest became instilling trust in Barrie's fan base. A plan which proved quite easy, with his new look (painted face and all) Myke came to the first edition of Monday Night Aggression and wrestled a former Alpha Male stable mate in Chris Champion.

Myke makes his entrance during Simcoe County's "Monday Night Aggression".
- The two wrestled to a draw, but the fact Adams pushed around such a hated SCCW competitor, the crowd grabbed onto him. His quest to break himself from his Alpha Male stigma got them behind him as he took on Jen Blackhart the following week, another former Alpha Male. Winning in a closely fought contest, Adams proved yet again he had no soft spot for Alpha members.
- As the rest of the federation seemed to branch into units, teams and the like... Myke remained on his own, losing an All Barrie title match to Riflewilly (thus making his first loss to Willy, ever) The loss and an attack by a returned Josh Phoenix afterward pushed him to refocus, and Myke launched this new focus towards the upcoming Bunkhouse Brawl.
- Telling all his plans were to get into the Brawl, and win it. He stormed into the Aggression following his defeat to Willy and beat Adam-X in dominating fashion, the following week he was scheduled to face his former boss from Ultimate Championship Wrestling... Joey Johnson. Myke was excited about it, but once the match actually began, Adams made quick work of Joey Johnson... Beating him in under two minutes (Joey Johnson would never be seen in SCCW again) but he was attacked afterward by a masked man, this came before he would face Jen Blackhart and defeat her for a second time. Only this time around earning a guaranteed spot in the Brawl. Or so he thought...

Greeting his "Suicidcons" on his way to the ring for SCCW's Bunkhouse Brawl, the 15 man match in which Myke claimed Simcoe's Heavyweight championship!
- Myke was attacked by a mask clad man after his match with Blackhart, in a turn of events that would haunt him for the next few weeks. He got into a blood feud with this masked man, even facing him twice, once in a match that saw Myke beat him, before the mask was shed and the real man behind the mask attacked Myke from behind.
- This whole ordeal lead to a ladder match, a brutal one too, one in which Myke defended his spot in the Brawl and tied this masked man, dubbed Grim, to reveal his own brother, Justin Rose! Shocked and hurt that Rose would even show up here, Myke hurried backstage, where a memory lost Samuel Hessingstock approached him. Myke didn't say much to Hessingstock and stormed out of the arena, only one week before the Brawl was to happen.
- Myke showed up for the Brawl, even after Samuel had claimed to make Myke tell him about his past. Myke went through 13 other competitors, this after SCCW legend Spike dropped out of the match, but Myke did just what he had set out to, win the Brawl and the Simcoe Heavyweight title.
- THE COMPETITORS Bunkhouse Brawl 2009
- Adam-X (eliminated by Rex Masters)
- Emanuel Jackson (eliminated by Rex Masters)
- Rex Masters (eliminated by Jen Blackhart & Blade)
- Blade (eliminated by Samuel Hessingstock)
- Justin Brooks (eliminated by Myke Adams)
- Alexander Steele (eliminated by Jen Blackhart)
- Doctor Ian (eliminated by Greg Venom)
- Greg Venom (eliminated by Scarlett Willis)
- Sharlene Berger (eliminated by Myke Adams)
- Kirsta Lewis (eliminated by Scarlett Willis)
- Jen Blackhart (eliminated by Myke Adams)
- Scarlett Willis (eliminated by Samuel Hessingstock)
- Samuel Hessingstock (eliminated by Myke Adams)
- After his great conquest he was embraced by his old friend Sam, only for them to be ambushed by Justin Brooks. The following week, Sam and Myke were scheduled for the main event, non title. It was here, two weeks after their ladder match, Justin Rose showed up and proclaimed to be the new personal Representative of Jim Diamond, SCCW's owner. Rose told Myke he was the one making the firned face each other, and they did. In one of SCCW's best matches since its re-emergence. Unlike the first time they met, this match was won by Myke. The match was back and fourth and all out, Adams getting the final say with his wild Suicide Star DDT.
- Furious about Myke and Sam's show of respect afterward, Justin Rose has now booked Myke and Sam on opposite teams for this week's Aggression, pitting Myke with a partner in Alexander Steele and Sam in Sydney LaRoux. After this Monday's show, Myke has been suspended for one week from Simcoe's Monday Night Aggression for boycotting his tag match alongside friend Samuel Hessingstock, and Sydney LaRoux. He is focusing, if only for this week on his part in the interfed Experts Extreme Tournament's Final Show as part of a three man tag unit alongside Chris Champion and Paul Cain.
The Experts [August 2009][]
- Myke agreed to represent Simcoe in the Experts tournament's Finals show, alongside Chris "The Battle Machine" Champion and Paul Cain, they are scheduled to face off against Sin City Wrestling's Doug E. Fresh, MDK and Ryan Ruckus. This promises to be a great chance for Simcoe to branch out of their small regional lime light and step into a well known environment. A victory for team SCCW could boost their brand's name farther out into the wild world of wrestling. Myke has agreed to work with both Champion and Cain to win this match. Placing their differences aside if only for just this one week... details to follow.
- Team SCCW came away with a win against Sin City wrestling, as Myke punished MDK with a brutal superkick (The Egoshredder) and followed it up with a beautiful Swanton Bomb for the pinfall. Sin City's Ryan Ruckus, and Adams actually shook hands backstage afterward and have been quoted as stating, "each would like to work together again sometime very soon". Now Myke's focus is back to his reign as Simcoe's Heavyweight champion and wondering what comes next as Jim Diamond has unleashed his brother upon the federation as his own personal Representative.
-SCCW- (August 2009 - October 2009)[]

Myke returns from the Expert's Tourney final show to meet with Simcoe fans, he enjoys his time with the children who come to see him compete each week at MNA. Stating Barrie as his favorite place he has ever competed.
- Myke was at Simcoe's Monday Night Aggression last night, (August 24th) only to be thrown out by his brother, Justin Rose, SCCW's Owner's personal rep. Angered as security lead him out, Myke is now slated for the upcoming end of the month MNA against Doctor Ian. This marks the third time they have met between the ropes, once in an IWX tag match and then the Bunkhouse House Brawl in SCCW. Finally going one on one, this Main Event could slap a brand new challenger into Myke's path if he cannot find a way to beat UCW's former World champion. And if Ian beats Myke, he might as well consider himself golden for a title shot down the line...
- Myke wrestled to a time limit draw with Doctor Ian, in what was a solid MNA main event for SCCW. Afterward he and Ian hugged, only to be interrupted by Justin Rose, who made it known Myke would finally defend his Heavyweight title, at the following MNA against Chris "The Battle Machine" Champion. This should prove to be quite a match for Myke, he faced Champion in SCCW's return show to a double count out, and this time the Heavyweight title is on the line.

Even with Max Money's interference, as he tried shoving Myke from the turnbuckles, Adams managed to land a wild Swanton onto Chris Champion in their battle for the SCCW Heavyweight title on MNA 09/07/09.

Adams has a stare down with his brother Justin, moments after Rose clocked the Machine with a chair on MNA 09/21/09.

Adams laid out at the hands of his own brother once more, as Rose aligned with Paul Cain, Galactix and Kirsta Lewis as the new Syndicate on SCCW MNA 09/28/09.

Adams greeting Simcoe's excited fans on his way towards the ring to face Damion Darkside on SCCW MNA 10/12/09.

Adams getting ruffed up by Aaron Blaize outside the ring during their tag match on MNA 10/19/09.
- In the midst of awaiting his upcoming title defense of SCCW's Heavyweight championship, Myke learned that after his amazing main event match up at the previous MNA with fabled Doctor Ian that Ian was going to be retiring from wrestling for an indefinite period of time. Ian was UCW's top draw as the "King" of the place and one of Myke's only behind the scenes friend from his time there. Myke released a statement for SCCW, which went..
"It is a sad day for this sport, Ian was a fierce competitor and a great friend. He was always open for your thoughts backstage and went into every match with pride and a strive to improve, even after being a multiple time World champion! I am personally going to miss Ian, and can only find comfort in the fact Simcoe retained the services of his brother, Greg. I hope in time Ian makes his way back to us and I will definitely keep him and his homeland in my thoughts and prayers. Am I honored to have wrestled to a time limit draw last week? Hell yes! I only wish I woulda known it would have been Ian's final match up... I woulda forced that thing into "overtime" just so everyone could see a little more of a great competitor... God speed Ian, if ya hear this. You'll be missed in Simcoe man."
- Myke successfully defended his Simcoe title at Monday Night Aggression 09/07/07. Early in the show he was confronted in the parking lot by whoever is now dawning the Grim get up, and after a short altercation went about normal business. Later in the night he rescued Samuel Hessingstock alongside Sydney LaRoux from an attack by War Machine, Chris Champion and The Machine. After a few more matches, Justin Rose came to the ring, proclaiming no part in the whole Grim ordeal, Myke came out to confront his brother only to be set up and attacked by Grim and Justin. Still with his title defense to come...
- Myke was pretty beat up by the time the match came around, he prevailed as Heavyweight champ however, after Chris Champion was disqualified for interference from his manager, Max Money. The match went very fast in pace, Myke even missed a suicidal dive from the top turnbuckle to the outside of the ring, as Champion moved causing Adams to crash through the announcer's table! The match went pretty back and fourth, when Myke unleashed his new move, he has dubbed "The Egobreaker" before going for the Swanton. Max Money interrupted Myke while he was on the top turnbuckle and tried shoving him off, only Myke somehow twisted himself into his famed Swanton on the way down over top his challenger. Myke made a cover only to have Money pull him by his ankle, thus DQ'ing Chris Champion and ending the match. Shortly after Champion was arrested in the ring by police and Myke left the ring to greet Simcoe's crowd as the show ended.
- At SCCW's MNA (09-14-09) Myke wasn't scheduled to compete due to minor injuries, he was however on hand as he came to the aid of a beaten and battered Sydney Meleoli-Laroux before confronting his brother, Justin Rose. Justin proclaiming he would prove to Myke that he had nothing to do with the whole Grim ordeal that was currently driving Myke crazy. All the while Myke's apartment was broken into and his girlfriend attacked by an unknown assailent as they ran off with his "Superman" styled custom SCCW Heavyweight title belt.
- SCCW's Monday Night Aggression (09-21-09) Myke had a run in with old nemesis, Aaron Blaize at the show's start. Later he made the save for Samuel Hessingstock after he was attacked by the Machine and Blaize, after a triple threat match. Here is where Sam, alongside Myke and Sydney Meleoli-Laroux gave birth to Common Dreads. Myke would later be interrogated by two agents about an assassination attempt on Samuel Hessingstock moments before his showdown with the other half of SCCW Tag champions, War Machine's, The Machine. (Myke had faced Chris Champion, the Machine's partner, two weeks before in his first title defense as Simcoe champion.) The match with Machine was a slaughter, the Machine dominating most of the contest. Myke once again defied the odds and fought back valiantly to win the match with a simple roll up. Machine threw accusations out of biased referees and such after Justin Rose entered the ring after the match, he stopped the Machine from post match attacking Myke with a chair, only after weeks of being at Myke's heels, to save his little brother with a swing of the chair at Machine. Machine exited the ring, and has pointed fingers at Rose, saying he was screw balled. The match itself saw more interference from Machine's new valet, Angela then any foul play from Myke Adams or the referee, as Myke mounted the turnbuckles to perform a Swanton he was shoved off by Angela, thus saving the Machine from Myke's crushing, high impact, and dare devil trademark finishing move.
- Not at ease with the sudden reformation of SuicidalYouth, Myke's trust in Justin was finally regained at the start of Simcoe's Monday Night Aggression on 9/28/09 when Justin Rose was confronted at the show's start in the men's restroom by one of their opponents for the night Paul Cain and his personal body guard Damien Kahn. Myke intervened an attack by these two, saving Justin and proclaiming his uncertain thoughts had been laid to rest. However as the match begun, Myke stood up tall, going toe to toe with Cain, then Grim and even both of them before finally needing a tag from Rose. The crowd in shock now as Justin had once again fooled Myke as well as Simcoe's fans as he moved his hand away from Myke's tag, entering the ring and attacking the referee before helping "GRiM" and Paul Cain attack Myke. Kirsta Lewis ran down looking like she was making a save for Myke only to moments later level the SCCW Heavyweight champion with a nasty superkick to a chair, busting his face open. As the bleeding Myke was then hit one after the other by Paul, Justin and even Grim's finishing moves. Grim however unmask to reveal Myke's opponent for his SCCW title at War Games, Galactix!!! The group continued assaulting Myke until, Greg Venom and Patrick McCarthy made the save. Leaving Myke beaten and hurt on the canvas, Justin's reformation of Suicidal Youth now an obvious ploy to assist Galactix in trying to gain an advantage over Myke going into War Games. No one knows the extent of the damage suffered to Myke, but he has already been lined up for the first edition of SCCW MNA in October to team alongside McCarthy and Venom to take on three of the new Syndicate members, Paul Cain, Kirsta Lewis and Galactix!
- SCCW's Monday Night Aggression on October 5 was a rather quiet night by Simcoe standards. Myke wasn't involved in much other than his six man tag match during the show's Main Event. He was beaten around by all three opponents (At times all together) But came away getting an edge. As the match heated up, his team (Patrick McCarthy & Greg Venom) Started taking the driver's seat. McCarthy was in a fist fight at ringside with one member of the other team, Paul Cain, but Venom and Myke started rolling through Galactix & Kirsta Lewis. At this point the match was called in Myke's team's favor by a Disqualification, his brother Justin Rose and Damien Kahn interfered and attacked Myke and Greg. Afterward, the Syndicate made it a point to once again attack Myke, McCarthy and Venom... Only Scarlett Willis made a save. It was cut short by Damion Darkside as he came to the Syndicate's aid and wiped her out too. Myke is now scheduled to face Darkside this coming week @ MNA. With Darkside getting the jump on Myke and his friends, he will be looking to not only make a point out of Darkside, but maybe to inflict some pain.
- October 12, Simcoe's Monday Night Aggression opened with Myke being attacked by Galactix, the man who has possession of Myke's SCCW heavyweight title. They brawled it out for a few moments before Galactix's girlfriend and Syndicate partner, Kirsta Lewis made the save for "GFunk". That was Myke's only involvement on the show other than his match up with Damion Darkside, a match which saw Darkside drop Myke head first over the arena floor from the ring apron with his Ballad of a Paralyzed Citizen headlock driver. Myke Adams managed to get a foot on the ropes moments later to save a pinfall, and rallied back to the crowd's delight to hit the Egoshredder, Egobreaker, and Swanton Bomb all in succession before winning the match by pinfall. Afterward, Patrick McCarthy greeted Myke in the aisleway with a brief showing of respect before McCarthy placed his attention on Darkside in the ring and Myke left backstage to enjoy another week of hard fought victory. He has an upcoming tag match alongside Greg Venom against Aaron Blaize & Damion Darkside. October 12ths MNA was the first time within three different promotions that the two have wrestled for that Adams and Darkside had met in the ring as opponents. This tag team match makes for only the second time they have faced off. The only previous time they had been in the ring together prior to 10/12 was a lost tag match in IWX to none other than Aaron Blaize & Creed. This should make for an interesting contest come October 19. Also being Myke's final MNA before defending his Heavyweight championship against Galactix at SCCW WarGames.
- October 19, Monday Night Aggression, Myke was first seen as he had a brief conversation with Sydney Meleoli-Laroux backstage. Later it was found out that his SCCW Heavyweight title belt, which had been stolen earlier in the month by Galactix was now missing. So the show continued when Myke arrived for his tag match with Greg Venom against Aaron Blaize and Damion Darkside. Adams had his title back, no one knows how he got it back, but he brought it to the ring with him and wrestled a brutal match, one in which Blaize and Darkside beat him all over the ring, Myke rallied to the crowd's delight and made a tag to Venom. Getting into another heated altercation with Damion outside the ropes, Myke was unable to break a pinfall after Aaron Blaize punted Greg Venom in the head. Thus costing him his final match before Wargames. Myke wasn't concerned with the loss, instead checking on his good friend as Blaize enjoyed his victory. Later at the show's end, Myke was helping paramedics with Venom when he was confronted by Kirsta Lewis and Galactix. Galactix ordering to know how Myke regained possession of his title. Right before he could be double teamed by Lewis and Galactix, Sydney Meleoli-Laroux showed up with a bat and evened the playing field. MNA ended with a furious Galactix, as he watched Myke walk off with his title in hand. Up next, on the 26th is Myke's big defense of his SCCW Heavyweight championship against Galactix.
- October 26, SCCW War Games, Myke defended his heavyweight title against Galactix. Before the match he had an intense confrontation with Aaron Blaize backstage, the match however was epic, full of back and fourths and plenty of high impact segments, and moves. Myke was about to be put away but managed to get his knees up, another time he had it won, but Galactix's foot was under the ropes. Later he barely kicked out of Galactix's Galactic Splash. Following up with his Egoshredder before being pushed from the top before attempting his Swanton Bomb by Kirsta Lewis, as the referee had been knocked down and out. Galactix nailed his Galactic Slam and had the win for sure, when his valet showed up and distracted the now standing ref, Galactix slapped her, Rosie Cheeks not seeing Myke as the defending champion got behind him and unleashed his new move, The Suidspiral and got the three count to retain his championship. Up next, after leaving the arena with Rosie, Justin Rose has scheduled Myke to face Patrick McCarthy. This marks their first meeting since COPW, nearly three and half years ago.
-SCCW- (November 2009 - December 2009)[]

Adams greeting Simcoe's excited fans on his way towards the ring to face Patrick McCarthy on SCCW MNA 11/02/09.
- November 2, SCCW Monday Night Aggression. After defended his championship against Galactix @ War Games, Myke returned to Studio A slated against Patrick McCarthy. The show opened with a video from the Syndicate taunting various members of the SCCW, including Myke. A little later in the show, Galactix attacked Rosie, his former valet turned Myke's new manager. Myke stopped the attack quickly before the two were separated with some heated fist being thrown around by security, and SCCW Representative, Justin Rose. Later in the show, McCarthy would come to Myke's locker room before their match, the two exchanged light hearted words before McCarthy tossed him some gold polish and told him to keep his title "shiny" for him. And later right before his match up, Myke ran into Sydney Meleoli-Laroux near the curtains to ringside. She was doubting herself after a loss to Sally Screw @ War Games. Myke talked with her and gave his new friend some advice before they parted ways, only further bonding them. As he hit the ring to face Patrick McCarthy, the match was forced to wait and start as Aaron Blaize came out with his newly won All Barrie title and joined Wilkins and Antonelli in the booth. The match itself went well, Myke and Patrick had the fans on their feet from the start as they looked pretty even, exchanging high impact moves and running around the ring like they've both become famous for. However in the midst of their contest they both got grounded, Aaron Blaize snaked into the ring and attempted to punt kick Adams in the head as he was trying to get up. McCarthy doves infront of the kick and was knocked down and out instead. Myke chased Blaize from the ring, screaming he was coming for Aaron. Blaize sauntered backstage before Adams refused to allow EMTs to assist the grounded McCarthy, instead Myke helped his fallen "friend" towards the back. After the show ended, Adams has been slated for next week's main event... he will face All Barrie champion, Aaron Blaize in a non-title bout... Knowing their heated past from Indy Wrestling X, this could be the start of some ugly times for these two.

Myke and Blaize lock horns during the main event of SCCW MNA 11/09/09.
- On November 9's edition of Monday Night Aggression, Myke found himself in a ton of action, and not just involving his Main Event match with his hated enemy, Aaron Blaize! When first arriving at Studio A, Adams was confronted by Galactix a man he had just beat @ War Games to retain his Heavyweight championship. The two had some words and ended up in a brawl before quickly being broken up as Rosie Cheeks got security and stay by the side of her new client, Myke. The show continued and later on Adams was confronted once more by Galactix, this time with the entire Syndicate in tow, Paul Cain, Kirsta Lewis, and his own turn coat brother, Justin Rose. The group tried to intimidate Myke, but he stood his ground, causing a furious Galactix to storm off in anger. Aaron Blaize later gave a heated promo towards Adams, being his usual self when it regards to Myke, Blaize promised to not end his quest to destroy him, until Adams was officially a mere memory to Simcoe's fans and wrestlers alike. Afterward Galactix was painted by Rosie Cheeks, infuriating him even farther as he ended his match with Patrick McCarthy with a nasty chair shot. Setting the stage for Adams and Blaize to meet in the main event, the match proved to be everything anyone could expect from these two gifted superstars. Back and fourth and very brutal. Just as Myke performed a risky ring post plancha, Galactix and Kirsta Lewis flooded ringside, Kirsta super kicking the referee, while a downed Blaize didn't see Galactix attack Adams with a chair! The match ended with no decision made, as Galactix continued to assault Adams. Blaize took his All Barrie championship a left ring side, finally Sydney Meleoli-Laroux showed up to assist Adams, with a group of security. But Adams snapped to and tackled Galactix, the two brawled once more before Justin Rose came down, breaking them up to announce they would meet on the November 16th edition of MNA in a Heavyweight title, cage match! The show ended with a bloodied Adams trying to get at Galactix, as he exited ringside with Kirsta and Justin.

Myke stares down his brother, Justin Rose befoe the main event cage match on SCCW MNA 11/16/09.
- On November 16's edition of Monday Night Aggression, Myke found himself in a ton of action, and not just involving his Main Event cage match with his hated enemy, Galactix for Myke's Heavyweight championship! When first arriving at Studio A, Adams ran into Jay Jerzey, who had just attacked his brother, Justin Rose. Myke confronted a lacerated and hurting Rose as the show opened. A small while later he was shown backstage getting mentally ready for his title defense when he was confronted by Sydney Meleoli-Laroux, Myke asking her to let him go at Galactix alone, no matter what the Syndicate did. Sydney reluctantly agreed to Myke's wishes. Even later in the show, Adams was confronted by Anita Naylor for an interview, rejecting comment before turning a corner where he was brutally assaulted by Aaron Blaize, the SCCW All Barrie champion!!! Left hurting and alone, Myke didn't look to be in good shape for his main event match. But he showed up before hand, one last time as he made the save for SCCW Barbaric champion, Alexander Steele who was being attacked by the Syndicate and their newest member, Chris Champion! Adams chased them off, looking obviously hurt as he assisted Steele from the arena, Justin Rose came down before the main event, announcing he would personally watch over the cage match between Myke and Galactix, along with four hand picked security officers, complete with riot gear. The cage match was brutal, and Myke and Galactix were nearly dead even, when they both finally headed over the cage wall side by side, Justin however moved his guards below Myke. Forcing Adams to launch himself over them as Galactix quickly dropped straight to the arena floor to beat him, and take the SCCW Heavyweight Championship from Myke! Adams made his way up, already hurting from the attack by Blaize and cage match he confronted Justin only to be blind sided by Galactix and then locked in the cage with Galactix and the four guards. Taking off their helmets to reveal the entire Syndicate as they proceeded to punish Adams for his "sins" against them. Justin watched on with a smile, the show ended with the Syndicate beating the life out of the now former SCCW champion...
- November 23's edition of Simcoe County's Monday Night Aggression saw Myke lined up against SCCW legend, Jay Jerzey in a Barbaric rules match. Which basically means there are no rules, before the match Myke was seen backstage helping Alexander Steele attack Max Money and Chris Champion of the Syndicate, Steele proclaiming that he and Adams were just getting started. Adams also had a run in with one half of the SCCW tag champions, Mike Sinclaire. The two had a heated, yet brief confrontation. Where Myke officially declared Sydney Meleoli-Laroux his new tag team partner. And between Sinclaire and himself, they wanted a match. Afterward Myke battled with Jay Jerzey. Suffering some head trauma and two cracked ribs from the attack on the previous week's MNA after his main event cage match with Galactix, at the hands of the Syndicate. Jerzey himself was not 100% after a brutal Total J tournament match with Patrick McCarthy. The two went at it though, fighting brutally outside the ring for the most part before Jerzey set up the time keeper's table and attempted to use his Saint Killer piledriver from the top turnbuckle. Adams fought him off and shoved Jerzey down over the table, attempting his Swanton. Myke went through the table alone as Jerzey rolled out of harm's way. Neither man could get up for the ten count and the referee was forced to call the match a draw. With his already bruised and hurting body, one must wonder how Myke will push himself on as his team with LaRoux, Styled Fusion, is set to face Malicia Savage and Mike Sinclaire, the tag champions on the upcoming Monday Night Aggression!

Myke collides with Mike Sinclaire during their raved tag match on 11/30/09's SCCW MNA.
- On November 30's edition of Monday Night Aggression, Myke started the show off, running into Mike Sinclaire, an veteran high flier, backstage with his partner, Sydney Meleoli-Laroux at his side, Adams gave best wishes to Sinclaire. Far before the two were set to meet in a tag match later that night. After the opening matches and such, Adams was then seen breaking up a fight between his partner, Sydney and his manager of sorts, Rosie Cheeks. Adams restrained LaRoux, before the new partners left Rosie behind to focus on their first tag match together. Later on the show the tag match took place and Adams held true to his promise to Sinclaire, as the two hit a ton of risky moves and dazzled the crowd. The match ended with Adams getting a sudden stunner on Sinclaire with a reversed Ego-breaker before nailing the Swanton for the pin while Sydney held Sinclaire's partner, Malicia Savage outside the ring. After the match, Savage's friend Henrik hit the ring and tossed out Myke, livid Adams tried to re-enter but was restrained outside the ring by Sydney as Savage and Henrik brutalized Mike Sinclaire. After their assault, Myke's brother Justin Rose came out, stripping the team of Sinclaire and Savage of their tag championships. Using his distraction, Sydney and Myke slid in the ring and dropkicked Savage and Henrik out! They dropped the titles before security was sent to keep the two duos apart as Justin hit the ring and snatched up the tag belts, announcing a tournament to crown new champions. Adams, with the aid of Sydney helped a hurting Sinclaire backstage. Later Alexander Steele and Myke, played a trick on Paul Cain. Steele in a deguise distraction the Syndicate founder before he moved aside to have Adams hit an Egoshredder superkick into the face of Paul Cain. They left Cain behind with smiles. And during his last appearance during MNA, Myke and Sydney made a save for "The Wildcard" Matt Michaels, who had attcked Aaron Blaize only to have Aaron turn the attack on him. Myke shoulder blocked Blaize from his assault and helped Michaels up. As Blaize stormed off furious, Adams gave some advice to Micheals before heading out of sight with Sydney. Next week the team of Styled Fusion is set to take on the man who Myke lost his Heavyweight title to, Galactix & Paul Cain of the Syndicate...
- December 7's edition of Monday Night Aggression, Myke was relatively quiet, he and his partner, Sydney Meleoli-Laroux defeated Galactix & Paul Cain of the Syndicate during the Main Event. He also helped Alexander Steele toy with Kirsta Lewis earlier in the show. Next week he is lined up in what appears to be Paul Cain's final match, a triple threat between, Myke, Paul and Patrick McCarthy..
- December 14's edition of Monday Night Aggression, Myke and his partner, Sydney Meleoli-Laroux showed up in the middle of the show, as they talked with SCCW newcomer George Thornton, during the Main Event. Myke, Paul Cain and Patrick McCarthy met, in what was a fast paced and wicked good match up. Myke came out on top as he pinned McCarthy after the three men fought back and fourth all match long, next up for Adams is SCCW's final show of 2009, Atonement. He is slated as part of another big Battle Royal, much like the Bunkhouse Brawl, it is a bring your own weapons Barbaric match. How will the former Heavyweight champion fair in yet another brutal battle royal?

Myke re-enters the ring during the break between the Barbaric battle royal and Heavyweight title match, celebrating his second title victory since Simcoe's return with the excited crowd.
- On December 21, 2009 SCCW presented Atonement, its final super show to end 2009. Myke was set to take place in a Barbaric free for all involving, his own tag mate,Sydney Meleoli-Laroux, along with Chris Bond, Malicia Savage, Riflewilly, Chris Champion, Joseph Cole, Nightmare Child, George Thornton, Ronnie McNeil, and the current Barbaric champ, Alexander Steele. Myke managed to survive, after the champion was eliminated early. Everyone knew a new champion would be crowned. Surviving until the final two, Adams went back and fourth with Joseph Cole in a trade off that brought the Barrie Molson Centre to a rumble. After an great show of respect, Myke somehow came out as the victor, but tired and hurting. He offered a hand to Cole, who accepted... Myke also ask for Cole to be his first challenger to his newly won Barbaric championship. The match itself had so many high spots for and against Adams, it is hard to pin point just which was the best. He climbed his ladder (he brought to the match) only to be shoved off and into the crowd, Simcoe's fans caught the suicidal superstar. He also helped keep the ending tight and exciting, some of his best work came with Joseph Cole. The future looks bright between these two superstars, and when the match came down to just the two of them... They placed all weapons aside, a mutual show of respect gained the attention of Justin Rose, who came out and ordered them to use the weapons. They both rejected the idea and had a nice, solid and clean finish to an aggressive and high octane battle royal. As for the actual title defense, if and when it takes place. Cole will have to wait until 2010 to get another shot at Myke, in what looks to be a great match up in making. Now with the SCCW BARBARIC Championship, one must wonder what lies ahead for Styled Fusion, and Myke in general come 2010. Knowing his risky nature, the Barbaric division seems destined for a face lift in the coming weeks... Adams is sure to add a new spice to the already brutal division, his resilience and heart will make taking down the new champ quite a feat. And after the way his Heavyweight title reign ended, one has to think he will bleed out and die before giving up the Barbaric title without a brutal and deadly fight.
-SCCW- (January 2010 - March 2010)[]
- MNA #27 on January 11, 2010 brought Simcoe wrestling into the year 2010, with Myke set to face Joseph Cole in a rematch of sorts for Adams' newly earned Barbaric championship. Myke's first appearance on the show however was in the ring with Johnny Wilkins, SCCW's ring side commentator, who wanted to give Myke praise for his recent induction in the SCCW Hall of Fame, after a brief heart felt speech was interrupted by his brother, Justin Rose. Myke was blinded sided, but got the better of Chris Champion, Lauri Verne hit the ring next as Dynasty got the numbers on Adams. Aaron Blaize then arrived, as the group held Myke down and beat on him, Blaize basically made a mockerery of Myke's Hall of Fame induction, but Myke broke free and slugged it out with Aaron briefly before getting the better of Champion and Verne once again only to get cheap shotted by Justin Rose. The low blow allowed Blaize to nail his Trail Blaizer cutter and then Dynasty held Myke in place as Blaize lined up for his dreaded punt kick. Scarlett Willis and Joseph Cole made the save however, after Blaize "absorbed" the moment for far too long. Dynasty fled and the SCCW Heavyweight champion, Willis checked on the fallen Adams. Later in the show, Myke defended his Barbaric title, as he and Cole had to deal with Aaron Blaize doing ring side commentary. They wrestled a fan's delight, back and fourth until both men were down, as Cole and Adams fought to stand, Blaize came from the booth and ruined things by dropping Myke with yet another cutter, before he used his Trail Blaizing combo on Cole. Blaize left and enraged Adams in the ring, later Myke confronted Justin in his office, boasting a contract which forced Blaize to defend his All Barrie title the following week against Joseph Cole.

Myke at ringside after turning the tides on 1/18/10's MNA All Barrie title match.
- On January 18's SCCW Monday Night Aggression, Myke was off from actual wrestling. Instead he chose to bring long time girlfriend, and ex-fiancee, Becky DeLounge and her son, Ian to MNA. Backstage, early in the show we saw Myke painting up Ian's face to resemble his own, which had obviously already been hand painted by the four year old Ian. After this Myke was not seen again until the All Barrie championship match between his bitter rival, Aaron Blaize and newly found friend, Joseph Cole. The match was well in hand when Myke showed up, his brother, Justin Rose reversing a roll up in Blaize's favor, Myke came through the crowd and shocked everyone, including Blaize and Rose. He reversed the roll up again, and the referee turned in time to make a three count for Joseph Cole, costing Blaize his covenant title, and etching a notch in Myke's cause against SCCW's newest threat, Dynasty. After Blaize's interference in his Barbaric title match the prior week, Myke may have bitten off more than he wished to chew. After MNA was over he was ambushed in the rear parking area as he escorted Becky and Ian to his Dodge SRT-4 Neon.The assailant was none other than his big brother, Justin Rose. Rose and Adams duked it out while Aaron Blaize showed up and snagged up little Ian, knocking down DeLounge as he rushed the small boy to his new model Chevy Camaro. Eventually Myke was left behind, broken and bloodied as Blaize and Rose sped off with both Becky and Ian in their vehicle... What will come from this is yet to be seen, but this week's MNA should prove to be a sure fire way to find out.
- On January 25's SCCW Monday Night Aggression, Myke made his way to the ring for his match with Lauri Verne of Dynasty. Before the two could mix it up however, Aaron Blaize came out with Ian, Becky and Dynasty on hand, he gave Myke a run down of his "plans", and told him he would have to obey Aaron in order for Becky and Ian to remain safe. Myke was then blind sided from Verne as Blaize left ring side. Myke quickly turned the tide and laid a vicious beating onto Lauri Verne before she landed a questionably low shot with her foot. She wore him down but he ducked her Best Kick Ever and landed the best kick he's ever used, the Egoshredder. The macth continued back and fourth a bit but ended when the ref went down and Verne used a chair to gain the final upper hand before getting herself and upset win. Myke stayed in the ring losing his cool as Verne exited hasty to the back with a coy smile. Later in the show Myke would confront his brother, Justin Rose backstage about their family, doubting Justin a bit and looking ready to pounce on him before Dynasty showed up to support Rose (minus Blaize). Myke gave a closing remark about it being Justin's funeral before he went to leave... It was here Justin told him he'd face Blaize the following week in a Barbaric title match. He also suggested Adams follow Blaize's rules so no one "gets hurt". Myke was later called out after the Main Event, looking beaten, achy and battered he hit the ring and got face to face with Aaron Blaize. Unable to really look at his oppressor, Myke got angry as Justin brought Ian to the entrance way, breaking his heart as his young son called out ot him. This was when Blaize tore into him verbally and proclaimed if Myke used any of his trademark moves and finishers in their title match, he'd have Ian's head ripped off. Blaize then left a placid and distraught Myke in anger inside the ring alone as MNA faded from the air...]
Myke gets a nasty punt kick to the head from Aaron Blaize during their Barbaric title match on MNA {02/01/10}.
- On February 1 Myke was slated to defend his Barbaric championship against his bitter rival, Aaron Blaize. During this show Myke kept himself rather quiet for most of the evening, after his big loss the previous week to Lauri Verne, and the demands being made from Blaize (seeing as Aaron had captured, and used Myke's family for leverage.) Myke didn't want anything bad to happen to his lover, Becky DeLounge or his small son, Ian DeLounge. He was finally seen almost directly before his Main Event title defense, when he was approached by Samuel Hessingstock, a close friend of Adams'. Sam tried to give him inspriation and encouragment only to have Myke shoot him down and march forward for his anticipated show down with Aaron Blaize. After turning a corner and leaving a shell shocked Hess standing, Myke was approached by Blaize, who congratulated him how he handled his encounter with Hessingstock. Blaize also had a tight grip on Myke's child, Ian. Myke shook it off and headed onward, leaving a diabolical grin on Blaize's face. And with this the stage was set, Blaize took to the ring with eager intent, followed out by Myke's own flesh and blood, his older half brother... Justin Rose. Justin had a grip on Becky and Ian, keeping them at bay near ringside as obvious leverage for Dynasty's ploy to strip Myke of everything he had. Myke charged the ring with an almost deceivingly calm focus and demeanor. As the bell sounded, the two, Blaize and Adams, traded off shots for a bit before Myke took the upper hand with a very uncharacteristic assault on Blaize, using plenty of kicks and punches. Myke didn't hit or even attempt any of his signature styled moves. The assault proved to spill the action outside, around and all over the Ajax center. And Blaize had finally had enough, pointing at Myke's family he demanded Adams get into the ring and remain on his knees "like a dog"... Blaize then punt kicked Myke in the head to win the Barbaric title. After Justin, Blaize and Myke's family were gone from ringside... Adams fought with the EMTs, refusing help as he stumbled and fell trying to make his way back after Dynasty before finally collapsing half way up the aisleway as MNA ended...
- On February 8's MNA, Myke was not supposed to be on hand, after suffering a devastating punt kick to the head the prior week from Aaron Blaize. Blaize would even taunt Simcoe's fan, entering the ring to flaunt his newly won Barbaric title, using Myke's entrance music and the such. The crowd kept their support for Adams alive, and Blaize got angry, proclaiming to be the NEW Mr. Simcoe before storming from the ring. After the Main Event, Myke's theme would play again, only this time the real Myke came charging out to the ring. Looking furious as he hit the ring with a charging stride, Jay Jerzey had just been drug off into the crowd by UNhOLY Trinity, and Myke's former foe, Galactix passed him on the aisle. Myke was set to get the jump on Riflewilly before Justin Rose came out and stopped him. They got into a heated confrontation before Myke proclaimed he would have his rematch against Blaize! Using his backstage leverage, Rose ensured this not to happen at least not yet, signing Myke and Aaron into a tag match against each other. Blaize teaming with Chris Champion, and Myke, Scarlett Willis.

Myke and Aaron Blaize go at it during their tag showdown on MNA 02/15/10.
- On February 15 MNA, Adams was slated to tag with long time S&M member, Scarlett Willis, an old friend of his. They would face Aaron Blaize & Chris Champion, Dynasty in the show's Main Event. But before the main event took place, MNA was ripe with action. Lauri Verne of Dynasty having Willis attacked and robbed of her title, the Heavyweight title. Myke being confronted by his brother, Justin Rose and demands being laid out for a Barbaric title rematch. Myke didn't look pleased and as the main event went down, everyone found out why. Using their speed to advantage, Willis and Adams resembled S&M of days past, flying around the ring and attacking Chris Champion and Blaize with an array of high impact dropkicks and even a few suicidal planchas thrown in the mix by Adams. But as the match reached its peak, Blaize pointed Adams to the entrance way, there stood Lauri Verne & Justin Rose with Myke's family, Becky and Ian in their grasp. Adams then looked ashamed as he refused a tag out by Willis and left ring side, leaving his friend to her fate at the hands of the diabolical Aaron Blaize. But before Blaize could punt kick Scarlett, Chris Champion betrayed Dynasty and speared Blaize out of the ring!!! Champion was then assaulted and attacked by Justin Rose, Lauri Verne, and Aaron Blaize!!! Myke returned to the ring and saved Willis, but retreated backstage in search of Becky and Ian, to no avail. He returned to the ring to rescue Champion alongside Willis as MNA went off the air. Next week's show will see Willis taking on both Verne & Rose, as well as Adams rematching for the Barbaric title against Aaron Blaize...
- On February 22 SCCW's MNA was Main Evented with a Barbaric title rematch between Aaron Blaize and Myke Adams. Before the match took place, Adams stormed the ring and gave a heated little speech directed at Blaize, calling out Blaize on his tactics towards Myke up to this point and promising to deliver an answer to all of the things Blaize has done to him. Blaize cut the speech off, and the match was under way. Blaize dominated Adams, using his far better ring know how to keep himself in the driver's seat. With the crowd on the edge, and Myke's concussion in question throughout. Blaize held nothing back, after Myke battled free from the grip of the Eternal Sin, Blaize managed to take control once again after a very small spur of offense from Myke and land a top rope falling cutter [The Trail Blaizer] onto a steel chair. But the beat up Adams managed to break an obvious three count with his foot on the ropes. While Blaize argued with the referee, the crowd delighted as Adams fought to his feet with the ropes and brought Blaize down from behind with a shocking three count via a crucifix roll up. With Myke taking back the Barbaric title, Blaize retains Becky and Ian, Myke's loved ones... This battle of bad blood looks to get only uglier and far worse as Myke is set to face J.T.Cash in a non-title Barbaric rules match. With Blaize being off the card, the Lord only knows what he will try to do to "vindicate" his Barbaric title loss... Has Myke placed his own loved one's heads on the chopping block? Or will his grip on the Barbaric title be enough to hold Blaize at bay and get him his family back???
- On the March 1 SCCW's MNA Myke was slated against newly crowned NeWA World TV champion, J.T. Cash. Their match would be under Barbaric rules as well. Early on in the show Dynasty hit the ring, and Myke's big brother, Justin Rose announced he was given complete control over Simcoe's operations by Jim Diamond, the company's owner. Myke was then showed backstage talking with Scarlett Willis as the two agreed they would need to work together to look out for not only their heads at this point, but their jobs. Later in the night, Myke defeated J.T. Cash in a nasty, and rather quickly paced Barbaric rules match, Myke utilized his Warp Asylum submission to get the win, after using the Egoshredder [superkick] into a chair to smash open Cash's forehead. After the match Myke was confronted by Dynasty. Aaron Blaize tried to force Adams to chose which of his family members, Becky or young Ian, would be sacrificed by Myke himself. Adams refused and was slapped by Blaize, he returned the slap and moments later was hit by Blaize's Trailblaizer [falling cutter], Aaron then announced they would rematch the following week for the Barbaric title in a "submissions match"!!! Leaving Myke alone in the ring... Dynasty taking Becky and Ian backstage with them...
Aaron Blaize kicks Myke Adams in the head during their brutal Barbaric title submission match on MNA 03/08/10.
- On March 8 MNA, Adams was first seen backstage tending to a wounded Samuel Hessingstock. Sam‘s attackers unknown as Myke was confronted by former Dynasty member, Chris Champion, the two briefly talked about what had happened before Myke walked away disgusted. Later in the show, almost directly before the Main Event showdown with Aaron Blaize, Myke was confronted by backstage interviewer, Craig James. Adams blew off James, and stated anything he felt, or had to say would be done in the ring with Blaize. The actual Main Event, Barbaric rules submission match was one of the most violent and brutal contest between Myke and Blaize to date. They went back and fourth trying to really wound the other, Aaron using his submission edge to his advantage until Justin Rose brought Becky Delounge to ring side… This set Adams off, and he went on a flurry of offense. The match kept going back and fourth, when Myke reversed a punt kick attempt by Blaize before dropping him over his knees with the Egobreaker! Adams shoved Blaize onto the time keepers table and climbed to the top of the ring post before diving at Aaron with a suicidal, risky, and doomed Swanton Bomb! As Blaize moved and then locked the Eternal Sin hold onto a nearly unconscious Adams. Blaize pulling Myke from the scraps of the broken time keeper‘s table and keeping the hold locked well after the match had ended. Becky broke free of Justin Rose and mounted an assault on Aaron Blaize… But Blaize ripped her onto her face across the arena floor with his Trail Blaizer falling cutter. Blaize then left ringside with Rose, and the Barbaric championship. Leaving DeLounge behind as she crawled over a broken, and out of it Adams… What remains of the SCCW Suicidal Superman is questionable… But as MNA closed, he looked worse for wear and unconscious in a bloody mess amongst the table scraps…
- On March 15 MNA, Adams was out due to injuries from his showdown with Aaron Blaize the week prior, he did show up as Blaize and Dynasty [Blaize, Lauri Verne, & Justin Rose attempted to parade to the ring and gloat over Aaron‘s big win the week before. Myke came out cutting things short, and tried to blitz the ring and get at Dynasty, only Justin had security with them, and they restrained and furious Adams. Myke clawed and screamed at Dynasty before being forced backstage by security as the crowd boo‘ed Dynasty in the ring. The three of them following after Myke was gone from ring side. Later in the show, Myke gave a very ‘candid‘ interview with SCCW‘s Craig James about wanting one last show down with Aaron Blaize, it remains to be seen if this could happen. But Myke seemed relentless to not allow things to simply end this way, with Blaize still in possession of Adams‘ little boy, Ian DeLounge. Myke later came down during the Main Event, after Lauri Verne attempted to turn the tides of the match in Blaize‘s favor, [Aaron Blaize was facing Myke‘s good friend, Scarlett Willis] Myke attacked Verne, and tried to Swanton down over a fallen Blaize, who was draped over Willis. But Justin Rose had stormed out as well and pulled Blaize from harm‘s way causing Myke‘s Swanton to simply land over Scarlett! Shocked, Myke was then told he would face Scarlett the following week one on one, left in the ring with his friend as Dynasty headed backstage… What could go down now? Is this a set up by Dynasty? Or will Scarlett be peeved about Myke’s missed Swanton that he landed on her? Next Monday at Aggression… We find out…
- On March 22 edition of SCCW's Monday Night Aggression, Myke was signed on to battle his good friend Scarlett Willis, the SCCW Heavyweight champion, in a non title, one on one Main Event contest. After missing Blaize the week prior, and landing onto Willis with his Swanton. Everyone wondered how the two would battle it out, and remain kosher. As the show opened, Myke stormed the ring and demanded Aaron Blaize answer his request for one final contest, with everything, Ian included on the line. Adams refused to leave the ring until Blaize showed. Justin Rose came down with four security guards and forced Myke to the back after having the guards assault Adams. Myke wouldn't be seen again until the Main Event, where he and Willis awed the Simcoe crowd, and put on a great contest. Each kicking out of the others' finishing move, before Myke hit a second Swanton and pinned the Heavyweight champion. After the match, Blaize came out and answered Adams, telling him at Blaize of Glory they would face off in a ladder match for Ian, the Barbaric title, everything... Lauri Verne used this chance to blind shot Myke, a brawl ensued between Willis and Verne [who will face off for the Heavyweight title at SCCW's Blaize of Glory] Aaron Blaize handed off Myke's son, Ian, to Justin Rose and joined the fight, landing his Trailblaizer cutter on Willis. Myke gained the upper hand as he nailed a suicide plancha into Blaize and Verne, but Dynasty escaped the ring, and Justin signed a tag match... the final MNA before BOG, Myke will team with Scarlett as the Superman and Sweetheart of Simcoe battle it out with the sinister Lauri Verne and diabolic Aaron Blaize... How this plays out is anyone's guess. But with BOG on the horizon, this is sure to be a heated tag team Main Event.
- On the March 29 MNA,the final SCCW show before Myke's huge Barbaric Ladder match at Blaize of Glory with Aaron Blaize, Myke was lined up to tag with his good friend, Scarlett Willis to take on Dynasty's very own, Lauri Verne alongside Aaron Blaize. As the show opened, the ring was set up for contracts to be signed for the Heavyweight title, and Barbaric title matches. After signing the dotted line, Blaize and Verne jumped Willis and Adams, leaving the crowd's favored 'heroes' in a heap of pain in the ring. Later before the Main Event tag match, Blaize was seen talking with Myke's girlfriend, Becky DeLounge. Saying he was giving Ian back, their son. During the actual match after ward, it started as an average tag affair, but things heated up as Scarlett got a tag to Myke, before all hell broke loose. Justin Rose entered and helped Lauri Verne beat down Willis, while Myke and Blaize battled outside the ring. Becky would come down with a bleeding Ian, as the match was ended in a DQ win for Myke and Scarlett. Myke went for Becky but was jumped by Blaize then pummeled by Rose, and Blaize. The assault continued, before Blaize looked to help Verne injury Willis in the ring with a ladder. Myke got the crowd going as he attacked Blaize in a frenzy before attacking Verne! Eventually Blaize got the better of Myke and nailed his falling cutter onto the fallen ladder! MNA ended with Dynasty standing tall over Willis and Myke, but with Blaize's actions towards his family... the 'seal of Dynasty' being punched into his chest... How far will Myke be willing to go next Monday at the Molson Center... When SCCW host BLAIZE OF GLORY?!?! This confrontation between Aaron Blaize and Myke looks to cap off in the nastiest, most violent Barbaric match to date...
-SCCW- & IWX- (April 2010 - June 2010)[]

Myke's ill-fated Swanton from a ladder over Blaize, at SCCW's Blaize of Glory Supershow.
- SCCW On April 5 2010, Adams would finally get another one on one shot at Aaron Blaize! They were to Main Event SCCW's super show, an arena event named after Aaron himself, Blaize of Glory. The match was under ladder rules, and proved to be the most vicious context EVER between the two. Both got battered, beaten on, at one point Myke's hair was even caught in the ladder and ripped from his scalp by Aaron!!! They went back and fourth and put each other through hell, the match finished when they both climbed the ladder in the middle of the ring. Blaize ripped Myke down to the canvas with a wild Trail Blaizer falling cutter, but at the same time Adams snagged the Barbaric title they had been fighting for, thus winning the contest! Aaron snapped and shoved the ref, before placing Myke into his Eternal Sin grapple hold... But SCCW Heavyweight champion, Scarlett Willis ran down with a bat to Myke's aide. The Show ended with a shattered new Barbaric champion being assisted by the Heavyweight champion. Blaize seethed as he headed backstage with Justin Rose. SCCW fans will have to wait two weeks to find out just how the aftermath of this HUGE event will play out... Will Blaize continue to vebrally and pysichally assault Myke, or has the viper's sights been set to the current Heavyweight champion? And in what condition will either man be after this gruesome ladder match... The aftershocks will be vast... Stay tuned for updates...
- IWX On April 4 Myke also finalized paperwork with good friend Samuel Hessingstock to re-join a fed he had a ton of success in before. He become a member of Independent Wrestling X once again!!! In what form IWX plans to use Myke's fabled ring skills... That is yet to be seen.
- IWX On April 11 Myke returned to action for Independent Wrestling X as he was set in the Main Event to face Tyler Graves. The show opened with the two men meeting inside the ring, and drawing a standing ovation from the 'X-nation' as they shook hands. As for the actual match, it was a back and fourth classic which saw Myke end up winning via his Swanton! Dylan Scott then came out, proclaiming he had 60% share of IWX... and unless CEO Samuel Hessingstock [who had been ringside for the Main Event] did everything he said... Scott would close funding for Indy X. Dylan also demanded Myke face off the following week with a long time rival in Kirsta Lewis. The two go far back, all the way to their days in the RWF... Many years ago.
- IWX On April 18 Myke faced off and defeated Kirsta Lewis, a long time rival and friend. They rocked the Dome and brought the crowd to their feet... Myke finishing things off with a wild Swanton Bomb. This right before Dylan Scott forced Samuel Hessingstock to sign another ill-fated match for Adams. One against newcomer Ash Asher, only stip was Scott would referee and Sam would be ring side announcer... ALSO, Adams could use none of his trademark or finishing moves or he would be suspended indefintetly.
- SCCW On April 19 2010, Adams and the rest of SCCW finally returned for Monday Night Aggression. Myke was scheduled to face his good friend, Scarlett Willis in a Heavyweight title match for the show's main event. But since Blaize of Glory ended, NO one around SCCW had heard of, about, or from Adams. Anita Naylor tried for an interview but was snuffed by Adams, even later in the show Myke and Scarlett had words leading to Adams stunning everyone as he shoved Willis into a wall. During the Main Event, Adams was lethal in his quest to win the title. He viciously went after his friend, and ended up having them both counted out as he assaulted her to a jarred reaction from the crowd outside the ring. The match was ended, but Willis fought to re-enter the ring, Myke followed and watched her with a psychotic expression before Aaron Blaize and Justin Rose came out... As Blaize entered the ring, he and Myke got face to face and everyone, EVERYONE, expected a fight. But Myke shocked the SCCW World and simply left the ring without a second glance. Leaving his hurting friend Willis behind and in striking distance of the deadly viper, Aaron Blaize. Myke met up with Justin at the entrance and the brothers embraced before exiting to the back... Leaving Blaize free shot to beat on Scarlett and the entire SCCW fan base and locker room wondering HOW this could happen. After everything Rose and Blaize had done... How could Myke leave with one of them...
- IWX On April 25 Myke faced off with Ash Asher during the Main Event of Indy X's Redefined IV. The match was an uphillbattle for Myke, as IWX owner Dylan Scott placed himself as referee, and claimed if Adams used any of his trademark 'finishing moves' he would be suspended. Adams took the fight to Asher, and in the heat of battle wiped out Scott! Samuel Hessingstock had been ordered to do ring side commentary... He claimed the match could not continue without a ref. And KIRSTA LEWIS came down to fill that void. She demanded the match restarted and both men ended up down and out... Lewis pulled Adams over Asher, and counted the three... Giving Myke yet ANOTHER win within the ranks of IWX. What type of after math will transpire from all of this... IWX is yet to see, next week @ Redefined V, Myke is scheduled to take on JS2.
- SCCW On April 26 2010, Adams left even more questions for the SCCW fans and wrestlers alike. Showing up at the show‘s start and attacking the Mullet City Mayors without mercy before leaving once more with his brother, Justin Rose and Lauri Verne of Dynasty. After the group had put Myke through hell, everyone has been in shock over Myke‘s actions. Later in the show, Verne was confronted by Anarchy, a low card fan favorite. Anarchy slapped Verne moments before being ambushed by Adams! Myke pummeled Anarchy into a vending machine but was stopped and hauled from Studio A by security before he could bash Anarchy‘s own skate board over his head! What has happened to Adams… no one in Simcoe knows at this point and things are not getting any clearer as Verne and Rose‘s lips seem sealed...
- IWX On May 2 2010, Myke faced off with Joseph Stevens, otherwise known as JS2 at Indy X's Redefined V. The match was back and fourth, and a hard fought victory for Adams. Was he impressed with JS2?! IWX is yet to see, next week @ Redefined VI, Myke is scheduled to take on JS2 again, this time in a tag match, with Myke's partner being Kirsta Lewis, the Hellcat herself... and JS2's partner being IWX newcomer... Shiru Vanchiez.
- SCCW On May 3 2010, Adams was scheduled to team with Lauri Verne of Dynasty and face off with his good friends at one time, Alexander Steele & Scarlett Willis in tag action. As the night unfolded however, Justin Rose would call out Willis and Steele and claim Adams & Verne had been in a serious accident. He called off the tag match and left the ring, followed by Willis and Steele. Later in the show Rose was seen shocked in his office... Myke Adams had shown up and tossed his Barbaric title onto Rose's desk. The brothers argued, with Adams stating that 'he quit' before Rose signed a Loser Leaves Simcoe match between Myke, and Alexander Steele. Adams didn't seem to care, and when Rose questioned him for a third time about Verne... Adams super kicked Justin in the face! The last thing we saw of Justin on this MNA was him lying in a heap of pain along the corridor backstage... If Adams will show up for this 'Loser Leaves' match is yet to be seen...
- IWX on May 9 2010, Myke tagged with Kirsta Lewis, the two of them were successful in a match against IWX newcomer, Shiru Vanchiez, and JS2. The match was a highlight reel in motion, ending with Adams crushing Shiru with his Swanton Bomb, while Lewis took JS2 out of the contest. Later in the show [Redefined VI] Adams made a save for Samuel Hessingstock alongside Kirsta Lewis... Next week, Myke is scheduled in a Pure rules match on Redefined VII against 'Prozac' for the vacant IWX Pure championship... How much farther will the Suicidal Superman climb in IWX, his record stands unblemished at 5-0... Can Prozac be the one to finally put a dent in Myke's loss column?!
- SCCW on May 10 2010, Adams showed up on Monday Night Aggression, early in the show he was asked to sign a contract for release encase he was the loser in a Loser Leaves Simcoe match later in the night. Adams refused with force, clubbing his older brother, Justin Rose with a nasty left punch before stating the match would be 'on his terms'. The match itself was back and fourth, Myke dug deep into his bag of risky, high octane offense, while his good friend, and opponent for the night, Alexander Steele used his array of technical wear downs. During the match's climax, Adams barely escaped a nasty Cobra Clutch, but rallied and hit his Egoshredder superkick before nailing a Swanton Bomb. But Steele kicked out, and the match ended right after with a time limit draw. Justin Rose came out and proclaimed he made a time limit, because neither man was leaving Simcoe. Adams superkicked his brother, for the second week in a row! And Steele leveled one of Justin's personal security guards with a nasty belly to belly suplex... Myke crashed over the guard right after with another Swanton Bomb. Rose left ring side after claiming they were both 'fired' and as Adams and Steele celebrated with the crowd, Adams dropped his good friend with his double knee backbreaker... alias the Egobreaker! The crowd rattled with dismay as Adams simply left ring side, not looking back towards the ring with a downed Steele or the crowd... Is this the last SCCW will see of Adams?! Why did he turn on Steele?! So many questioned could remain un-answered... So many...
- IWX on May 16 2010, Myke wrestled the enigmatic, Prozac in the show's Main Event for the vacant Pure Championship. The two men pushed each other to their limits, a match that saw the fans, dubbed, 'X-Nation', torn over who they wanted to win. After a truck load of back and fourth action, Myke managed to be the last man standing after a boutched reversal of a Prozac move saw both men down and out. Myke climbed the ropes just before the ten count to grab his first taste of gold in the IWX. Afterward, he gave props to Prozac, and even ask the X-nation to do the same... but suddenly Myke was assaulted by his old Styled Fusion tag partner, Sydney Meleoli-Laroux!!! She crushed him with a Deviant Downfall... [military press into knee lift] And now the tables seem to be set for 'Will Not Die'. Samuel Hessingstock chosing Myke to rep him for a shot @ 15% ownership of the X. LaRoux appears to be Dylan Scott's answer... Time will tell how far this goes. One thing is for sure, Myke is not going to take kindly to his good friend's betrayal, and either will the X-Nation!
- SCCW on May 17 2010, Adams showed up on Monday Night Aggression, to start the show. He touched on his current 'de-evolutionary' state within the ranks of Simcoe. Stating that the crowd only cared about him breaking himself for their pleasure... And things along these lines. After a few comments on the crowd and the fed in general... Adams grew bored it would seem and walked out of ring side... This would be his only appearance in SCCW this night...
- IWX on May 23 2010, Myke was off for the week after his hard fought victory of the Pure Championship the week prior against Prozac. After a triple threat match involving Sydney Meleoli-Laroux, Myke made an appearance on the Doncaster Dome's split screen. He taunted and claimed to have revenge against LaRoux before showing up in the ring behind her! She dodged a superkick, alias Egoshredder, before getting plowed into by an air borne Adams as he landed a suicidal shooting star press into Sydney outside the ring. Tyler Graves and Aleksy Madej came out to chase Myke off. Adams celebrated his attack with the crowd, dubbed by Adams as the X-Nation. Later in the show, Graves and Madej would try to attack Kirsta Lewis after her match with Tyler, Myke came out and made the save. Fending them both off before the lights went out. When they returned... Lewis was down and out and Sydney LaRoux came in from out of Myke's view... dropping him with a wild 180 degree facebuster to end IWX's Redefined. This makes two weeks running that Adams' old tag mate has gotten the better of the Suicidal Superman... How will he react, or will he be more focused on his upcoming tag match against Madej and Graves alongside JS2?!
- SCCW on May 24 2010, Adams showed up on Monday Night Aggression, only for a one shot segment. He was seen backstage counting a large amount of money. After being approached by his brother, and head of SCCW operations, Justin Rose. Adams proclaimed Justin could not fire him, like he had tried a few weeks removed. Adams said his contract was signed by Jim Diamond... Therefore he wrestles for Jim Diamond's SCCW... Not Justin's. He said he was in SCCW to stay, whether Rose liked it or not...
- IWX on May 30 2010, Myke and JS2 teamed up to take on Hierarchy's Aleksy Madej and Tyler Graves. The match started with Myke alone, JS2 nowhere to be seen as Adams was worked over by Graves and Madej. Myke had a few spots of offense, but JS2 eventually showed up and helped Myke roll to a BIG win. Adams landing his Swanton onto Madej for the three count. After the contest, Myke would be attacked from behind by Sydney Meleoli-Laroux for a third straight week... Their apparent contest for majority ownership of IWX is going to end in a very bitter and brutal contest at IWX's Will Not Die!!! For now the two are lined up on opposing teams, LaRoux tags with Madej & Graves to take on Adams... Myke has been teamed with JS2 and the Hellcat herself, Kirsta Lewis.
- SCCW on May 31 2010, the SCCW's held a special MNA called 'Day of Reckoning' in honor of its first full year since returning to the wrestling scene. A battle royal took place before the show aired, with a competitor named Blind Wolf taking the win by eliminating Paul Cain. As the special MNA started, this Blind Wolf came to the ring and promised to reveal his identity. Turns out Myke was under the hood, he gave a small speech before finally saying he wasn't the 'real' Blind Wolf... and He'd give SCCW the real one, out came Lauri Verne. Her once beautiful face beaten and battered with scars and haunting eyes. She stood tall beside Adams, as they gave SCCW a speech and exited the ring... LATER in the show, Verne and Adams would show back up after Hannah Rickman retained her Legacy title. They helped Rickman attack her two opponents post match before the three raised one another's arms and exited ring side together as a trio. The three would come out once more after J.T. Cash won back the Welterweight title... The four of them, [Rickman, Verne, Cash, and Adams] would form a group at this moment... dubbed recently as 'The Faction'. Only time will tell what the true agenda is within this powerful group of champions, former champions and a SCCW hall of famer...
- IWX on June 6 2010, Myke and JS2 teamed up again, this time alongside Kirsta Lewis to take on Hierarchy's Aleksy Madej and Tyler Graves with Dylan Scott's personal rep for Will Not Die, Sydney Meleoli-Laroux. The match lost control and ended in a no contest when all six competitors got into a giant brawl. Adams got the better of IWX Pride champion, Tyler Graves... But before he could land his fan favored Swanton... He was once again jumped by LaRoux and dropped with her Twisted Fixation. Sydney stayed on her knees over Adams fallen body... Now the two of them throw the tag affairs aside and meet this coming week at IWX's Will Not Die super card. Who will win bragging rights and control over IWX for Dylan Scott, or Samuel Hessingstock?
- SCCW on June 7 2010, Adams didn't show up until the Welterweight title match between his old friend, Joseph Cole and J.T. Cash, Adams new friend in their group known by SCCW simply as 'The Faction'. Cash belittled Cole, and refused to give him a chance at the Welterweight title. Adams showed up through the crowd and jumped Cole, demanding and forcing the referee to make a count. Cash could not secure the pin, Adams continued to assault Joseph Cole. But the Marine kicked out of yet another Cash pin! Eventually Cole got the upper hand, but it was short lived as Cash and Adams had the numbers and together Adams landed his vicious Egobreaker before Cash crushed Cole with his somersault leg drop... the Cash Vault. The referee refused to count and left ring side, therefore Adams made the un-official three count for J.T. Cash. After the 'match' Cash and Adams trashed SCCW, the fans and everything between. Adams blaming the fact no one had aided him against Dynasty, and more so Aaron Blaize as his reason for taking Cash's money offer and becoming a member of the Faction... Latter in the show, The Faction's other members, Lauri Verne and Hannah Rickman were defeated by the Chompions, Chris Champion and Eaton Gore! Adams and Cash tried to jump the SCCW tag champs, but they gained the upper hand and left the ring, leaving a furious Faction fuming... And setting up a massive three on three tag affair for the upcoming MNA... Adams will team with Rickman and Cash to face the Chompions, and former SCCW heavyweight champion... Scarlett Willis. Will the Faction's momentum continue to grow as they attempt to roll through three Simcoe favorites? Or can the Chomps and Willis make a much needed stand for not only the fans, but themselves?
- IWX on June 13 2010, IWX presented Will Not Die with the Main Event facing off Myke against his former tag partner, and close friend, Sydney Meleoli-Laroux. The match was for control over Indy X for either Samuel Hessingstock (if Adams won) or Dylan Scott (if Laroux did.) The match was brutal, fast paced, and everything the X-Nation would expect from Sydney and Myke. But when it reached it's climax late in the contest... Adams and LaRoux simply exited ringside. Together. They walked out of the match, leaving Hessingstock and Scott to settle things themselves. With both Syd, and Myke walking out on such a high profile contest... What type of future does the IWX Pure champion, Myke Adams have... If any, with the company?
Departure -IWX- (June 17th, 2010)[]
- On June 17 2010, after only nine weeks with the company... Myke Adams resigned from his position on the roster in IWX, leaving behind the IWX Pure title without so much as a word to the management there. After walking out on his match at Will Not Die, people were left to wonder what exactly was going through his head, or Sydney LaRoux's. Adams released this statement about his departure from the X-Nation....
- From Adams himself "Well, as the match progressed with Syd, we both had a ton on our plate. Thanks to added pressure from management... They wanted us to tear each other apart. Dylan Scott, and Samuel Hessingstock... will... not... use... me. As much as I hate to do this to the fans in Europe... My home is in Barrie with SCCW. Always has been, always will be. That is where I belong... and traveling between the promotions was not worth the agony of playing the hoops game with Dylan Scott. Regardless of my standing in Simcoe at the moment... I'd rather listen to the fans there piss and moan over my actions, then EVER be someone's sled dog again."
-SCCW- (June 2010 - August 2010)[]

Adams after the tag match was thrown out on SCCW MNA 47.
- SCCW on June 14 2010, Adams was slated to team with his Faction stable mates, JT Cash and Hannah Rickman to face off with the SCCW Heritage Tag champs, The Chompions and former Heavyweight champ, Scarlett Willis. The contest was fast paced and full of action... but in the end the referee could not maintain control and called the match off. Leaving a bitter taste with the Faction, Adams, Rickman, and Cash were joined up with by Lauri Verne as the quartet laid waste to their opponents. Attacking Chris Champion, Eaton Gore, and Willis until security personal flooded the ring to stop them. In the aftermath of this all, SCCW has lined up Rickman against Champion, and Verne against Gore... the catch with Verne and Gore... Adams will be at ringside, as will Chris Champion. And both can become active within the contest while either Gore, or Verne is outside the ring. Next Monday night should continue a grudge that is quickly becoming a bitter rivalry in the Chompions with Adams & Verne.
- SCCW on June 21 2010, Adams was no scheduled for a match. But rather he was assigned as Lauri Verne's ring side help in a 'Manager's Match', one involving Verne facing off against The Chompions Eaton Gore. Chris Champion was Gore's ring side 'manager'. Before the contest took place, Adams was seen backstage with Verne. Lauri giving him her well known weapons from her time with Dynasty, a set of brass knuckles... only instead of the 'D' they dawned a 'B' and 'W'. Adams took them to ringside, and the contest was high octane and fast paced. A ton of brawling ensued... and Eaton Gore managed to slip into the ring just before a ten count to win the contest via count out. Furious, Adams and Verne assaulted the Chompions with a steel chair before Lauri finished the attack with her knuckles... blasting both Champion and Gore in the face. After the attack, Adams and Verne stated they were after the Heritage tag titles... and they would be waiting for the Chompions to accept their challenge. After this took place, Adams was seen on MNA again, this time after Aaron Blaize started to attack Justin Rose... with Blaize and Rose always seemingly being close, this shocked the SCCW audience. Adams stopped Blaize's attack, and after a brief bantering he kicked his own big brother with his 'Egoshredder' superkick. Unimpressed, Blaize left the scene and Adams watched his brother lie in pain. Adams final spot on the show came near the end, he was involved with the Faction... as the group took it to Scarlett Willis in J.T. Cash's honor. The show ended with Faction standing tall and proud after their attack on Willis as the crowd boo'ed hysterically... Next up for Adams, he has been slated against Chris Bond in the upcoming MNA #49's Main Event... What kind of mess will transpire as these two meet for Bond's first match after suffering a vicious attack at the hands of Aaron Blaize?!
- SCCW on June 28 2010, Myke Adams was heavily involved on Monday Night Aggression #49. First he was seen inside Justin Rose's office... As Chris Bond's girlfriend Katy showed up to talk with Rose about Bond's condition. [Bond had been viciously attacked and beaten upon by Aaron Blaize two weeks prior.] Adams, knowing that Katy didn't know he wasn't Rose, played right along. He invited her to come to the ring during the Main Event and give Bond's fans the 'news'. Adams was next seen later in the show with his tag mate, Lauri Verne, the two of them were seen playing mind games with a backstage worker before Verne stated that The Chompions were next to be 'purified'. After the contest between Aaron Blaize, and the Chompions... [Blaize's partner, J.T. Cash didn't show up...] Adams and Verne stormed through the crowd and demanded that Chris Champion and Eaton Gore answered their challenge. Champion did just that... and stated it would be sooner than later... NEXT week to be exact! After Justin Rose brought out security to keep the two teams apart... Adams wasn't seen again until the Main Event. Katy had come down to the ring to announce that Bond would be unable to compete... she was cut off however as Adams made his entrance and finally told her he was not Rose. She slapped him before Adams shoved her to the mat... Before Adams could do anymore damage... Joseph Cole came out through the crowd. [Adams and Cash had busted Cole up a few weeks back...] Cole and Adams got into a brawl and ended up in the crowd... The show ended with Aaron Blaize hitting the ring and laying waste to Bond's girlfriend...
- SCCW on July 5 2010, Myke Adams was involved on Monday Night Aggression #50 for the opening and Main Event. During the opening he helped the Faction attack and dismantle Patrick McCarthy, a retired long time SCCW fan favorite. This was a ploy to help J.T. Cash get under Scarlett Willis' skin... The attack was ugly as Lauri Verne locked McCarthy in a Texas Cloverleaf while Adams crashed over Patrick's back with his famed Swanton!!! Later in the show, the Main Event was a highly contested tag titles match... but after a missed shot with his weapon [a fork] Eaton Gore hit his partner, Chris Champion... lacerating Champion's head... and opening a window that Lauri Verne and Myke Adams jumped right through. They viciously attacked after the miscue, and ended up hitting Champion with the same move they used on McCarthy... only rather than his Swanton... Adams used his new Perdition Plunge a 630 degree front flip into a swanton splash!!! Champion could not anwser the ref as the official raised his hand and dropped it three times... leaving Verne and Adams as the new SCCW Heritage tag team champions!!!
- SCCW on July 12 2010, Myke Adams was hardly involved on Monday Night Aggression #51. Showing up early in the show via a video feed with his tag mate, and fellow Heritage champion, Lauri Verne. The two of them giving their twisted views on the future of Sincoe... Before the feed ended. He was also involved in the show's finale... Believing that he and Verne were not present @ MNA... They showed up as a cage was erected around the ring, and together with Faction stable mates, J.T. Cash, and Hannah Rickman the quartet laid waste to a helpless Scarlett Willis!!! A six man tag match has been signed, under steel cage stipulations involving Myke, with Verne and Cash by his side as the three take on Chris Champion, Eaton Gore, and Scarlett Willis.... The match is scheduled for MNA #52 and should be quite the crowd pleaser... There is a solid chance one if not more of these superstars may never return to Simcoe once this bad blood comes spilling out inside the confines of a steel cage...
- SCCW on July 19 2010, Myke Adams was involved in a three on three tag team Main Event, his partners were fellow Faction stable mates, Lauri Verne, and J.T. Cash. The three were slated to take on The Chompions, Eaton Gore and Chris Champion, with Scarlett Willis, the former SCCW Heavyweight champion. With a steel cage around the ring, the two teams of three went at it viciously and violently... Bad blood between the Chompions [Gore/Champion] and Verne/Adams spilled out in the confides of the cage. As bitter animosity between Willis and Cash did as well... It was a nasty fight to the end... After Chris Champion broke the cage open [after Verne's Order of the Blind Wolf intervened on Faction's behalf!] all hell broke loose... With Willis, Adams, Cash, and Champion all brawling towards the entrance stage. Inside the ring, Eaton Gore got possession of Verne's 'career enders' or brass knuckles and pounded Verne into the mat. Gore beat her badly, to the point a return from Lauri Verne looks scarce. Adams and Cash bettered Champion and Willis and returned to the ring to seek vengeance for Verne. They pummeled Gore into the canvas before Adams crushed him from the top of the turnbuckle post, through the cage wall and into the concrete Studio A floor! MNA ended with Gore and Verne being assisted by EMTs, niether looking like they would ever step foot in a SCCW ring again. What will this mean for the tag team champions, if Verne is in fact injured, or worse her career over... What will Adams do as the SCCW, and Justin Rose will likely come calling for those titles?! And the bitter riverally between Willis, Champion, and Gore with the Faction... Where will it go with both sides seemingly losing a member of their 'cause'?! Time will tell... Adams is not scheduled to compete on MNA #53 this coming Monday, but both his partners in the Faction are. Will Faction be out for blood?
- SCCW on July 26 2010, Myke Adams was called out at the show's opening. SCCW's Monday Night Aggression began with Justin Rose coming to the ring, handing out T-shirts and making amends with the crowd. Rose proclaimed the Heritage tag titles would be held up, with Myke's partner, Lauri Verne being injured... (the extent of these injuries are yet to be announced!) Adams never came out and the show continued... Nearly towards the show's Main Event... MNA returned from commercial... As Justin Rose was seen approaching his office. It was completely destroyed and left in darkness. Eventually Rose was confronted by Adams, and after taunting and minor attacks... Rose was saved by The Anarchist Movement, Jack Cydel, and Colton Monroe. They ensured Adams could do no more damage to Rose... Myke left the titles behind and promised revenge on the tag team. Later he took his frustrations out on SCCW legend Patrick McCarthy! As J.T. Cash tried to lure Scarlett Willis into signing a contract that would force her out of SCCW! Adams and Cash assaulted McCarthy, and after Willis reluctantly agreed and signed her career away... Adams planted his former friend through the windshield of a Buick with a devastating DDT! Next week... Adams is scheduled to face Chris Bond! Last time they were lined up, Bond couldn't show and Adams played mind games with Bond's girlfriend... Katy. Before she was assaulted by Aaron Blaize! What kind of retribution can Bond get for SCCW and the fans after the Faction took Scarlett Willis away from them... forever?
- SCCW on August 2 2010, Myke was first seen right before his Main Event show down with Chris Bond, being confronted by his older half brother, Justin Rose. Rose had brought Chris Champion with him for back up support as he tried to give Adams a solution to his woes with Champion, this being of-course after both men's tag mates were prematurely retired and injured a few weeks prior. Adams blew them off, stating that they could watch what he was about to do to Bond because Chris Champion would be NEXT... The actual Main Event was a blockbuster match, Adams was taken down early by Chris Bond as Chris worked Myke over for a good section of the contest. The crowd firmly behind him, Bond made one slip and shot Adams at the corner... Myke made a run after this by sling shotting off the turnbuckles and corkscrewing his body into Bond! Adams would then take control... But neither man could put the other down for three. Bond eventually gained the upper hand again, and locked on his modified cobra clutch, the Long Kiss Goodnight... This after Adams missed his 630 Swanton the Perdition Plunge. Adams could not break free and chose to low kick Bond causing the referee to end the match in Bond's favor by DQ. Adams continued his attack however... and was even joined by Aaron Blaize as the two almost had a one-upsmanship at the expense of Bond before Chris Champion and the Anarchist Movement [Jack Cydel and Barbaric Champion Colton Monroe] came to his aid. Justin Rose would show up and reveal that at MNA 55, Myke Adams and Aaron Blaize would team up against Chris Bond and Chris Champion! How will these two bitter rivals fare as tag partners... For SCCW's sake... Hopefully not well. But no one will know until MNA 55 goes down in one week...

Adams speaking on the michrophone on MNA #55.
- SCCW on August 9 2010, Myke Adams was involved with an attack on AC Thunder alongside his Faction stable mates, Hannah Rickman and J.T. Cash. The trio laid waste to Thunder after Rickman lured him to the ring, ending with Adams landing his twisted Perdition Plunge [630 flip into a Swanton]. J.T. Cash went on a tirade before handing Adams money and then the microphone... Adams belittled SCCW, the fans, offices... Everyone. Seeming rather upset that he had beaten Scarlett Willis cleanly before her failed title defense against Aaron Blaize! The group left a sour taste in the fan's mouths and made their way from ringside. Adams was later seen being confronted by his tag partner for the night, Aaron Blaize himself... Blaize boasting that Myke had better hold his own weight, and that NO ONE would ever confuse them as allies ever again... Adams said nothing back, simply looking on as Blaize stormed off. Later they tagged together in a very one sided contest against Chris Bond and Chris Champion... Blaize and Adams showing incrediable team work throughout as they really cruised to a victory after Blaize landed his 'Trailblaizer', falling cutter, followed by Myke hitting his Perdition Plunge onto the fallen Bond. Aaron again followed that with his Eternal Sin submission hold! Gaining the win before the duo of former foes continued their attacks on both Champion and Bond... Using wild combos on them both before Adams attempted to pick up Aaron's covenant Heavyweight title belt... Blaize twisted Myke around and attempted to Trailblaize him as well, but Myke nearly broke free... The move connected however as Blaize left the ring wearing a smirk, and his prized title. Fuming Adams hurried from the ring after him before EMTs where left to pick up the fallen Bond and Champion...

Adams after taking a brutal fall to the arena floor on MNA #56.
- SCCW on August 16 2010, Myke Adams was first seen briefly backstage watching a confrontation between The Anarchist Movement and Modo Whoa! from the backstage monitor before he was approached by J.T. Cash. Cash giving Myke a wad of money and requesting they talk over a 'plan' before they walked out of the shot with Hannah Rickman. Later the Faction members teamed up to face off with up and coming SCCW Legacy champion, AC Thunder, Sydney Meleoli-Laroux, and Brandon Watkins. The match was fast paced, and saw tons of action... both teams doing whatever they could to one up the other... Late in the contest Adams took a nasty plummet from the top turnbuckle to the arena floor thanks to a dropkick by Watkins. As Brandon tried for a suicide dive onto Adams, Myke shocked the crowd and Watkin's team mates as he dropkicked him somehow in mid air. Both teams went into a brawl, and while the referee was un-able to break the chaos... Adams hit his Egoshredder superkick into a steel chair, crushing the chair to Watkins head. He then rolled Watkins inside the ring and landed his wild Perdition Plunge [630 front flipping Swanton] and got the pin for Faction. After the contest, the Faction got the upper hand on both LaRoux and Thunder... Leaving SCCW's crowd stunned and in dismay. Adams staring down upon his former tag partner as Syd lay out cold against the ring's side. He then turned and left with his friends, Cash and Rickman. Myke is not scheduled for MNA #57, meaning his next contest in SCCW is set to be the Bunkhouse Brawl... A match he won last year in August to become SCCW Heavyweight champion. This is a perfect chance for Adams to get the title back, and avenge Aaron Blaize's attempted attack after their tag match from MNA #55.
- SCCW on August 23 2010, Myke Adams was on MNA #57 but not scheduled to wrestle, he first showed up backstage with an undisclosed woman... After a quick tag team victory by Jace Parker Davidson and Tara Michaels the camera caught Adams again backstage, this time he and the woman by his side were confronted by an enraged Chris Bond! Turning the woman to face the SCCW camera, Bond revealed it to be his girlfriend Katy! The same woman Adams had belittled on June 28's MNA! Bond confronted his girlfriend before a small fist fight broke out between he and Myke... Sydney Meleoli-Laroux showed up to break the scuffle... Bond and LaRoux leaving the scene just before Adams' stable mates in Faction, J.T. Cash and Hannah Rickman arrived... What type of ramifications this has between already bitter blood between Adams and Bond, SCCW is yet to see. But with the Bunkhouse Brawl in one week... One thing or another is sure to be settled. Myke was next seen as he confronted AC Thunder... the two exchanged some sarcasm before they got into a shoving match, Justin Rose intervened and had security hold Adams from farther trying to fight with Thunder... Justin claiming he wanted AC to focus on his match that night with Heavyweight champion, Aaron Blaize! Adams was seen fighting the guards, looking fumed as Thunder and Rose exited... Myke Adams made his exit on MNA #57 during the Main Event, Chris Bond was in the midst of a great contest with Chris Champion, both men trading moves and the crowd completely locked in on the action... Adams stormed the ring and dropped Champion with his Egobreaker [backstabber] to earn Champion the win by DQ. After Adams leveled Bond with his Egoshredder superkick... He was primed to execute his suicidal Perdition Plunge [630 flip into a Swanton!] but was cut off by SCCW Heavyweight champion, Aaron Blaize... After Blaize rattled Adams with a nasty top rope falling cutter [Sadistic Trailblaizer] all Hell broke loose as everyone involved with the Bunkhouse Brawl hit the ring, including J.T. Cash!!! The Show ended with a riot of a brawl ensuing... Leaving SCCW fans hyped and ready for 2010's biggest event in Simcoe!
- SCCW on August 30 2010, Myke Adams was set to take part in the Bunkhouse Brawl, the match contained twelve others, including his Faction stable mate, Hannah Rickman. Bitter rival, Aaron Blaize, and long time foe Chris Champion. As well as newer enemies such as Chris Bond, also involved was Thomas Watson, Brandon Watkins, Sean Fallon, Dom Harter, Lilly Rose, Justin Giomazzo, Rex Masters, and Colton Monroe. As the show opened, Myke was seen prepping himself alone backstage... Looking for weapons and such as he was approached by Faction's head honcho himself, J.T. Cash. Cash gave Adams money, telling him to ensure that Faction won that title during the Brawl. As Blaize was defending his Heavyweight strap... only Cash meant for Myke to make sure Hannah won the contest. As Cash exited, Myke snapped and went off with a chair, destroying some things. Later on right before the actual match... Cash had just been defeated by AC Thunder, he caught Adams backstage and reminded him to do as ordered... Adams planted Cash into a wall, Cash asking if he remembered who paid him, who owned him... To which Myke replied "No one!" Myke would then enter the Brawl as the second to last entrant and 'save' Aaron Blaize as he was being teamed upon by every contestant at once... Adams would hit a cheap shot on Sean Fallon and send him from the contest. He'd then turn his sights on Colton Monore, crushing him with his Perdition Plunge modified swanton before ejecting him as well. Finally as the match came down to Rickman, Bond, Blaize, and Adams... Rickman crawled to Adams for guard... But he ended up throwing his Faction mate out of the contest! Hannah was not happy... and After Blaize took out Bond, Myke managed to duck a shot from Blaize and his sledgehammer... Blaize falling from the ring AND ending the Brawl... Myke had won and gained his second SCCW Heavyweight Champion!!! He was ambushed by Faction however and tumbled from the ring... After Blaize attacked and nearly killed J.T. Cash... Adams simply walked off with the title in hand... Leaving us all to wonder what's next for the Superman of Simcoe...
-SCCW- (September 2010 - October 2010)[]

Adams and Blaize in a stare down before Blaize assaulted Adams at the close to MNA #58.
- SCCW on September 6 2010, Myke Adams was first seen arriving for MNA #58 in the back lot... ignoring the crowd lined up there as they called out to him. He simply marched inside with his newly won championship in tow. Later Adams ran into his older brother, Justin Rose. The two would hardly exchange a few words before Adams stormed by Rose, claiming to want nothing to do with his righting the wrongs of SCCW. Rose watched his brother leave his view with a heavy heart... Adams would be last seen during the Main Event, coming out before the match began and joining the ring side commentators to call a contest between, Chris Champion, Chris Bond, Hannah Rickman, and Aaron Blaize. The match was back and fourth and full of action, but Blaize managed to secure the win. Adams would then be called into the ring by SCCW owner Jim Diamond. Diamond entering as well before claiming Myke had been a great addition to SCCW, a true superstar and Hall of Famer... But he HAD NOT followed the Bunkhouse rules. Since Justin Rose had set the match for the title... The Brawl was always about the winner getting a guaranteed shot, NOT the championship. Diamond then demanded Adams hand the title back to a now smiling Aaron Blaize. With deviance in his green eyes, Adams was suddenly torn to the mat by a falling cutter or TrailBlaizer from Aaron! Diamond left the ring, and Blaize continued his assault. Drilling Adams with the title itself and busting his head open before exiting the ring and pulling his newly acquired sledgehammer from under it. Blaize crunched a shot into Myke's midsection before smashing the hammer over his face! MNA #58 ended with Blaize back as champion, as he told a down and completely out Adams... He would erase him. What type of injuries Myke has suffered by this attack is yet to be known... More info as it comes.
- SCCW on September 13 2010, Myke Adams was thought to be out of action. After being viciously assaulted the prior week by Aaron Blaize with a sledgehammer. After the show's main event however, Blaize attacked his partner for the night, Chris Bond and latched on his nasty submission the Eternal Sin. A masked man came to the ring through the crowd, carrying a black bag. He slid into the ring and attacked the SCCW champion, beating on Blaize before dropping him with a Myke Adams' special, The Suidspiral! The man then unmasked to reveal Adams, Myke crunching over Blaize with his Perdition Plunge [630 Swanton] and then taking hair clippers from the small bag... And SHAVING at Blaize's long black hair! Blaize was left on the mat, shaken with his head a chunky mess of hair... Adams smirking as he lipped the words, "This. This... Is... War..." What the after shocks to this attack will be... SCCW is yet to see...
- SCCW on September 20 2010, Myke Adams was involved with a backstage skirmish with his heated rival Aaron Blaize. The two men headed on their way towards a Heavyweight championship showdown at SCCW War Games. Adams was only involved on this MNA #60 during this part of show, still off from competition thanks to Blaize's assaults week's earlier with a sledgehammer. The two exchanged words before Adams threw the remains of Blaize's hair [which Myke had shaved off] in Aaron's face. Together the two of them beat on a few security persons before being broken up by even more guards. What happens now between these two is yet to be seen, next week Myke is scheduled to face former Faction stable mate, Hannah Rickman in the MNA #61 Main Event. Having thrown her from the Brawl personally... One thing is for sure, Rickman will be out to prove a point against Myke...
- SCCW on September 27 2010 was Myke's first return to the SCCW ring since the Bunkhouse Brawl. After being viciously attacked the Monday night of MNA #58 by Aaron Blaize with a sledgehammer, Adams had been on the shelf. Only returning to shave Blaize's head on MNA #59, and be involved with a backstage scuffle with security and Blaize on MNA #60. Myke was first seen however on MNA #61 backstage, confronting his brother, Justin Rose in the Movement [Rose's team with Colton Monroe] locker room. Adams stated he was tired of being angry, tired of the way things were. Justin telling him it was never too late to say sorry and move on... This sincere moment led to a stunning Main Event, after Hannah Rickman made her way to the ring, Adams showed up with his old entrance theme... "Before I Forget" by Slipknot, and slapped as many fan's hands as possible as he charged the ring with an energy people had not seen from him in months. He battled valiantly against a talented Rickman, the two traded off moves and shots in an impressive Main Event. During the climax, Rickman missed her Rickman Magnetic 450 splash... and Adams tried to take advantage but rather than making a cover... He attempted his own risky move. His suicidal 630 front flip into a Swanton, the Perdition Plunge... BUT Hannah moved out of danger and Adams crashed on the mat along his shoulders and back. They where both down as the crowd tried to rally Adams to his feet as the referee started a knock out count. Adams couldn't answer and Rickman made it up just before the tenth count winning the contest. Taking the win right out from under Myke, literally. After Rickman left ring side, gloating but in pain. Adams was once again jumped and assaulted by his arch enemy, Aaron Blaize. Blaize choked Myke with a chair, before stating they'd face off for the title at War Games in a three stages of Hell contest. After this, Blaize wrapped on his Eternal Sin submission until Adams was literally choking on his own blood! Blaize had a cage lowered next, but exited, leaving Adams hurting in the confides of the cage and mouthing that he was 'saving this for War Games'.... What lies ahead for these foes now? They are lined up in a tag match on MNA #62, Myke teaming with upstart SCCW hero, AC Thunder! And Blaize with another SCCW upstart, Thomas Watson. How will Watson and Thunder react as they are thrown into a battle of hatred. This bad blood is sure to keep spilling as Simcoe marches towards the November slated War Games show!
- SCCW on October 4, 2010 would be Adams' last appearance on Simcoe's MNA show for the next few weeks. [A vacation, unexplained via kayfabe!] But he would show up and start to make amends with his partner for the night, AC Thunder. The two wrestled a great main event tag match at one another's sides. Facing off with Thomas Watson and Aaron Blaize. With Chris Champion as the guest referee! The match went back and fourth with plenty of crowd pleasing, explosive action... And as it climaxed, Champion would interfere and spear Thunder... Giving Blaize a pin fall and the win for Blaize, and Watson. After the match Blaize would try to once again get the upper hand on Myke, but much to Blaize [and the crowd's] shock, Adams was ready and countered. Nailing Blaize with his Egoshredder superkick before landing a wild Swanton Bomb over Simcoe's Heavyweight champion! The show closed here with the crowd taunting the fallen Viper as Adams stood over him... This was the last time Myke was seen on SCCW programming for the next two weeks.
- SCCW on October 4, 2010 Myke finally returned after two weeks away and took the fight to Aaron Blaize after SCCW's MNA main event! The two heated rivals brawled all the way into the back parking area... Adams really taking it to Aaron. Myke was able to get Blaize on the hood of an SUV. After moving Blaize nearly through the windshield and then to the roof of the large vehicle... Myke had Aaron in place on his shoulders to simply toss him far below to the concrete below... But the Viper had a hidden shard of glass and busted Myke in the forehead... Gaining the upper hand before throwing Myke from the SUV instead, a seething Heavyweight champion in Blaize then looked on, admiring his work... As their War Games show down for the title lurks a mere week away from this coming Monday... [November 1...]
-SCCW- (November 2010 - December 2010)[]
- SCCW on November 8, 2010 Myke took on Aaron Blaize @ SCCW's annual War Games supercard. The two heated rivals took part in a one on one, three stages of Hell contest for Blaize's SCCW Heavyweight title. Myke scored the first strike, pinning Blaize in stage one after his Simcoe famed Swanton Bomb. Blaize returned the favor by taking stage two by submission with his Eternal Sin gripping submission hold! Stage three was caged warfare, and Adams got Blaize down... rather than exit the cage for the possible win... Myke attempted his always risky Perdition Plunge from the cage's top. [A 630 degree flipping Swanton splash] Blaize moved, and caught Adams in the air somehow with a crowd shaking TrailBlaizer [falling cutter] before landing not one but multiple Blaize of Glory punt kicks into Adams' skull. Blaize would then exit for the win, keeping his title and scoring what could be the final cog of victory in these two men's long heated history.
- SCCW on November 15, 2010 Adams shocked everyone and showed up at SCCW's following Aggression. Even after the brutal end to his title match with Blaize, Myke made amends with Chris Bond and was only shown on the programming briefly.
- SCCW on November 22, 2010 Myke returned to the ring, just two weeks removed from his nasty title match with Aaron Blaize. Adams was teamed with Chris Bond to take on Ascended Supremacy, Jace Parker Davidson, and Tara Michaels in a tag contest. The match was well wrestled by both teams, but late in the contest the ref was distracted as Adams and Michaels battled outside the ring. Jace Parker used this to advantage and landed a low blow on Bond before leveling him with a ring shaking LKG for the pin. Myke couldn't break the pin... And lost the match after Bond was pinned... Will this drive a wedge between the new found friends?! Or can Bond and Adams forget their first outing as a team and move forward? Both are off this coming week...
- SCCW on November 29, 2010 Myke showed up on SCCW's Monday Night Aggression twice, both times searching for Chris Bond. His first appearance he was seen bumping into his older brother, Justin Rose, moments before Rose would face Chris Champion in the Legacy title tournament. Later in the show, Myke continued his search for Bond, talking with the Mullet City Mayors right before finally being confronted by Bond himself. Chris told Myke, "not to forget to carry his end of the business again" in reference to Myke's inability to break the pin-fall Bond suffered the prior week to Jace Parker Davidson in their tag match against Ascended Supremacy.
- SCCW on December 6, 2010 Adams and Bond were on slate to face the tag team, Chaos Factor... Comprised of Alexander Steele's father Jason Steele and SCCW newcomer, "hAngman" Chett Hawkins. Before their match took place, Chris Bond was being interviewed by Anita Naylor. Before the interview could be concluded. Adams interrupted, and attempting to 'one up' his partner... He stated Bond needed to call it like it was. Myke stated they would go out and kick Chaos Factor's asses because it was 'All Thriller, No Filler'. During the match, Bond and Adams' team work was spotty, but Chaos Factor worked well. As the action climaxed, Myke and Chris took advantage. Each man of the four hitting trademark moves... After some arguing more chaos ensued as Hangman leveled Bond with a chokebomb before eating Myke's fan favored Egoshredder superkick! And was broken over Myke's knees with his version of a 'lungblower' the Egobreaker. As Adams kip upped to his feet he was caught by a risen Steele in his "Straight Jacket" hold. But Bond made the save and leveled Steele with his Distortion [modified twisting neckbreaker]... Before Bond could make a pin however, Myke tried to show him up by coming full speed from the top of the corner with his risky 630 flip into a Swanton Bomb [The Perdition Plunge!] But Hangman somehow broke the pin by Bond after the nasty combo... Bond and Adams rose and argued a bit... Bond nearly not ducking in time as Adams quickly snapped at him with his Egoshredder superkick... But Myke was not aiming for his partner, Hawkins had made his way up and ate his second superkick of the night before being rolled up by Bond... Getting this team their first win as a unit. The former foes making quite an impression with some wild combinations of their fan adored moves. Anita Naylor caught up with Adams backstage right after the match, but before Myke could even begin to be interviewed, Bond interfered this time. Proclaiming that what had just transpired [in the ring] was a clinic in tag wrestling. After a small rant he finished with "All thriller and no filler? HA! That’s what you call wrestling perfection." and left a puzzled yet amused Adams behind. One has to wonder how these two men's game of 'one upsmanship' will continue as they are slated next week for a shot at the Heritage tag titles against the current champs, Dom Harter and Constance Monroe and Ascended Supremacy! This could be a make or break night for the team of a SCCW Legend, and SCCW Hall of Famer. Can they right their wrong and beat Ascended Supremacy this time around while also laying waste to the current tag division champions? Or will their will to one up each other cost them their shot at the tag straps?!

Adams after being outnumbered by Ascended Supremacy on MNA #70.
- SCCW on December 13 2010, Myke Adams was first seen on MNA number 70 backstage as he ran into the former SCCW Heritage tag champions themselves, Ascended Supremacy. After a brief sharing of wits between Adams and Tara Michaels and Jace Parker Davidson, Myke headed on his way. Later confronting his tag mate, Chris Bond as the two continued their distrust/one-upsmanship verbal back and fourth. Myke eventually walked away from Bond... And thus the stage was set for a tag title match later in the night, involving Adams and Bond against the former champs, Ascended Supremacy [Tara and Jace] and the current champions, Dom Harter and Constance Monroe! The match was explosive, with a ton of action that spilled in and out of the ring... But during its climax the crowd showered the ring with dismay as the team of Harter and Monroe seemed to 'assist' Michaels and Davidson in not only recapturing the tag titles... But embarrassing Adams and Bond. As the four celebrated inside the ring with the titles... Bond left a hurting Adams alone... Myke tried jumping the two teams after what had transpired but was outnumbered as Bond simply walked away. After dropping Myke, the four [Michaels, Davidson, Harter & Monroe] exited the ring with the Heritage titles now belonging to Ascended Supremacy. A seemingly shaky alliance had been righted! Adams and Bond then stared each other down as the show went to break... What will this loss and the after math mean for the team of SCCW legends?! Bond is slated to face Myke's own brother, Justin Rose next week on MNA #71. Adams is not on the schedule to wrestle... Will he be in the Studio A vicinity? Will he make an appearance during a match between his own blood, and his partner?
- This would be Myke's last work for 2010, as he embarked on a vacation from the ring through the remainder of December and 2010 altogether. He is scheduled to face SCCW's Thomas Watson on the first Monday Night Aggression of 2011. The match is slated for MNA #72 on January 10, 2011.
-SCCW- (January 2011 - February 2011)[]
- SCCW on January 10 2011, Myke Adams was first seen at the SCCW's show's opening. Heading in from the back entrance where he ask some stage hands if they had seen his tag mate, Chris Bond. Adams followed their directions and headed on his way as the show continued. He was next seen after the six man tag match ended, still hunting Bond but finally running right into him! Bond tried to ease over things with Myke, the last time they were together in the Simcoe ring Bond had left Myke high and dry after they failed to win the Heritage tag titles. Adams was beat down by Dom Harter, Jace Parker Davidson, Constance Monroe, and Tara Michaels!!! Adams didn't seem to take Bond's apology and the two left the scene having resolved nothing... What lies ahead for this truly dysfunctional, yet seemingly could be amazing team?! Only time will tell... Myke seemed ready for his match against Thomas Watson as MNA took a break. Returning for that said contest! Adams would enter the ring area to a standing ovation, the crowd roaring with life as he sprinted to the ring and thrashed about. The SCCW Welterweight champion entered next, Watson taking his time to gloat over his championship and taunt the fans. The match finally began and the two traded off in a very fast paced, yet brutal contest. The action finally spilling out over the arena floor as the referee began to count them both out. Adams had angered Watson with a burst in the ring of explosive and high flying wicked moves. Watson seemed like he was trying to break Myke outside the ring... With the count reaching near ten, Watson tried to whip Adams into the steel steps at ringside, but Myke caught his feet on them and nailed a crowd shaking corkscrew plancha right into Thomas. The two spilled over the floor and were counted out, ending the match in a draw. They both made it to their feet and continued their bitter words from the week... Finally getting into a brawl with one another before security flooded down and broke them up. The crowd solely behind Myke as a livid Watson was forced backstage... Myke was seen one last time on the show, coming down with his brother, Justin Rose as they made the save for their good friend, and Rose's tag mate... Colton Monroe. Monroe was being post match assaulted by Chris Champion, the SCCW Legacy champion and his manager Max Money. Adams and Rose chased off Money and Champion, and helped Monroe to his feet. Adams is next lined up for MNA #73 the following Monday in a number one contender for the Welterweight title match with the Ascended Supremacy's Constance Monroe. This could be a double whammy for Adams, as he could defeat Monroe... Who helped attack him weeks earlier, and end her quest for the Welterweight title while also getting himself another shot at Thomas Watson this time with Watson's title on the line!
- SCCW on January 17 2011, Myke Adams was slated to face off in a number one contender for the SCCW Welterweight title match against Ascended Supremacy's Constance Monroe. Early in the show he was confronted backstage by his current tag partner, Chris Bond. Bond offered a gift to Adams in order to bury any mixed signals they have been having recently. The gift was a T-Shirt that read, “BOND & ADAMS: GREATNESS” however Bond's name was in much larger text than Adams'. Myke rejected the gift, Bond instantly thinking it was over the names... But Myke told him, "It’s not about who goes first, it’s about equality! This is a partnership..." Adams then left Bond standing there alone to ponder what their conversation in a whole had meant. Myke would next appear to wrestle his match against Constance. She had been after Thomas Watson and his Welterweight title for some time, but also had a hand in costing Myke's team with Bond a chance at the SCCW Heritage tag straps. On December 13, 2010... Monroe and her partner, Dom Harter had teamed up with Tara Michaels, and Jace Parker Davidson to turn a triple team match into a two on four affair. This match could be Myke's chance at revenge, if he could beat Monroe... He'd steal away her chance at the Welterweight title much like she had cost him his chance at the tag gold. The contest was quick, Constance taking an early lead as she attacked Myke from behind, stomping at him and brutalizing the Suicidal Superman. But Adams fought back into the contest, evetually taking the lead in the race to win it... He leveled Monroe with a surprise Egobreaker [backstabber] and looked poised to crush her with his SCCW fan favored 'Swanton'! But Thomas Watson showed up and shoved Adams from the top turnbuckle! The ref instantly called the match in Myke's favor by DQ... But Constance would retain her shot at the Welterweight title. Did Watson pull this to ensure he'd face Constance?! As the two have been back and fourth for some time, or did he not want to face Adams again anytime soon after the two traded off moves in a double count out finish the week prior on MNA #72?! Only Watson knows... But after the DQ was called, all hell broke loose as Watson continued to assault Myke only to in turn be jumped by Constance Monroe! After Monroe dropped Watson with a nasty flipping piledriver, she went to pick up the Welterweight title from the mat, thus giving Myke time to rise from the mat. Adams looked ready to strike her down as she turned to face him, BUT Chris Bond showed up and shouted Myke's name. This alerted Monroe and she got out of the danger zone... Now a livid Adams got into a spat with Bond right in the ring, the two arguing over things as Watson gained his footing and quickly nailed Bond from behind with a snap reverse DDT! Adams chased off Watson, then looked upon his fallen partner... He finally reached a hand to help him up. But shocked Bond by screaming he's 'had enough'! Bond and Adams then agreed to face each other down in one week at SCCW's first Arena event of 2011, January 24's Atonement! Can the two tag mates clear the elephant from the room so to speak? Or will this one on one contest be the final nail in their short lived team's coffin?! Adams would later be seen one final time however on MNA #73, running out to aid his brother, Justin Rose and good friend, Colton Monroe who were being attacked by Ascended Supremacy [Jace Parker, Tara Michaels, Constance Monroe, Dom Harter]. But Myke couldn't get the upper hand either, and soon he joined Colton and Justin on the mat as Ascended S. beat them all down... Finally Chaos Factor (Steele, Hangman) showed to help the three downed men. Chasing off Ascended S. This was Myke's last appearance during MNA #73, now he can focus his sights on getting ready for Atonement this coming Monday... Can he prove to Chris Bond that they can face one another down, have a solid match and let bygones be just that... bygones.
- SCCW on January 24 2011, Myke was set to face off with his own tag team partner, Chris Bond during SCCW's Atonement Arena Event. The show started with Myke being approached by Anita Naylor, before he could really get 'interviewed', Bond showed up. Both making it clear that their match was not a grudge match, but more a show of respect for one another. Later in the show they wrestled a very high octane, back and fourth, fan delight of a match. Bond taking the driver's seat before looking for a fireman's carry move from the second turnbuckle, his knee seemed to give and he collapsed to the canvas, Myke dropping over the top of the ring post! Adams being the opportunist that he is... Got perched on that top of the post and landed his famed Swanton for the three count victory. Afterward helping his obviously hurt partner in to the backstage area. As Bond was carted off, Myke was approached by Naylor again, this time they were cut off by Lauri Venre!!! Myke's former tag mate in the Faction, and most importantly the Order of the Blind Wolf! Myke wanted nothing to do with Verne, leaving the distressed wild woman behind. This was his last appearance on Atonement. How Myke moves forward with Bond looking rather hurt is yet to be seen. He faces an old foe this coming Monday on MNA #74, The Battle Machine himself... Chris Champion!!!
- SCCW on January 31 2011, Myke was slated for the MAIN EVENT of SCCW's Monday Night Aggression against an old foe, Chris Champion. During the show, Myke was seen in his locker area getting ready for action when he found a message in black lipstick upon his mirror... Furious he smashed the mirror to pieces. He was next seen in the actual Main Event match, facing down a man he had faced and beaten many times before in Chris Champion. But Chris looked primed and ready to finally overcome and defeat Myke! The match was fast and furious, back and fourth with Champion and Adams bleeding the action to the outside of the ring and then back in again. Myke finally got the upper hand and landed his Suicide Star DDT 2.0 before looking poised on the top turnbuckle for his Swanton Bomb! But Thomas Watson showed up, and much to the crowd's dismay, shoved Adams off the top turnbuckle! Adams won the match by DQ, but was soon after speared by Champion, then brutally attacked by Watson, and Lauri Verne! Lauri had showed up just moments after Watson... After busting him open and laying him out... Verne straddled her former tag mate, and left a sour taste in the crowd's mouth as MNA went off the air! Next week Adams is scheduled for a Fatal Four way, including not only Thomas Watson, but the Barbaric champion, Dom Harter and Myke's newest friend, Griffin Hawkins! What kind of shape will Adams be in, can he even make it to the contest?!

Adams shocks everyone and shows up on MNA #75.
- SCCW on February 7 2011, Myke Adams wasn't anywhere to be found as MNA #75 began. As the show progressed, Griffin Hawkins, Justin Rose, even Myke's own girlfriend, Meglyn Elliot could not find him. Thomas Watson finally came out before a fatal four way which involved himself and Myke. Having laid waste to Adams on the prior week's MNA, Watson boasted about his conquest. He got the fans in attentence riled as he claimed Adams WOULD NOT make it. After Dom Harter, and Griffin Hawkins made it out for the match, Myke's music played but he didn't come out. Watson seemed overly pleased until just before the referee started the match without him, Myke's music started again and this time he came charging from the back! The crowd went insane, and Myke hit the ring with bounce to every step. The match was quick, and Myke managed to dump Watson and Hawkins over the top rope before quickly securing the win with a Swanton over Harter! Hawkins reentered afterward, shoving Myke as a stare down ensued! Thomas Watson used this chance to attack Adams in jealous anger! But Hawkins had Myke's back and together they went after Watson. Lauri Verne came down quickly and yanked Watson from danger... Myke and Griffin then turned their sights on Dom Harter. As Dom got up from the mat he ate a superkick from Hawkins before Adams landed over Harter with his risky 630 Swanton, the Perdition Plunge! Later in the show Myke was briefly interviewed by Anita Naylor... But was cut off mid interview as he was again jumped by Watson and Verne! This time Thomas Watson was armed with a lead pipe, together the duo knocked Myke out cold and left him in his own blood pool. Justin Rose arrived and chased them off, but the scene ended with Myke's already diagnosed concussion looking to be far worse! His condition is yet to be revealed, but SCCW has not signed him for a contest on this week's coming show... MNA #76!
- SCCW on February 14 2011, Myke Adams wasn't supposed to be anywhere near Studio A for SCCW's Monday Night Aggression #76. But after Lauri Verne faced Jason Steele, he showed up... Verne, and Thomas Watson borught ou the lead pipe they attacked Myke with a week prior. Using it to help Verne secure the win over Steele, then turned their sights on attacking Steele much like they had attacked Myke two weeks running. But Adams stormed ringside through the crowd, he snatched the pipe from Watson before he could attack Steele. After some brawling, Myke had a verbal showdown with Verne, the former tag mates dismay shined through as Myke finally laid out a crowd shaking challenge... He has challenged Watson and Verne to a handicapped two on one match in two weeks times on MNA #78! He told the duo, as they made a retreat from the ring, that he expected their answer on next week's MNA #77, atop of this... Myke has been tagged with Colton Monroe to face Verne, and her partner for a week... Another former 'Faction' member... Hannah Rickman. This coming Aggression could prove to be a violent, and explosive as ever, episode, DON'T MISS IT! What lies ahead for these jaded former tag partners? More violence seems to be the only sure thing when it comes to this bitter blood between Verne and Adams.
- SCCW on February 21 2011, Myke Adams was first seen on SCCW's MNA #77 coming out of Chris Champion's locker room after he unsuccessfully returned a missed call from Chris earlier on the show. Watching from a distance was Myke's hated rivals in Lauri Verne and Thomas Watson. They would confront Adams a little later in the show and accept his challenge from the week before to a two on one contest. But claimed if he had got Champion involved in this 'ordeal' there would be Hell to pay. Adams seemed unmoved, but poised for anything... The Main Event came next... Myke was slated to team with his good friend, Colton Monroe to take on the current SCCW Heavyweight champ, Hannah Rickman and Myke's former tag mate, Lauri Verne. Colton and Hannah have been in a heated back and fourth much like Myke and Lauri, so the match was highly anticipated. It was a rather quick Main Event, Myke only saw one tag from Colton Monroe... The two ladies used whatever tactics they could to gain advantage... But Myke missed a risky flip from the ring apron and crushed the referee! Thomas Watson then showed up with the ref down... After Verne and Rickman dropped Myke outside the ring, Verne received her trademark brass knuckles from Watson and used them on Colton inside the ring. After some chaos, the ref somehow managed to get back in the ring... And even though Adams was the legal man in the contest... He counted a pin for Rickman over Monroe to give the ladies the victory. Afterward, Myke fought with Watson and Verne IN THE CROWD! The crowd backed Myke up, and kept the duo from using their numbers to advantage... Myke looked on after Verne and Watson bolted as Monroe and Rickman shared words. Colt joined Myke in the crowd, when Rickman placed a bounty on Colton's head! Adams then took his leave, chasing after Watson and Verne before the show's end! How will he fare next week?! Facing two people hell bent on ending his career... Two against one! Is Chris Champion behind Myke? Or does the Superman of Simcoe have something else up his sleeve?!
- SCCW on February 28 2011, Myke Adams first came down near the beginning of SCCW's MNA #78, making the save for an already battered Battle Machine, Chris Champion. Lauri Verne, and Thomas Watson [Myke's opponents two on one in the Main Event] thought Champion was set to help Myke in some way... They attacked and 'destroyed' him before Myke chased them off... screaming into the mic before throwing it their direction. Myke was again seen mid show, backstage as he gave a quick and rather aggressive camera bit towards Verne and Watson... Boasting that Champion, and their attack on him only worked in Myke's favor... Making him want to beat them even more. In the actual Main Event, Myke gave his all to over come the two on one odds... Besting Verne and Watson at times and even landing his Swanton onto Verne [Watson saved the three count]. Myke continued to fight and claw for the win, eventually pinning Watson after an Egobreaker [lung blower]... But Verne attacked him with the same lead pipe her and Watson had used for weeks now on Myke. This gave Myke the DQ win, but after this the two continued to abuse him... Finally the lights in the Studio went out! When they returned, Watson was down and out, Verne was all smiles as a man under a hood stood over Watson's body. She obviously saw who it was, but only seconds before this person PUNT KICKED her in the jaw! Ripping back the hood, it was none other than Aaron Blaize!!! Myke's long time foe had in a twisted way, 'saved' him... Blaize stared out all three downed fighters before exiting the ring and then the studio... Leaving questions everywhere... This coming week Myke gets another shot at Verne, taking her on one on one in SCCW's MNA #79 Main Event!
-SCCW- (March 2011 - April 2010)[]
- SCCW on March 7 2011, Myke Adams came out mid show after Lauri Verne and Thomas Watson had called out Aaron Blaize for his actions at the week prior's MNA. Adams ran down the two verbally before deciding to tell them he did in fact have help coming... And his new partner in crime was... After Rev Theory's 'Justice' played out... None other than Myke's own long time hated rival Aaron Blaize came out! The two obviously buried the hatchet so to speak as they stood together as a unit before the 'Order of the Blind Wolf'! Watson and Verne were floored, Adams went on to lay out a tag team challenge. The two who had been viciously attacking him for the past few weeks against he and his new TAG PARTNER, the Anti Hero himself, Aaron Blaize! This team sent shock waves through Simcoe, never would anyone imagine these two as one after all the blood they've spilled upon each other. Later in the show Adams would face down Verne in the Main Event... And take the upper hand much of the contest, Thomas Watson however found a way to become involved again, and helped Verne get the upper hand while the referee was down. Verne finished the job with a steel chair and managed to 'steal' a win over Myke! Aaron Blaize showed up quickly through the crowd, dropping Watson outside the ring with his falling cutter the Trailblaizer before entering the ring behind Verne. Lauri was busy savoring her 'win' before she realized what was going on... She attempted a quick attack, but Blaize was ready and he dropped her with a Trailblaizer as well! Blaize would then help Myke to his feet and much to the crowd's approval, Adams nailed his risky 630 Swanton the Perdition Plunge flush over the now prone Lauri Verne! The show ended with the Anti-Establishment [Adams and Blaize] standing tall. The tag match challenge was accepted by Verne prior to the post match chaos... So next week the odds seemed evened as Verne and Watson face Adams yet again, only this time Myke's former bitter enemy now new found friend, Aaron Blaize is by his side! This looks to be a show stealer!
- SCCW on March 14 2011, Myke Adams was first seen at the start of SCCW's MNA #80, backstage with his former tag partner, Chris Bond. The two were talking about Myke's choice to unit with his long time foe, Aaron Blaize before Blaize interrupted. Adams sided with Blaize, and told Bond they had 'plans' to discuss. An angered Bond trotted off as the newly formed, Anti-Establishment went to work getting ready for their showdown with the New Order of the Blind Wolf, Lauri Verne and Thomas Watson. Before the tag match took place however, Verne & Watson were seen backstage hunting down the actual ref for their contest... This would play a crucial role in the tag match during MNA #80... As the referee had seemingly been brainwashed or threatened by Verne & Watson. Allowing multiple 'cheap shots' and low blows. Finally the contest ended instantly when Verne placed her cloverleaf leg lock the Purity onto Adams... Myke was easily seen refusing submission but the ref called for the bell and gave the victory to the New ORDER! A post match assault by Verne & Watson failed however, Adams getting the better of Lauri before Thomas crawled from the ring with her! As the turncoat ref went to hit Myke from behind with a chair, Aaron Blaize proved their new team was legit... Making the save for Myke, he snatched the ref before he could attack and dropped him with a ring shaking falling cutter, aka The Trailblaizer! Adams and Blaize then stood tall in the ring, beckoning Watson and Verne back inside... The teams lead the show to a commercial in a staredown... Next week, Myke and Thomas meet head to head, with the winner getting to pick a stipulation for the two team's announced rematch at April's Arena Event, Violence is Glamour!!! Who can pull off the win for their side?! Last time they faced off head to head, Adams and Watson battled to a double count out...
- SCCW on March 21 2011, Myke Adams opened the show with a video clip before he addressed his opposition for the night on SCCW's MNA #81, Thomas Watson. Later the two faced off, the winner giving their team the right to chose a stipulation for the Anti-Establishment/Blind Wolves rematch at SCCW's upcoming Violence is Glamour arena event! Referee James Smith was the ref for the contest, he was the same ref that had screwed Adams & Blaize the previous week and handed Verne & Watson a win. The match was vicious, Adams fighting with his all, but he could not over come the ref being in Watson's pocket. Watson even hit one of his finishers, and with a quick count, Myke still mananged to kick out. Just when things finally looked bleak for Myke... Watson went for a cover, but Aaron Blaize came into the ring and PUNT KICKED James Smith's lights out! Blaize brought down and new ref, and while Watson was busy yelling at Aaron, Myke got up and nailed Watson with his backstabber the Egobreaker, then a Swanton Bomb for good measure. The new ref counted the three and gave the win to Adams!!! Afterward, Verne came down, Lauri pulled Watson out of harm's way as he was able to be beat down by Blaize & Adams! Myke got a microphone, and Blaize announced that the Anti-Establishment was calling the tag rematch, the stip would be a STEEL CAGE TAG MATCH! One in which BOTH members of the team had to escape to win. The crowd roared, and the Order of the Blind Wolf left ringside infuriated! Things look to stay hot between these two units, as Watson gets Blaize one on one this coming Monday. Adams is not scheduled to wrestle, but you can bet he'll be at MNA to support his new brother in arms, The Anit-Hero Aaron Blaize!
- SCCW on March 28 2011, Myke was on hand for SCCW's MNA #82, but not scheduled to wrestle. At the show's start he was seen backstage with his tag partner, Aaron Blaize. The two shared some brief conversation about Blaize's match with Thomas Watson later in the night. Then Adams would exit and be attacked by Watson and his tag mate, Lauri Verne!!! Blaize showed up too late... Adams appeared knocked out of the show, but after Blaize beat Watson... Verne entered the ring. And before they could attack, Myke showed back up with a baseball bat and chased them out of the ring... Thus making the save for Aaron Blaize!!! Myke is once again not scheduled for MNA #83 this coming week. Likely a long over due break from action, one in which is well deserved, and needed.
- SCCW on April 4 2011, Myke was once again not slated to wrestle on SCCW's MNA show. But he was shown early in the programming backstage talking to his brother, Justin Rose. Rose was scheduled to face one of Myke's new bitter rivals in Thomas Watson later that night. Adams warned his brother, but Justin blew him off and headed on his way. As Myke entered his locker room with tag partner Aaron Blaize, Watson was seen pulling a forklift infront of the door! Thus blocking the Anti-Establishment inside their locker room!!! During Rose's contest with Watson, the reasoning behind this became clear! With the New Order's own referee, James Smith officiating the match, Watson easily had advantage over Myke's older brother. This lead to Lauri Verne and Thomas Watson both using weapons on Justin Rose's head. Adams and his partner, Aaron Blaize, an old friend of Justin's, made it to the ring to halt any farther attacks... But after they chased off the Blind Wolves, Verne & Watson, it appeared the damage had already been done... Myke and Aaron took Justin backstage. One has to wonder what shape the older of the brothers extreme is in. Myke and Blaize are now slated to face the Heritage Tag Champions on the next MNA, Ascended Supremacy.
- SCCW on April 11 2011, Myke first showed up on SCCW's MNA #84 backstage where he was confronted by the Heritage tag champs, Ascended Supremacy. Jace Parker and Tara Michaels tried intimidating Adams, but Myke's tag partner Aaron Blaize showed up and evened the odds. The two teams shared words before heading in separate directions. Later in the show Ascended Supremacy and Anti-Establishment met in a non-title tag match... Adams and Blaize dominated the tag champions, and added insult to injury after the contest... Myke hitting his Egoshredder superkick on Jace as Blaize caught him afterward with the Tarilblaizer falling cutter! The duo of Blaize and Adams left the ring and later showed up after their bitter rivals The New Order of the Blind Wolf had just beaten the Interminable in tag action. Lauri Verne and Thomas Watson got on the mic to do some talking but were cut off as a cage dropped around the ring! Blaize and Adams came out and the teams had a stare down... Leaving the fans hyped for their showdown in two weeks at SCCW's Violence is Glamour!!!
- SCCW on April 25 2011, Myke teamed with partner, Aaron Blaize to take on their running rivals in SCCW... Lauri Verne & Thomas Watson, the New Order of the Blind Wolf! The match was a no tag format caged match! And was very fast paced and full of action, it climaxed when Verne escaped the cage... Then Blaize hit his Trailblaizer falling cutter onto Watson before Adams landed down over Watson with his risky Perdition Plunge (a 630 front flip into a Swanton!) from the cage's top! Blaize looked like he was exiting the cage through the door now and leaving Myke behind... Everyone buying it because of the two's torn history. Lauri Verne entered and attempted to drag out her partner, Watson, only to suddenly be punt kicked by Blaize! Aaron then helped Myke to his feet as the Anti-Establishment team left the cage to win the match and effectively end their long SCCW careers. They were recently released of their contracts and have since signed with Alpha Entertainment!
-Alpha Entertainment- (Spring 2011)[]

Adams arrives for AGM #1!
- Alpha Entertainment on May 30 2011, Myke teamed with partner, Aaron Blaize on Any Given Monday #1 in Knoxville, TN to face down Rian Valiant and Ben Hanson! As the main event of Alpha's first show, the two teams battled it out in a great contest. Myke taking control late as he dropped Hanson with his Egoshredder superkick, then Valiant with his Egobreaker backstabber! But as he attempted to land his fan favored 630 flip into a Swanton... Hanson managed to stagger upright and drag Valiant from under the wildly risky plunge from Myke! Adams crashed over the mat hard and was left behind by Blaize to be pinned for the three by Rian Valiant. Aaron Blaize left ringside looking disgusted with Myke's risk having cost them on Alpha's opening night! The Anti-Establishment gets another shot to make things right however, as Alpha travels to San Antonio for their second show... Blaize and Adams taking on the tag duo of Chris Hunter and Johnny Zero! Can the two former foes continue to build their team? Or will Aaron's distaste for Myke's risky nature be their undoing?!

Adams under siege by Aaron Blaize on AGM #2!
- Alpha Entertainment on June 13 2011, Myke teamed with partner, Aaron Blaize on Any Given Monday #2 in San Antonio, TX to face down Johnny Zero and Chris Hunter! Just before the tag match took place, Chris Bond showed up in Myke's locker area with his young baby boy in tow, Rhys Bond. Bond was there to talk with Myke about Aaron Blaize, but Myke kept the subject from Bond's lips. Introducing him to his long time girlfriend, Meglyn, also a newcomer to Alpha's ranks. The three enjoyed time with the baby Bond, and Chris was left short on words as Adams defended his team mate over and over. After a small break from the show, Any Given Monday returned as The Anti-Establishment Blaize and Adams came out to the ring to take on the tag duo of Chris Hunter and Johnny Zero! The team fought well together, seemingly putting their match from Knoxville behind them... But after an amazing Egoshredder/Trailblaizer combo... Blaize motioned Myke to head up top for his crowd rocking, suicidal and risky 630 Swanton, the Perdition Plunge! As Adams spiraled down over Chris Hunter with the wild move, Blaize would leap up and catch his partner mid air with his wicked falling cutter, the Trailblaizer! Blaize then allowed Hunter to cover Adams for the win, giving Anti Establishment their second loss under Alpha's roof and making the team 2-2 all time as Aaron would then fake an apology before going ballistic on Myke Adams! Blaize held nothing back as he battered and beat on his former foe, turned friend, turned apparent foe again. With Blaize's young brother, Adam in the front row... Blaize looked poised to land a final and killer blow in on a wrecked and wreathing Adams... But Adam, his brother would shield Myke... Leaving him to a vile slap at the hands of Blaize before Aaron stormed from ringside. Leaving his brother, and partner behind... What will come of this? Alpha is yet to see... For the next AGM in two weeks, Adams is slated to face Rian Valiant... The man who pinned him in Knoxville and seemingly started this unraveling of the Anti-Establishment.
- Alpha Entertainment on June 27 2011, Myke was set to once again face, Rian Valiant on Any Given Monday #3 in Portland, Oregon! Valiant had pinned Myke in Knoxville on Alpha's inaugural Any Given Monday on May 30. This loss to Valiant and his tag partner, Ben Hanson, seemed to be the first step in the destruction of Myke's team with Aaron Blaize, the Anti-Establishment! Adams showed up at the show's start to intervene as Valiant and Hanson were seen in the office of Alpha's General Manager, Justin Rose. Myke's older half sibling... Adams and Valiant shared some bitter words before Rose kicked all three men from his office! Later during the show, Chris Bond and Myke's girlfriend, and fellow Alpha star, Meglyn tried talking Adams into allowing them to come to the ring with him for his match... Myke turned their offer down and said he'd do things his way, and do what he always does... Thrill Em All. After the show returned from a break the Main Event went down, Aaron Blaize coming to ringside to watch first hand. This seemed to enrage Adams as he went on to put Valiant down and out... Looking to the top rope and his crowd favored, Swanton! But As the ref was distracted by a down and out, Rian... Ben Hanson lept to the apron with lightning speed and shoved Adams off! Before Myke could battle back to his feet the Portland crowd boo'ed their hearts out as Valiant got back up and landed his Cash Out finished! Rian won the match and after ward would look to add insult to injury on Adams, who refused to stay down and out. Hanson joined Valiant as the two tried to assault Myke, but much to the crowd's delight... Adams fought back with all his might! But the numbers were too much for Myke, the crowd delighted as Chris Bond and Meglyn then joined the fray, hitting the ring to help Adams out! But this is when the Viper would strike! Aaron Blaize finally left his seat at ring side and entered the fight... tearing down Bond with his Trailblaizer falling cutter! But Myke was ready and got the better of Blaize, pummeling at his foe turned friend turned foe again! The bitter blood obvious in Myke's viciousness. But Hanson and Valiant got back in on things and helped Blaize out. The three easily outnumbering Myke now before the lights went out in Portland... And when they came back on... SYN was in the ring! The massive African American woman intimidated each and every person in that ring... Or so it would appear. But it was all a rouse... And Syn ended up helping Blaize, Valiant, and Hanson as they each took turns hitting their finishers on Adams before Blaize punt kicked him in the skull! The show ended with Meglyn, Bond, and Myke Adams all down and out as the crowd booing their hearts, had witness the birth of Alpha's first power group... Zenith! Meglyn and Bond likely did not sustain much injury... Rather embarrassment. But Adams appeared to be in bad shape... Alpha is yet to announce his condition, but by the looks of things... It's not good.
-Revival Wrestling- (May 2012 - Oct. 2012)[]
- Revival Wrestling's first show 'Violence' aired on May 2 2012, Myke opened the show. Ushering in Revival on the wrestling scene in the very first contest against Ash Shadows and Nero in the triple threat match. The contest was high octane and very well wrestled. It was any man's match. After Shadows landed his INSOMNIACS DREAM DDT on Nero it looked all but over... Until Adams landed his famed SWANTON onto both Nero and Shadows. And made the pin on Nero to score the win in Revival's very first match.
- Revival Wrestling's second episode of 'Violence' aired on May 9 2012, Myke was slated for the Main Event, against Revival rookie and newcomer to the wrestling business in general, Clay Summers. Mid-way through the show Summers was addressing the fans in the arena from backstage via the RevivoTron. Adams cut him off, but rather than belittle Summers after a nasty exchange earlier in the week. Adams stunned everyone, after having vowed to never wear face paint again, or do ANYthing for the fans. He was wearing face paint, and said he was sorry to Clay and the fans. The fans who had been booing Myke heavily instantly turned back to his swarming fan base. Cheering rang through the Chicago arena. After making amends with Clay Summers and the fans, Adams headed off camera. As Clay went to continue speaking however, Adams suddenly lunged back into the shot with his famed EGOSHREDDER superkick! Knocking the rookie back into a set of vending machines and then down over the floor. The crowd was angered even more as Myke tauned them via the cameras after his kick, but after laying a few more stomps over the fallen rookie... Adams was chased off by Lucas Young, and Maria. And thus the stage was set for the Main Event later that night... One to which rookie Clay Summers came out to a rather nice ovation. The crowd solely behind him to beat Adams. Myke came out second to a rabid sea of jeers and booing. But it didn't effect Adams, after Summers made a few critical rookie errors throughout the contest, Myke used his experience to round out the final moments of the contest in his favor. Reversing the rookie's finishing mover before landing his EGOBREAKER lung blow, then an EGOSHREDDER superkick and finally his patented SWANTON! Myke got the 3 count and the win. Then the arena went black and finally when the lights returned, Aaron Blaize was at the stage! Blaize made his way down to the ring pointing out Adams. The crowd now cheering the man they once hated as he did everything he could to break Adams. Blaize and Adams had a staredown, but just as Clay Summers got his footing after his defeat... Blaize ripped the rookie down with his vile TRAILBLAIZER falling cutter! And the rout was on, Adams and Blaize reformed Anti-Establishment right there on the spot. And made an example out of the rookie Summers. Myke bringing out a table and a 25 ft ladder. After Blaize assaulted the rookie for awhile he laid him over the table top and Adams dove from the top of the 25 ft ladder with his ultra risky 630 front flip into a Swanton... The PERDITION PLUNGE! Afterward the newly formed team of close friends left the rookie lying in the scraps of table and debris as they exited the arena together to end the show!
- Revival Wrestling's third episode of 'Violence' aired on May 16 2012, Myke was originally scheduled to be part of a tag match. Teaming with old foe, Damion Darkside to take on Lucas Young and Greg Samuel. But just before the match took place, word was received that Darkside had no showed the event, stated Revival could stuff it after DQing him the week prior. Knowing that made his contest a 2 on 1... Adams and his partner in Anti-Establishment, Aaron Blaize made short work of half the other team... Attacking and wounding Greg Samuel just before the match backstage. The Revival offices were forced now to turn the match into a one on one, Adams against Young. The two had been bickering a decent bit over Twitter leading into Revival's opening few weeks... And thus the stage was set for them to finally meet. They had a very fast paced, and well contested match. Young nearly pulled out the win, but was eventually caught with Myke's Egoshredder superkick and Swanton. Thus securing Adams the three count, and his third straight win under the Revival banner. Making Myke undefeated thus far in Revival. Next week, he is scheduled to Main Event yet again, this time facing down Damion Darkside one on one. Will the Nightmare show up this week? After he came into Revival calling out Myke, and calling him a poser and such... This could be a hot contest!
- Revival Wrestling's fourth episode of 'Violence' aired on May 23 2012, Myke was originally scheduled to face Damion Darkside in the show's Main Event in a basic one on one contest. But somewhere before Violence aired, he ask for the match to be turned to a NO DISQUALIFICATIONS Rules... And Rian Valiant, the chairman of Revival obliged. As the Main Event arrived the two men, who have known and been in many promotions at the same time, fought a grueling and nasty contest. Darkside and Adams both using more punches and kicks than actual grapples! The turning point came when Myke landed a low shot on Damion and smashed him face first down over a steel chair with his spinning Killswitch aka THE SUIDSPIRAL! Myke finished that up with a SWANTON over Darkside, who he had laid on the same chair and then covered with a trash can! Adams secured the victory and continued to attack and brutalize Damion. As the show ended security came out to halt Myke. But Adams attacked them, Aaron Blaize hit the ring as well to help his Anti Establishment tag mate out. Together Adams and Blaize fought off the security as the show closed. Myke's next contest comes on Revival's first major event ASCENSION! He'll be in the Main Event against Kerry Windsor for the right to become the FIRST Revival World Heavyweight champion!
- Revival Wrestling's first Supercard/PPV aired on June 3 2012, it was called 'Ascension' and Myke was slated in the show's Main Event against Kerry Windsor in a ladder match to crown Revival's very first World Heavyweight Champion! During the show, Anti-Establishment dismantled and ended the career of Lucas Young. As for the actual contest, Adams lost in a very close ladder throw down to Windsor. Both men were at the top of the ladder throwing punches when the ladder tumbled over... Windsor happened to grab the Heavyweight title from the rung holding it high over the ring. And it came free in his arms as both men hit the canvas. Adams would then 'fake' a turn back to his fan favored self, giving Windsor props on the win, etc. Only Myke was simply getting Kerry's guard down... He would then snap and level the new champ, Adams would continue assaulting Windsor until Commish Rian Valiant came out with security guards. The guards held Adams back as Valiant slapped him and then proclaimed Myke was FIRED! Aaron Blaize would then emerge to help Adams out as the two laid waste to the guards and even attacked Valiant. As Anti-Establishment exited the arena, a beaten, hurting Valiant would get back on the mic and FIRE Blaize as well! Ascension ended with Myke losing the title match, and then both members of Anti-Establishment being fired!!!
- Revival Wrestling's fifth episode of 'Violence' aired on June 13 2012, ten days after Myke and his partner in Anti-Establishment, Aaron Blaize were 'fired' from Revival Wrestling by Rian Valiant. As the show progressed towards it's final two contest... Myke would show up at the entrance stage with Aaron Blaize!!! The crowd not happy to see them one bit as the two made their way to the play by play booth, and forced normal match callers, Richie Trinks and Maggie Mayhem to sit with them and watch the last two matches. The first of the two being Kerry Windsor against the British Bomber... Windsor being the man who defeated Adams at Ascension for the World title, and the Bomber being the man Blaize defeated at Ascension. The two belittled both men all through the match and eventually got involved... As Blaize distracted the ref, Adams looked to level Kerry Windsor from behind with his Egoshredder superkick, but Windsor dodged and the kick laid out British Bomber! Windsor then knocked Myke from the ring and took the victory over Bomber. Adams and Blaize returned to the booth, and sat through the five person over the top rumble for Sydney Meleoli-Laroux's Legacy title. After it was over, all hell broke lose. Rian Valiant came out after Blaize and Adams threaten LaRoux, but Syd left the ring unharmed. Anti-Establishment then began to destroy the arena, tearing up the ring and surrounding area... Valiant sent security at them, but they laid out all ten guards... Eventually Valiant tried to face them down only to find himself laid out with Blaize's falling cutter the TRAILBLAIZER... And crushed by Myke's risky 630 Swanton, the Perdition Plunge! The Trail to Perdition connected, but Kerry Windsor and British Bomber would emerge and try to make the save before Blaize landed his feared punt kick on Valiant. Only Adams and Blaize would gain the advantage on them as well... The show ended with Anti-Establishment destroying the ring area, laying out the World champ, the boss, and the savvy veteran British Bomber. What lies ahead for Revival now? Blaize and Adams have claimed to only be getting started!!
- Revival Wrestling's sixth episode of 'Violence' aired on June 20 2012, Myke was slated in YET ANOTHER MAIN EVENT. Making him Revival's bonified 'MAIN EVENTER'. Adams was scheduled to team with Aaron Blaize as Anti-Establishment to taker on the man who defeated Adams @ Ascension, Kerry Windsor and the man Blaize defeated at Ascension, The British Bomber. During the show Sydney Meleoli-Laroux was slated to face newcomer, The Butcher. But as Butcher hit the ring and ask for a mic, he was cut off by Anti-Establishment, who entered the ring and attacked Butcher. After they got the better of him, Butcher was saved from the crushing squash of Myke's Perdition Plunge by Windsor and the Bomber! Who hit the ring and a fist fight broke out... Revival started the Main Event tag match right from here... the fast paced contest saw the more 'team work' got the win... as Blaize and Adams combined to nail their Trail to Perdition [Blaize's cutter/Adams' 630 flip n2 a Swanton] on Kerry Windsor with Adams get a small dose of vengeance from Ascension by then pinning Windsor as Blaize kept Bomber at bay. Anti-Establishment then combined up to drop Bomber and left the ring victorious... Hands held high as Windsor and Bomber argued at ring side. Also during the show it was found out that the next Main Event would be Rian Valiant the commish against Anti-Establishment two on one!!! How will Valiant survive what is sure to be a slaughter?!
- Revival Wrestling's seventh episode of 'Violence' aired on June 27 2012, Myke was slated to team with Aaron Blaize as Anti-Establishment as they faced one man, Revival's commish himself, Rian Valiant. During the show Valiant confronted the two of them and let them know he had changed the match to a Lumberjack rules. But this wouldn't change anything, as the Main Event went down, the lumberjacks worked for and against both sides, but it was Blaize and Adams who couldn't be over taken and eventually they landed their Trail to Perdition tag finish on Valiant before Blaize easily made the pin. After the three count and victory Anti-Est would quickly disappear backstage much to everyone's shock. Valiant reassured Kerry Windsor and others he would be fine as he exited to the parking area only to be ambushed by Blaize & Adams. Myke and Aaron would beat on the commish and eventually DOUBLE DDT him onto a windshield... Thus breaking and busting the Commish rather badly... What lied ahead now that Anti-Establishment had seemingly gained control... Revival was yet to see.
- Revival Wrestling's eighth episode of 'Violence' aired on July 4 2012, Myke opened the show with a little video feed from he and Blaize. Proclaiming their control over Revival Nation. Adams would go on to face Ben Hanson later in the night, and the two had an epic show down before Theo Drake pulled Hanson from under a Perdition Plunge by Myke... This helping Ben Hanson secure a win over the Sinister Superman! But this wouldn't be the end of his night... Myke came back out later after the Main Event between Sullivan Aimes and Kerry Windsor, as he and Aaron Blaize laid waste to the World champion of Revival...
- Revival Wrestling's ninth episode of 'Violence' aired on July 11 2012, Myke was scheduled to get some revenge on Theo Drake, after Drake had helped out Ben Hanson the week before. Before this match took place, Anti-Establishment would be seen laying waste to three men... M. Gray, the Butcher and ole SCCW alumni himself, Riflewilly. They wouldn't leave a single man moving. Then came the match with Drake, Adams dominated the much older Theo Drake... and eventually after a brutal beat down styled contest secured the pin. But all hell broke loose after the contest, with Anti-Establishment being out gunned by Kerry Windsor, Trey Jordan, and the British Bomber! It marked the first time they had been bested on Revival programming in an attack! But they'd bounce back quickly... as the World champion, Kerry Windsor wrestled the Main Event. Blaize and Adams would confront his love interest, the pregnant Sheree Washington! After Ben Hanson tried halting an attack by Anti-Establishment... Hanson was PUNT KICKED by the Viper, Aaron Blaize... Adams giving chase to a fleeing Washington only to send a message... NEXT week he'd get his rematch for the World title against Kerry Windsor!!!
- Revival Wrestling's tenth episode of 'Violence', called Violence X aired on July 18 2012, Myke was getting a rematch for the World title in the Main Event against champion, Kerry Windsor. During the show, Myke's relationship with Sydney Meleoli-Laroux started to blossom before everyone's eyes. As she was seen helping him paint his face before Aaron Blaize stormed the scene and looked on rather dismayed. It appeared Anti-Establishment's once flawless cohesion may be in dire trouble. Adams would again run into Sydney after he successful title defense against Sullivan Aimes. She would wish him luck and tell him not to kill himself out there... Myke replied, "No Promises" and went on to wrestle a classic against Windsor. The match between Myke and Kerry ended in dramatic and shady fashion... But Adams secured the pinfall and became the NEW Revival World Heavyweight champion. Myke's first World title in nearly eight years! His first Heavyweight title since Simcoe! But Rian Valiant would make his return just after the match as Blaize and Adams looked to END Windsor... Valiant said they'd face off... Blaize against Windsor against Adams at Glory for Myke's new championship... But a fourth man would fight too, BEN HANSON!!! Hanson returned after last being punt kicked by Blaize and a four way brawl would end the show!!!
- Revival Wrestling's 11th episode of 'Violence' aired on July 25 2012, Myke was paired with his lover, Sydney Meleoli-Laroux, partner in Anti-Establishment Aaron Blaize and high flier Anti-EstablishmentCroix]] to take on Kerry Windsor, Ben Hanson, the British Bomber & Sullivan Aimes! The show had Myke come out to confront former Champion Windsor, after Kerry tried fingering Myke a cheater, etc. Myke would also be seen backstage with LaRoux and Croix, before Blaize again burst in and left with anger... The tag match itself went well for the team though, Sullivan Aimes looked out classed every moment of the contest. As he was eventually beaten by Blaize's Trailblaizer and Alyx's Expecto Patronum! After the victory for their team... Adams and Blaize were both attacked via a chair from Ben Hanson as was Windsor. Hanson trying to send a message for Glory... This coming week for Violence 12 marks the first time both Adams, and Windsor are off from action. What will transpire in their absence?!

Adams opened Violence XII with a speech about Revival in General!
- Revival Wrestling's 12th episode of 'Violence' aired on August 1 2012, Myke wasn't scheduled to be in any contest, but he opened the program by coming down to the ring with his Championship... The Revival World title. And proclaimed he hated the way the title match two weeks prior had went with Kerry Windsor. Adams said he wasn't this type of competitor, and in all his ups and downs never needed hand outs, or shady bullshit. He left the ring by saying at Glory, when he defends his World title in a fatal fourway against Aaron Blaize, Ben Hanson and Kerry Windsor he'd throw all the bull aside and do what he does best... Thrill Em All A little later in the show, Myke would be seen again... This time Blaize confronted Myke's new love interest and Revival Legacy champion, Sydney Meleoli-Laroux right outside a locker room door marked with Myke's name. Blaize shoved Sydney into the door twice, and threatened her for her current status with Myke. Saying she's weakened his fellow Anti-Establishment cohort. Before much more happened, Adams opened his locker door to find them both there. Breaking the moment, which appeared to be an attack waiting to happen. Seething, Blaize simply told Adams he'd have to chose between their quest to change Revival... Or being with LaRoux. And Sydney and Myke would have a contest on Violence XIII the next week for Adams to prove his allegiance to Anti-Establishment and Blaize by breaking himself free of her... violently. What will happen now?! Will Adams stand by his brother in war, or break their bond for change by choosing the woman of his dreams?!
- Revival Wrestling's 13th episode of 'Violence' aired on August 8 2012, Myke was slated up against his own lover, Sydney Meleoli-Laroux in the show's main event with Aaron Blaize as the special guest referee. During the show many wondered if Adams would chose his partnership with Syd, or Blaize as Anti-Establishment. Blaize having publicly stated he despised what Adams was becoming... As the Main Event unfolded... Adams simply KISSED LaRoux and flipped off Blaize. Aaron in turn attacked them both, laying waste to Sydney with a falling cutter and punches before Myke flattened Aaron with a bold left hook. Adams went to the aide of his lover... and Blaize laid into him with fury, a falling cutter to Adams then some stomps and such before Blaize ended his assault with his deadly submission the Eternal Sin! Leaving Adams and LaRoux broken and battered just before Revival's biggest event Glory was to take place in a mere week!
- Revival Wrestling's supercard 'Glory' aired on August 19 2012, Myke was scheduled in a Fatal 4 Way Main Event to defend his World championship against Kerry Windsor, Ben Hanson, and Aaron Blaize. The contest was a show stealer with tons of fast paced violence and personal animosities! It climaxed with Blaize landing his falling cutter the Trailblaizer onto Ben Hanson... but as Blaize went in on a downed Adams he was floored by Myke's Egoshredder superkick, then Adams' landed his crowd loved Swanton over Blaize! As Myke got up he was crunched with Windsor's Back to Square One, and in just a split second Hanson had fought up and landed his Metal Heart Suplex onto Windsor and made the pin over Kerry for the one two three to win the championship off of Myke... without even pinning Adams!!! How will Myke react now that he's lost his partner one week, and title the next?! He's not scheduled on the following episode of Violence. But He'll likely damn sure show up!!!
- Revival Wrestling's Violence XV was the next time Myke would wrestle, after he had a run in with Thaddeus Grey on Violence XIV the week prior... the two were thrown into a contest by Commish Rian Valiant. The match was well wrestled, and Myke looked ready to kick Thad in the chin with his Egoshredder Superkick... but much to Myke's surprise and the crowd's Grey tugged the ref in the path of the kick! Myke drilled the ref with his superkick and was DQed! Thus giving Thad the victory... Things got heated afterward with Adams going off on Grey and landing his Egoshredder anyhow before landing on Thad with his famed SWANTON BOMB!!! Things look to be heating up between the two!
- Revival Wrestling's Violence XVI saw Myke being lined up against relatively newcomer Nick Keenan. Before the match Myke was seen talking via the Rev-O-Tron... He claimed what he was about to do to Keenan was a message for Thaddeus Grey, who would be doing play by play for the match! As the actual match took place Adams had his way with Keenan. Showing thew rookie a show of high risk moves that dazzled the crowd! Adams didn't even get hit by Nick before landing his Egoshredder superkick and climbing to the top for his Swanton Bomb. Thad Grey jumped in though and shoved Myke from the buckles! The ref now DQed Keenan and gave Myke the victory he already obviously had. Adams had no chance to get back in the fray with Thad however as Grey landed his PUNT KICK THE GREYSKULL on Myke! Leaving the Suicidal Superman laid out!
- Revival Wrestling's Violence XVII Myke wasn't on the slate to wrestle, instead he confronted Thaddeus Grey in the ring with Richie Trinks interviewing them at the same time. Grey kept talking down to Myke, eventually Adams cut him off and the fist fight broke out! Security came in to break the two up, but their bitter blood is only getting worse as the weeks go on. To top this off Samuel Hessinstock was now incharge after Kerry Windsor decimated Rian Valiant the commish. His first act in power, Hess has placed Myke in a surprise match dubbed Hessingstock's Revenge. Hess has said he will be part of it, but ANY member of Revival is allowed to join the contest to take a shot at Adams!!! How will the Superman of Revival survive if any if not all of the roster comes for his neck?!
- Revival Wrestling's Violence XVIII... Myke was slated in the Main Event in what Samuel Hessingstock called his 'Revenge'. Sam, Myke's long time close friend had been stalking Adams and girlfriend [Sam's ex] Sydney LaRoux... Blaming Adams for Sma and Syd's failed relationship even though the two had split during a time in which Myke was not in either of their lives. Anyhow, Myke was seen early in the show being harassed by Trey Jordan and Joe Johnson before Hessingstock showed up to reveal they would be joining him in a four on one in the Main Event against Myke... not revealing who the fourth member of Sam's 'team' would be. Myke's recent bitter rival Thaddeus Grey stunned everyone and showed up to break an assault by Hess, Johnson and Jordan over Myke... leaving a cryptic message before he left the scene. Later during the actual Main Event... Adams showed courage under fire doing what he could against four men... the fourth man was revealed to be Revivals massive Primetime champ, the Monster Garrett Wolfcastle. Even with Myke showing flourishes of brilliance and even taking control over the four of them at times... the crowd was left feeling bitter as their High Risk Hero was eventually just beaten down into the canvas. The four of them too much for any one man to take on alone... but before their attack could get much farther... Chicago's Police arrived and flooded ringside to arrest Hessingstock. [Leading up to the show... Sam had actually murdered Myke's best friend, and pet German Shep. 'Buker'...] The show ended with Sam being carted to jail by police... and Joe Johnson, Garrett Wolfcastle, and Trey Jordan all leaving ringside. Thus giving Myke the victory in a sense... via forfeit and SURVIVAL. To make up for Sam Hessingstock's abuse of power... Revival gave Myke his choice in opposition for the next Violence... and he chose JOE JOHNSON... one of the three men who willingly assisted Hess.

Adams makes his entrance to face down Joe Johnson!
- Revival Wrestling's Violence 19 Myke was seen just before his match talking with his lover, Sydney Meleoli-Laroux before heading out in a match of his choosing. [Myke chose to face Joe Johnson...] Revival offering him any challenge he wanted to pay Myke back for Samuel Hessingstock's ABUSE of power the week before, which had landed Myke in a Main Event against FOUR men. Myke hit the ring with energy, getting the crowd in a riot as he and Johnson had a relatively tight contest... very back and fourth before Joe hit his finishing move on Myke! A buzzsaw kick to the head... it seemed Johnson had it all but won but Myke showed amazing ring awareness and got the bottom rope with his hand. He came back in the contest and eventually landed his flowing DDT to set up the crowd's favorite finish of Myke's... THE SWANTON! Adams got the three count and seemed to avenge one of the three who had helped try and wreck him the week prior with Samuel Hess. Later in the show Myke would be seen again... this time wishing Sydney luck before her Main Event clash with the Revival World champ, Ben Hanson. Just after Syd left the scene, Myke ran into his recently gained rival in Thaddeus Grey. The two shared some sharp remarks before Myke unloaded news on Grey... Revival had given him another match of his liking to make up for Hessingstock's power abuse... AND Myke chose to face Thaddeus at Violence XX [20] in a NO DQ, Loser Leaves Revival forever match!!! Thaddeus looked rocked by this revelation... Is Myke really willing to put his Revival career on the line?! Guess we'll all see in just four days... on Revival's HUGE 20th episode of Violence!
- Revival Wrestling would shut down not too far after this, Myke performed on two more editions of 'Violence' before heading out of the wrestling scene for a much needed break. He found out LaRoux was pregnant and decided to take over a year off to spend with his first born child.
-Boardwalk Wrestling- (May 2014 - August 2014)[]
- Boardwalk Wrestling Myke made his debut at their 'Dealer's Choice iPPV to assist long time behind the scenes friends, Ken Davison & Mac Bane to form the "Suicide Saints". Myke is set to make his debut Friday June 6th, 2014 on Boardwalk's HYPE program in a three way anarchy rules match with Randy Valdez and Joshua Jones. This marks yet another debut in a new fed where Myke has been booked for a triple threat... and his first in-ring action since late 2012! How will he fair? Stay tuned for updates.
- Boardwalk Wrestling June 6th episode of 'Hype' Myke was slated for a triple threat Anarchy Rules match against Joshua Jones and Randy Valdez. Early in the show Adams was seen with a backstage interviewer before Jay Wilson approached him, the two had a brief confrontation that ended with Jay laughing after slapping Myke in the face!! Adams seemed unfazed by Wilson's actions later in the night as he helped Randy Valdez and Josh Jones put on an amazingly fast paced and huge action filled triple threat match. The excited Boardwalk crowd got their first taste of Myke in the ring. Already having a love for Randy and Joshua, they seemed to instantly grab onto Myke. The crowd was torn between the three and cheered them each. Finally Myke landed an Egoshredder on Joshua Jones, who had Randy Valdez in a front facelock... the force of Myke's superkick caused Jones to DDT Valdez! Myke then landed his SWANTON and got the three count for a win in his first Boardwalk action!! Later in the HYPE episode Myke showed up during the Main Event with Jim Simmons, Ken Davison and Mac Bane... Davison's son was facing Jay Wilson! The 'Suicide Saints' ambushed Wilson and Myke was given a chair to get himself some 'revenge' for Jay's actions earlier in the night... But the Future showed up and a brawl ensued to close out the show. Now Adams has been slated for this Friday's Hype episode in the Main Event against Jay Wilson!!!
- Boardwalk Wrestling June 13th episode of 'Hype' Myke was seen a few times during Boardwalk's programming, first with a young boy and his parents backstage before Jay Wilson and Amp of the Future ruined things. A bit later Myke was giving a backstage interview when once more Amp and Wilson stepped in, this time things getting violent. Myke missed a superkick and got his foot stuck literally in a vending machine. Godly Ken Davison and Mac Bane showed up before Amp and Wilson could assault Myke much. Later in the show during the Main Event, Myke and Jay would have a great back and fourth contest. Myke got the better of Wilson however and landed his Perdition Plunge variant of his Swanton for the pinfall and victory. Next week on HYPE, the board has scheduled Myke to team with Mac Bane against Jay Wilson and Amp as a preview for the iPPV Full Tilt. A five on five contest in which the Future will face the Suicidal Saints. Should be a nasty contest, and this tag match should as well!
- Boardwalk Wrestling June 20th episode of 'Hype' Myke took on Jay Wilson once more, this time with Mac Bane in his corner as a tag partner and Amp in Wilson's. The Main Event tag match was a hard fought battle, it appeared all but over once Amp used his trademark sock full of casino chips to knock Myke down and out for the three count. But the match referee saw the weapon and kept the contest going. After much back and fourth action, Myke managed to finally land his patented Swanton Bomb over Jay Wilson for the three count and an official victory over the Future for the Suicidal Saints! Myke's next scheduled for a match finally not on Boardwalk's Friday Night HYPE program, but instead Wednesday's XTRA show. He'll face Baz in an Anarchy rules contest.
- Boardwalk Wrestling June 25th edition of Boardwalk's XTRA, Myke is slated to face "The Voice of Extreme" Baz in an Anarchy rules match. Baz and Myke wrestled a wildly fast paced Anarchy rules match on XTRA... after some back and fourth action, Myke managed to stun Baz and end the contest with a roll up and victory. His fourth win in four contest at Boardwalk. Now Myke readies himself to team with his "brothers" in the Suicidal Saints, Mac Bane & Ken Davison as well as Gary Mac & AmyJo Smyth to take on the Future [Amp, Jay Wilson, Clay Charisma III, Dave Van Dam and Justin Underwood] at Boardwalk's FULL TILT iPPV.
- Boardwalk Wrestling June 30th, FULL TILT iPPV. The Future versus the Suicidal Saints, 5 on 5 inside a cage over not one but TWO rings! The WarGames match was a brutal affair but the Suicidal Saints [Adams, Bane, Davison & guest tag mates AmyJo Smyth/Gary Mac] won the huge main event match. Ken Davison forcing The Future's Clay Charisma to submit... After the nasty caged event, Gary Mac turned on the Saints after having spent the entire iPPV "faking the flu". He proceeded to assist the Future in wiping at the Saints with bats and golf clubs to end the show. How this all plays out is yet to be seen. Myke is yet to be further scheduled in Boardwalk.

Adams makes his entrance to face down Gary Mac on Xtra!
- Boardwalk Wrestling July 16th, on XTRA's Main Event Myke was slated against Gary Mac, the man who had betrayed him and his Suicidal Saints teammates at Full Tilt. On Boardwalk's HYPE program the week prior [July 11th,2014] Myke had ambushed Gary Mac as Mac was trying to insult Brett Logan [post victory] in the show's Main Event. Logan was easily defeated by Mac, but as Gary tried to make a show of things Myke rushed the ring and hit 'The Real Deal' with an Egoshredder superkick then told him he'd "see him on Xtra". The two wrestled a rather good contest, Mac trying to keep Myke grounded but also flying at times himself. Adams hit some rather risky moves during the contest such as his Suicide*Star DDT [shooting star DDT] and missed his patented Swanton! As the match reached it's pinnacle the two collided with Myke looking for a leaping cutter, but Gary managed to somehow land a vicious snap neckbreaker simultaneously!!! Neither man could answer the ten count and the referee called the match on a no-contest. This surely leaves bad blood spilling between the Suicidal Saints and the Future. Myke is next scheduled to face one of his first opponents in BW... Joshua Jones. The winner of their contest on the LIVE program gets the 25th spot at the upcoming "ALL IN" iPPV's 30 man rumble match....
- Boardwalk Wrestling July 21st, Myke wrestled Joshua Jones for the 25th spot guaranteed in the upcoming Boardwalk rumble @ 'All In'. Jones walked away with the win, marking Myke's first defeat in Boardwalk. But also his final contest with the company... Signing back with Alpha Entertainment & also signing with D[o]PE Entertainment... Adams ask for a release from Jersey's Boardwalk Wrestling. He left the company on good terms, and owner Michael Pettis has extended an open door offer for Myke. Sources close say Myke plans to hopefully return to Boardwalk in the future, and ironically finish what was started with 'The Future' group. As well as loose ends with Joshua Jones, Engineer and a few others.
-Alpha Entertainment (July 2014 - October 2014)-[]
- Myke has resigned with Alpha, his older half sibling Justin Rose now the sole owner and CEO. Alpha returns to Monday nights with Any Given Monday #1 this coming week on August the 11th from Portland, OR. The same place Myke last wrestled for Alpha and was severely attacked by Zenith. Adams is slated in the show's Main Event against two familiar faces in Aaron Blaize & Chris Bond! The match is a triple threat 'Alpha eXtreme rules' match up!

Myke makes his entrance on AGM #1 in Portland on Aug. 11th, 2014.
- Alpha [08/11/14] After showing up on Alpha's ANY GIVEN MONDAY multiple times, Myke came away just short of victory in his Main Event triple threat showdown with old friends/foes Aaron Blaize and Chris Bond... Adams took a huge risk, looking for his Perdition Plunge [630 SWanton] OFF THE ALPHA-TRON! He landed the ultra risky move but only onto the fallen Bond, Blaize moving aside just barely... The impact left Myke hurting and Blaize shoved him down the entrance ramp with his feet... Aaron then covered Chris for the pinfall and victory. Afterward Blaize went for an attack on Adams, Mac Bane however stopped Aaron! Bane dropped Blaize with his Business as Usual [FutureShock DDT]!!! After Adams saw this, he angrily left his good friend, Mac behind. GM DeLounge has now slated them against one another... Alpha heads to San Antonio Texas for AGM #2 as Myke will face his 'Suicidal Saints' brother in arms, Mac Bane!!!
- Alpha [08/18/14] Myke collided with Chris Bond toward the start of Alpha's AGM#2, the two former best pals threw some shots back and fourth with underlining tension full throttle. After a brief stare down, the two went seperate ways, but things remain heated between the two over Sydney Meleoli-Laroux... Myke's current fiancee, whose mothered children with both men. The relationship with Syd is what tore Myke's friendship with Bond apart in 2012. Can the bad blood even be overcome? Will Bond and Adams ever make peace of the situation? Time will tell. After his altercation with Bond, Myke was seen later in the night being confronted by his opponent... Mac Bane. Who also had some tension between himself and Myke over the ending to AGM#1. Aaron Blaize looked to attack Myke post main event, but Bane made the 'save'. Adams didn't seem please when he stormed away from Mac to close out AGM#1. The two had a brief conversation ending with Myke simply telling Bane that the two of them would thrill em all. Adams hit the ring rather slow and methodically for his show down with another close friend... Mac Bane. His usual 'rush' towards the ring was replaced with a steady walk as he glared through the ropes at Bane. The two had an explosive back and fourth contest, both men landing their finishers only to have the other somehow escape the three count! The match finally come to a head when Bane had Myke outside the ring, both men tired and hurting from the high octane affair. Bane tried a spinebuster, but Myke managed to DDT him at the same time. They were both counted out, after ward as they both got up... Everyone expected bad things but the two friends embraced with a short hug before Bane raised Myke's arm high. The two then headed backstage after their war in the ring, next week GM DeLounge has placed Myke's closest two friends against one another... Chris Bond versus Mac Bane. The kicker? Myke is the special guest referee! Will he make the count for Bane and possibly further blacken the angst between he and Bond? Or will he make the count for Bond and chance another explosive encounter with Bane... only this time with Mac out for his head?
- Alpha [08/25/14] Adams was seen mid way through Alpha's Any Given Monday painting his face to match his referee's shirt for the night. He was slated to officiate the Main Event between two of his closest friends, Chris Bond and Mac Bane. Adams refereed the contest rather fairly, eventually making the count for Bane. After the match Alpha's first tag team 'DomiNation' [who had earlier debuted by laying waste to Trey Jordan and Bob Pooler] Attacked the trio, putting quite a hurting on both Adams and Bond before none other than Aaron Blaize arrived to land his cutter, the Trailblaizer onto Bane! Blaize made a speech about his desire to be the first ever Alpha World champion. Adams got the crowd excited as he battled back to his feet even after a vicious attack only to have DomiNation's Vin Wesley spear him back to the floor. Next week when Alpha's AGM #4 goes to Nebraska... Bond and Adams are being lined up as a 'team' to face this new 'DomiNation'... can the jaded friends keep their heads together long enough to get some type of retribution? Or will their turmoil cost them even more?
- Alpha [09/01/14] Adams & Bond lost their tag match to Vin Wesley & Corey Grant [DomiNation] on AGM #4. Myke's next match is on AGM #5 against Robb McBride in the first round of the Lethal Lottery tournament.
- Alpha [09/08/14] Myke won the co-main event 'Lethal Lottery' contest against Robb McBride, also during the show Chris Bond dented up Myke's beloved 68' Dodge Charger!
- Alpha, Myke wrestled a few more events for Alpha but a personal matter caused his older half sibling Justin Rose to close Alpha's doors for good. Or so Rose says, Adams himself has made it clear to his brother that even if a third incarnation of Alpha should arise... he would NOT be interested in another 'stint' there.
-DoPE Entertainment (August 2014 - October 2014)-[]
- Myke wrestled for DoPE since August 2014, but with Alpha consuming much of his focus... he was up and down through his time there until last week, October 2nd's 'Trauma' Myke managed to beat Robbie Hart and former Entertainment Champ, Caleb Houston to become the new DoPE Entertainment champion! With Alpha dissolving almost overnight, Myke is likely able to focus his efforts now into ONE promotion. The way he has always been known to 'prefer' his career. One fed at ONE time. How will he do as Entertainment champ? His first defense is @ DoPE's 2nd PPV... House of Horrors in a Stairway to Hell match, he'll be defending against DoPE's original Entertainment champ, Robbie Hart! Stay tuned for more details.
- DoPE [10/11/14] Myke defended his 'Entertainment' title against Robbie Hart, the two having been involved in multiple matches headed into DoPE's pay per view, 'House of Horror'. The two collided for Adams' strap in a match dubbed 'Stairway to Hell'. Robbie Hart even catching fire at one point. After quite an up and down, back and fourth contest... Myke managed to knock Hart from a ladder before securing his title, and the victory thus making his first defense a success in DoPE! Myke has a bit longer to 'heal up' after the nasty 'STH' match... his next contest is slated for October 22nd, Trauma 2.0's main event... Myke will defend his title against a former Boardwalk Wrestling performer, much like himself.... Ian Bishop. Stay tuned to see how Myke does in his second title defense.
-Boardwalk Wrestling (January 2015 - March 2015)-[]
- Myke returned to Boardwalk Wrestling in January of 2015! Along side Mac Bane, and Aaron Blaize the trio has started a full fledged war with the company's entire roster. Currently aligned w/One Percent [a stable] what the future holds for three former enemies turned family like allies... Stay tuned for more detailed information! Blaize didn't last in BW long before retiring for good to be home with his wife and child. Bane and Adams continue their war with BW... Myke even winning the promotion's top championship in March 2015 at the iPPV "Joker's Wild" after pinning former champion, Siobhan Townsend in a triple threat with her, and Sean Fuller. He relinquished the Atlantic City title on March 23rd, for personal reasons. And decided to leave Boardwalk Wrestling, stay tuned for any other details involving this. People close to Myke, such as Trey Jordan & Justin Rose said he has not given them any details about his choice to exit BW in the midst of his first title reign of any kind within the company.
-Misc Info (2012-2015)-[]
- In Myke's stint in Chicago's "Revival Wrestling" Adams lost his chance at the Revival World title at Ascension PPV, but rebounded and beat Kerry Windsor in a rematch on July 18, 2012 on Violence episode #10! After which Anti-Establishment started to crumble from within... Myke's relationship with Sydney Meleoli-Laroux ate at Aaron Blaize... and the Viper publicly said he was sick of Myke's behavior. This lead to them breaking their team apart violently... Blaize decimating Myke in the ring a week before a huge Fatal Fourway title defense for Adams! Blaize was involved in that as well, this was Myke's final 'run' before a year plus long hiatus to help LaRoux raise their newborn son.
- Adams returned to the business in the Spring of 2014 at the behalf of a behind the scenes close friend, Mac Bane to form the Suicidal Saints in Boardwalk Wrestling out of Atlantic City, New Jersey. Ken Davison aka 'Godly' was the third member of this trio. In Boardwalk Wrestling Myke quickly rose through their ranks, winning every contest he wrestled for the company but one. Two if you count a draw with Gary Mac. Adams was going to take part in the company's "All In" iPPV BUT requested to opt out of his contract to resign with a revamped Alpha Entertainment out of Dallas, Texas. He wrestled for his older sibling Justin Rose's Alpha during it's second incarnation from August through October 2014... where after personal matters, Rose closed the place [Alpha] for good. Owning sole rights to the company. Adams was most currently in DoPE Entertainment, even claiming their Entertainment Champion. He's currently a free agent, both as a wrestler and a lover after D[o]PE closed down and he found out Sydney LaRoux had been living a 'double life' and was married WITH children to an Indy circuit wrestler Myke had met a few times, but had little respect for. Where Myke goes from here is WIDE open. He has been heard talking about a possible return to Atlantic City with Boardwalk Wrestling, and is trying to smooth his friendship with Meglyn after it was strained over Myke's assertion Sydney was the woman for him. Meglyn telling the risky wrestler that she had a sneaking suspicion of LaRoux. This caused a rift between Myke and Meglyn that has yet to be resolved! LaRoux is deceased as of early 2015, Myke currently knows nothing of her death. Having tried his best to 'rinse' his mind of her after the betrayal he felt over her departure to Ojeda.
- As of late January 2015, Adams returned to Boardwalk Wrestling alongside his good friend Mac Bane! Formerly known as the Suicidal Saints, both are previous members of both Boardwalk, and Alpha Entertainment! They made their return on the most recent episode of BW's "Live" program and 'turned' on everyone joining the most hated group in Boardwalk... One Percent! Known by fans and co-wrestlers alike as stand up, 'good guys'... How this sudden villainous turn plays out remains to be seen. Myke has even been rumored to be back in good graces with long time rival, yet former ally in the Anti-Establishment... Aaron Blaize! Together the two strong armed their way to the top of former Chicago based Revival Wrestling... Add in Mac Bane, these three could case quite some problems for BW's roster!
- Aaron Blaize didn't stay in Boardwalk for much more than a few weeks, eventually retiring from the business to be with his family. Adams and Bane however continue their plight in BW, Myke finally winning the highest honor in Boardwalk, he beat defending Atlantic City champion, Siobhan Townsend on March's iPPV "Joker's Wild"!! Sean Fuller was also in the match making it a triple threat, one of Myke's "specialties". He took the promotion's top title, thus giving him his eighth major championship of his career. Joining the ACWO World title, RWF World title, SCCW Heavyweight title, and Revival World title... Myke proved himself still a valuable asset to his current bosses. And doubters who said even at the young age of 32, his wrestling style had made him all but washed out. Where Myke goes now is completely in his own control, he abruptly vacated Boardwalk's AC Title on Monday, March 23rd for unspecified reasons... His future now seems to be completely up in the air once more!!
-Fight One (F1) (March 2015 - Current)-[]
- Myke agree to a loose contract with behind the scenes friend, Aidan Morag [in early March] to make random bookings for Morag's Fight One promotion!! Stay tuned for more details as they come. With Myke's future in Boardwalk officially over, Fight One is his only current wrestling promotion he works for. He's most recently wrestled matches with Bronwen O'Connor & Ian Ballistic... On April 13th he'll wrestle a triple threat with Ian Ballistic and Namen Hammer at F1's first 'rally' or 'supershow' dubbed 'Mill-City Massacre'. The winner will be crowned the very first Fight One Champion.
- On April 13th, 2015 at Fight One's very first 'rally' aka [Pay Per View/Supershow] Myke took part in the Main Event to crown a new Fight One Champion. His opponents where Namen Hammer and Ian Ballistic in a triple threat! All three men gave their best efforts, with either Myke nor Namen able to put one another quite down and out for a pin... Adams instead used a reeling Ian Ballistic, superkicking him w/the 'Egoshredder' and making a cover to win the Fight One Championship! Thus merely a few weeks removed from vacated Boardwalk's top title, Myke now holds Fight One's top strap! Proving he still seems to have time on his side when it comes to his ring-career. How long he can remain at the top of Fight One's 'mountain' will remain to be seen. Adams himself has been heard talking about how high the competition level is in Fight One's ranks! His next match is a non-title main event show down on Unlimited #6 against another former Boardwalk top tier talent in Nirvana!!
- April 20th, 2015... Adams opened Fight One's 'Unlimited #6' with a 'pep-rally' like in-ring speech to the fans of the company... Dubbed by among others, and specifically by Adams as 'Fight One Nation'... After the brief hype in the ring, Myke exited and slapped many high fives and such. Doing his best to show off his newly won F1 Title, and get these fans excited. Later in the show, the Main Event actually... Adams faced off with another former Boardwalk grappler now in Fight One... Nirvana. The two had a brief, but rather solid show down... It ended abrupt however when one of the two men Myke defeated the week prior at Fight One's 'rally' or supercard 'Mill-City Massacre' Namen Hammer attacked... The match was thrown out, and Myke ended up being clocked by Hammer. Who himself had won a triple threat earlier in the night to crown himself the official number one contender for Adams' Fight One Championship. After this fray, the show ended with footage from the rear parking area where someone had tried to destroy Myke's cherished 1969 Dodge Charger. His beloved muscle car was battered, the windshield busted up... The hood full of dents, and scratches among other damage. The show ended with a distraught Myke seemingly tackling the camera man filming the damaged Mopar. This coming week... Adams is slated in yet another Fight One Main Event, facing off with not only Nirvana again, but Namen Hammer as well in a triple threat. This is sure to be a wild show down... stay tuned for details.

Adams goes airborne attacking N.Hammer on Unlimited #7.
- April 27th, 2015 on Fight One's 'Unlimited #7'... Myke competed in a 'non-title' Main Event triple threat against Nirvana & Namen Hammer. The trio put on a splendid Main Event which saw each of them take control at points during the contest. Adams nearly ended it with a Swanton Bomb on Nirvana, but Namen Hammer broke up the pinfall... Hammer eventually used one of his trademark moves on Adams and this caused Adams to tumble from the ring long enough for Hammer to drop Nirvana with his finisher and secure the pinfall. This some what making the two 'even' in some regards. Myke had pinned Ian Ballistic in their first meeting (also a triple threat) rather than Hammer to win the F1 Championship! Hammer on this night had returned the favor to a degree by securing a pin fall over Nirvana, leaving both men un pinned by the other to this point. Tensions have to be at a high between them, but they've both got their 'hands full' the following week. Hammer with one, Seth Daniels... And Myke teams with Adam James, the Lone Wolf to face Nirvana for a third straight week and his make shift partner Seth Dryden!
- May 4th, 2015 on Fight One's 'Unlimited #8' Myke teamed with Adam James (younger brother of Myke's long time nemesis, and at times ally... Aaron Blaize) They were set to be squaring off with Nirvana and Seth Dryden in the show's Main Event. As the show played out, Nirvana and Dryden both came to the ring and then Myke... but after THREE times of having his intro tune blared... Adam James was missing in action, MIA from ringside as the bell rung to get this match going. Adams put up a valiant effort, doing his best to hold his own in the now handicapped contest. After the match played out for awhile, James eventually showed up! But as Myke tagged him into the match, the crowd delighted only for a moment... James dropped Myke with his 'Alpha Driver'!! Then tagged himself out, leaving ringside... And leaving Myke to 'the wolves' so to speak. Nirvana and Dryden made quick work to finish Adams off and win the contest! How things pan out from here is up in the air... Myke faces Seth Dryden again the following Monday in a one on one contest. Can the Suicidal Superman get back a little from the way the tag match closed out? Or will Dryden make good on his claims to beat Myke 'every which way but Sunday'?!
- May 11th 2015, Myke faced Seth Dryden one on one at Fight One's "Unlimited #9" show. Scheduled as the show's final contest, or main event Myke was first involved in the show's "opening"... After his challenger for the upcoming rally [F1 term for supercard] Namen Hammer had come to the ring and begun to talk down about both Fight One's fans and Adams... Myke appeared to not only defend himself, but the "Fight One Nation". This enraged Hammer... and violence broke out, only more Fight One competitors joined the fray... To named a few? Nirvana, Seth Dryden, Adam James and more... The fight was broken up by security, and this was the final time Myke was seen before his contest with Seth Dryden. The show's main event finally came to pass, Dryden and Adams had a very back and fourth... Pretty exciting match up! Dryden nearly put Myke away multiple times, but couldn't quite keep the Champion of Fight One down and out... Myke eventually found the opening to land his "Perdition Plunge" finish from the top rope for the cover. After his victory, Myke was confronted by Namen Hammer! The two shared a conversation that audio couldn't pick up before security flooded the ring before things got physical... Hammer hoisted Myke's title high for all to see before literally throwing it at Adams and leaving ringside. The show ended with the Fight One Champion Myke Adams heading to each turnbuckles to hold his championship up for the excited crowd. After which he exited the ring and "tagged" hands at ringside, this was the final visual of the show. Thus setting the stage for Myke to defend his title as Fight One champion the following week against Namen Hammer. Can Myke overcome the towering Hammer? Or will Namen claim the prize Myke first took at the last rally event?!

Low res. shot of closing moments to F1 title match between Myke and Namen Hammer.
- May 18th 2015, Fuel the Flame 2 took place with Adams defending his Fight One title for the first time against one of the two men he defeated to claim it! Namen Hammer. The show's main event saw the two face off in a "last man standing" showdown! During the show Adams did a backstage short interview with F1's Filthy Ramirez, this was the only time he was aired during the program aside from the contest. During the match itself Myke took quite a beating from the much sizer Namen Hammer! But no matter how viciously Hammer assaulted Myke, Adams found a way to rise from the count and not lose his championship. Eventually Myke got some offense in on Namen, but could hardly keep the big man down for long. As the contest reached it's "boiling point" Myke landed his patented "Egoshredder" superkick before Namen could assault him with a sledgehammer... But the kick merely stunned Hammer, Namen didn't go down even after a SECOND superkick to the head. Myke signaled the rowdy Fight One crowd, and went for a THIRD Egoshredder!! As he landed the nasty superkick right into Namen Hammer's face... Namen managed to land a vile sledgehammer shot upside Myke's head! The third Egoshredder finally put Hammer down, but the sledgehammer shot also downed Myke!! Both men could not answer the ten count, and the match ended in a draw! As the match's referee restarted the contest, the entire arena went pitch black!! Once the lights came back on, Namen Hammer had vanished from the ring!! The only remnant of him even being there was the sledgehammer he had used to assault Myke as it lay on the ring canvas. The referee counted Hammer out, and thus Myke retained his title! After the final bell was sounded, EMTs hit the ring to check on the Fight One Champion but Myke was more concerned with the sudden disappearing act from Hammer! He exited the ring and searched under it, shouting in question to Namen's whereabouts. After a few moments of this he finally allowed the EMTs to assist him, and found the strength to "tag" some Fight One fans' hands on his path backstage. The defense was complete, Myke's first challenger to his Fight One title was vanquished and well even vanished! Up next for Myke Adams comes "Unlimited #10"... The upcoming "standard" Fight One program will mark Myke's tenth in-ring contest during Fight One's twelve weeks of operation. His opposition brings back jaded & likely not cozy memories for Adams... His long time arch rival Aaron Blaize's younger brother Adam James, who has been aggressively seeking a confrontation with Myke for weeks now... Will be Adams' next challenge in a NON-title Main Event.
- May 25th 2015, "Unlimited #10" Myke once again Main Evented the program, he faced the ultra aggressive "Lone Wolf" Adam James. A man who is not only the younger sibling of Adams' long time nemesis Aaron Blaize, but also ironically someone that Myke actually helped in his early development & training to become a professional grappler. Recently James has quite aggressively sought to end Myke's "reign" as the Champion of Fight One. This marked their first encounter as opponents in the ring. Mid-show James assaulted Myke's older sibling Justin Rose violently, before security and Adams could halt the attack. This led to Myke aggressively seeking the beginning of this contest, but James kept things in his favor... Myke wrestled Adam very off-balance mentally, attacking even more unorthodox than usual. James caught the Fight One Champion quite shockingly as he attempted his fan favored Shooting Star Press into a DDT, the Suicide*Star DDT... Somehow Adam James managed to catch Myke after his shooting star and land his own finisher... the Alpha Driver! James took the first victory between the two, winning the match shortly after. Post match Myke's new challenger for his title was announced as not simply one man, but three! Adam James being one of them as well as Seth Dryden, and Kipper Haven! So in a mere two weeks or so, Myke faces a three way assault on his reign as Fight One Champion.
- June 1st, 2015 Myke is Main Eventing Fight One's "Unlimited" yet again, this time to face off with one of his challengers for his title @ the coming June 'Rally' or 'Supershow'... Kipper Haven, who wrestled to a draw with another challenger for his belt, Seth Dryden. After losing on "Unlimited #10" to his third challenger of the coming Rally's Four way title match Adam James, Myke couldn't bounce back on "Unlimited #11" and winlost YET again against Kipper Haven! After Adam James viciously attacked Noelle Shelley (Myke's current love interest) Adams came into his match with Haven angry like last week's with James. His aggression stunned alot of folks but cost him the match due to a serious lack of focus on Myke's part. Since winning the title, he's become the Fight One resident jobber. This seems to be taking a toll on Adams. After his loss in the Main Event, he did seek vengeance for Shelley! Attacking Adam James viciously in the rear parking lot! The show ended with Myke making his way from the 'wreckage of the scene' laughing and smiling as James was laid out and busted open. Next week he will face (and likely lose to Nirvana) but will there be more personal warfare between Myke and James? Maybe.
- June 8th, 2015 Myke faced off for the fourth time with "The Midnight King" Nirvana on "Unlimited #12" for the show's Main Event! Myke was involved not only with this contest, but two other "spots" of the show. He was first seen as Fight One's program started, visiting the office of Alexander Hayes. Myke and Alex had a brief conversation, nothing serious... Just a short chat where Myke welcomed Hayes as the newest staffer of Fight One with a handshake and kind words. Alex responded with thanks, and showed support for what Myke did for Fight One in general before wishing him well in his match in the Main Event. Myke wouldn't be seen again until just before said Main Event, the show brought fans to Myke's locker area where he was watching the previous match [Adam James vs. Kipper Haven] on a monitor. Adams seemed pleased to watch the man who had beat him the week before force the man he attacked the week prior to "tap out". Both men [Kipper/Adam James] are his upcoming competition for his Fight One title @ the coming "Rally" Collision Course! Moments after this a delivery man arrived at Myke's door and dropped him off a large envelope marked "Skittles Only", and said it was from Gary Mac. Myke didn't have time to see what was inside the sealed envelope so he called his current girlfriend's sister Aria Shelley and ask her to hold onto it while he went out to face Nirvana. This is how the spot ended, Myke heading to meet Aria & likely Noelle [his girlfriend] before heading to the ring. Afterward the match began, Nirvana making his entrance and then Myke. During the week Nirvana announced his retirement, so everyone knew this would be his final match in Fight One, and likely in general. The two had a great show down, Nirvana showcased the raw power that made his career special... But Myke continued to fight his way back from the brink of being put down and out. Both showcased their specialties through out, the match going back and fourth quite a bit to much fanfare from the crowd in attendance. Myke landed his fan favored Swanton, and went back to the top to look for his favorite finish... The Perdition Plunge! But Nirvana's valet Pistola got on the ring apron and the referee tried getting her down, she delayed Myke's attention long enough that when he leapt for the 630 degree front flip that Nirvana had risen from the mat and caught him mid way through the flip! Nirvana then landed his Embrace Nirvana finish, a airplane spin into a huge F5 style move... Somehow Myke stunned everyone and forced a shoulder up. The match continued, and it's climatic end came when Myke went for his shooting star press into a DDT, which he managed to connect with! Only as he did this, Nirvana also somehow managed to bring Myke down at the same moment with a huge spinebuster! Both men had already taken the other's favorite finishing moves, and more... Their arms ended up over top one another and the referee made the count for some reason with no clear pin in place [both had a pin technically!] And the contest ended with everyone in confusion. After a debate Myke demanded the match go to Nirvana, but before it could be announced Nirvana did the same only declaring Myke the winner. Eventually the contest was announced as Adams being the winner, but it clearly a double pin. Technically they both won, and lost. Regardless Nirvana showed respect to Myke, much as Myke had done to him during the week/through and after this match. They shook hands, and Nirvana even was the one to hand Myke his title belt before Adams left the ring. Myke telling Nirvana to enjoy "his time" with the Fight One fans before exiting ringside. The show then ended with Nirvana doing just that. What's up for Myke hasn't been scheduled by the offices of Fight One yet, stayed tuned for info.
- June 15th, 2015 Fight One's 13th edition of 'Unlimited' opened the show with cameras on Myke as he entered the arena. His title on his shoulder, his face already painted as he appeared geared up and ready for his Main Event tag match! This marked yet another Main Event match up for Myke, making him unofficially Fight One's premier 'Main Event' draw... Myke walked toward the secure entrance for the 'Fight One Nation' or the fans, as they were entering for the show. The fans cheered upon seeing the Champ, Myke smiling and acknowledging this warm response. He soon realized Adam James was on the scene too, and the two shared a very brief moment... James making remarks about Myke and his relationship to the fans... Myke responded by planting his 'Egoshredder' superkick upside Adam James' face!! This got the fans entering for the show excited and in a small 'riot'. And the spot ended as Myke walked over to slap some high fives and such with the excited fans, leaving the dejected and stunned James on his rear along the wall. Myke wasn't seen again until the Main Event, he was tagged up with the Fight One CEO Aidan Morag [who was in the One Percent w/Myke in Boardwalk!] Adam James was on the opposition, teamed with Kipper Haven. Many wondering how teams would work out, James having just lost to Haven the week prior... And the last time Myke & Morag were in the ring together was in Boardwalk where Myke defeated Aidan only to see Morag attack him viciously after the contest! After James and Haven made their entrances, Myke stormed the ring only to be teamed up on. Morag made a rather quick entrance next to even things out... The tag match didn't see much of Myke, he kept being restrained by the referee thus allowing double teams by James/Haven... Morag kept himself from being pinned, or put down... And eventually Myke made a 'blind tag' by slapping Morag on the back... Aggressively Adams hit the ring with his Shooting star press into a DDT, the Suicide*Star DDT! He put Kipper Haven down and out, and hit the top rope before crushing Kipper with his wild 630 flip into a Swanton Bomb the 'Perdition Plunge'!! Morag kept James from breaking the count, and Myke picked up the pin fall rather quickly for their team. After the match Myke raised Aidan's arm before leaving the ring, heading backstage without another look at the ring... James and Haven left in the ring [both Myke's opponents in his title defense this coming week @ 'Collision Course'!] And the show ended with those two glaring one another down after their team had lost rather shockingly to Adams and Morag!
- June 22nd, 2015 Fight One's 'Collision Course' Rally or SuperShow, Myke was slated to defend his Fight One championship for the second time. After defending it successfully at the previous Rally [Fuel the Flame 2] against Namen Hammer... He squared off with two challengers this time. Originally it was three, but Seth Dryden left Fight One. Thus leaving Adam James & Kipper Haven before Adams. The four way now a triple threat, meant Myke could potentially lose the title without being pinned! Sadly for the reigning Champion, this is exactly what happened to him! After a rather quickly paced triple threat, Kipper Haven and Adams basically took turns dominating Adam James. James seemed outmatched all contest long, and eventually Myke put him down on the stage before climbing the large 'tron' that shows the broadcast and looking for his risky 'Perdition Plunge' from a HUGE height! Adams completed the risk taking dare devil dive, smashing Adam James but also seriously laying himself down and out. Haven took advantage and pinned James on the stage, the three men obviously not caring where the counts fell as the count was made and Myke's time as Fight One Champion ended. His condition is yet to be released, but he has been left off Fight One's Main Event & programming ingeneral for the first time in well over three months of being there. Could he have re-injured his neck?! Too many questions linger for the now former Fight One Champion, more details as they arise.
- June 29th After his title defense... The 'Collision Course' Main Event triple threat match with the now Fight One Champion Kipper Haven and Adam James, it became known on "Unlimited #14" that Myke is a partial owner... This explains the 'leave of action' he's taken in Fight One, now working as staff. He did suffer a good degree from his risky 'Perdition Plunge' from the Fight One-Tron at the Rally... A move that took Adam James down and out, thus ending Aaron Blaize's younger siblings quest for glory in Lowell it seems. After so much angst at Myke, James got manhandled... And Myke sent a message with his risk, he seemed not to care what the outcome was so long as he 'squashed' the youngest James! Kipper Haven took advantage of the situation and pinned James, Myke unable to break this count after spiraling more than 16 feet down onto James from the large projection screen! Regardless, Myke has bid the new Champion well... And seems to be working to get comfy in his new found place among the staff of Fight One. This gives him much needed time off from the ring, but he still has the means to 'Thrill Em All' on Mondays in Lowell!
- July [no date disclosed yet] onward... Myke is basically taking his position as Co-Owner to heart, trying to do his best in the spot. He's recently announced the finals for the Fight One title contendership would be a steel cage match among other 'management duties'. He also tried helping Nico Sutton to a degree by placing him in an Outlaw title match with Adams as the referee. Only Nico got taken completely out of the match, and Myke did the 'right' & 'just' thing by making a clean count for the two remaining combatants.
- August 24 - September 02, 2015 Myke shocked everyone the week prior, on Fight One’s August 24th edition of ‘Unlimited’ when he came out after the show’s Main Event and spoke about the upcoming ‘United We Stand’ one night tag team tournament to crown new United Tag Champions. Adams was cut off by a sudden return of Namen Hammer!! Hammer and Adams had a bitter rivalry for the Fight One Championship prior to Hammer vanishing mid-match in their last confrontation [Myke’s last successful title defense]... Hammer however wasn’t there to attack, instead the two made the shocking revelation that they were TEAMING up for this tournament as literally a tag unit dubbed simply ‘Nemesis’!! Stay tuned for info on the tournament’s results, Myke and Namen are slated to face Myke’s offscreen lover Noelle Shelley, and her tag mate and twin sister Aria in the opening round. How far will this ‘union’ between these two ‘nemesis’ last? Can two of Fight One’s most dominant single’s competitors come together to form a dominant tag team? Wednesday’s ‘program’ gave the answer as the duo of Hammer & Adams easily took their first round match against the talented tag team twins, former Boardwalk Tag Champs... Noelle & Aria Shelley! After this Hammer/Adams went on to the second round to face the Army of Two consisting of Vin Wesley & Seth Daniels, winning a very hard fought battle… Myke and Namen moved to the final round. Facing reps from 4CW and Boardwalk, Adams and Hammer put up an explosive and very back and fourth contest with Bryan Williams & Aidan Carlisle. In the end this ‘Nemesis’ union between these two former enemies proved more than any other team in Fight One could beat! Thus Adams won his sixth tag title, he and Hammer officially bringing themselves right back in the ‘mix’ in Fight One. As the new United Champions, the Fight One Nation now waits to see where this deadly duo heads next! What team will step up to try and take their newly acquired titles?!
- On September 14th's edition of Fight One's 'Unlimited' Myke was slated to face Serena Ransolver in a match up. The young up and coming star gave Adams a 'run for his money' in what turned out to be a pretty damn good match. Myke showed his risky nature through out the contest,. actually being more risky than he had in a good while in the ring! Eventually he managed to lay Serena 'oiut' then spiral down onto her with his wild 630 degree front flip into a Swanton Bomb known as the 'Perdition Plunge'!! Myke made the cover and picked up his first 'solo win' in months. Having been more busy as a staff member of Fight One... After the show's main event, the Army of Two [Seth Daniels & Vin Wesley] attacked Myke's current partner Namen Hammer [together as 'Nemesis' Adams/Hammer are the Fight One United Tag Champs!] The Army of Two left a Hammer in a scrap of table after assaulting the big man, Myke was seen backstage having been put through a desk... In a neckbrace and being carted out, Adams isn't slated to wrestle this coming week! What will be the outcome of AO2's assault?! Will Hammer and Adams strike back?!
- On the September 21st edition of Fight One's 'Unlimited' Myke Adams managed to 'fire back' at the Army of Two [[[Vin Wesley]] & Seth Daniels] alongside his tag partner as Nemesis, Namen Hammer!! Before this however, mid-show new chairman of Fight One Jack Clemmens 'fired' Adams [in-character onscreen] from the 'staff' for 'abusing' his 'powers' to gain the United tag titles. Adams seemed pretty angry when he finally showed up on the program, likely over this along side what had happened the week prior! [Myke was driven through a desk backstage by an unknown assailent, assumed to have been Vin Wesley] Adams showed up just before the first of the co-main events, a tag team match between the Army of Two & Strike Team to decide which would become the number one contenders to Adams & Hammer's United tag team titles... Namen Hammer had his usual weapon of choice in hand [a sledgehammer] & Myke was armed with a baseball bat as the duo hit ringside, and took seats in the front row to watch this match... The Army of Two, Vin Wesley & Seth Daniels defeated James Edwards & Victor Wylde [aka Strike Team] thus earning the contendership for Adams/Hammer's tag belts... After this match, Myke and Namen hit the ring with their weapons in hand, giving a small bit of 'speech' before finally starting a full fledged 'battle' with both the Army of Two & Strike Team!! Eventually using their 'tools of destruction' Adams & Hammer got the best of everyone, exiting the ring on their feet... This wasn't the end of things though! As they exited ringside after this attack, they would be seen at the show's close... Backstage what appeared to be EVERY security guard on duty was seen trying to break up a bitter fight in backstage area between Nemesis [Adams/Hammer]] & the Army of Two [Wesley/Daniels]... Eventually all four men were separated, then Jack Clemmens showed up looking pretty pissed off... The show ended at this moment, leaving plenty of 'fire burning' between these two teams as they are now headed in a show down for the United Titles this coming Monday on September 28th's 'Unlimited #24'... Can the Army of Two get the tag titles they feel were 'robbed' of them by Nemesis @ 'United We Stand' when the unlikely duo of Myke & Namen Hammer won out the one night tournament?! Or will the combination of two of Fight One's 'foundation' stars in Myke & Namen prove to be too much yet again for the young duo of Seth Daniels & Vin Wesley?!
- On the September 28th edition of Fight One's 'Unlimited' Myke Adams was slated for yet another Fight One Main Event, this time defending his United titles against the Army of Two [[[Vin Wesley]] & Seth Daniels] alongside his tag partner as Nemesis, Namen Hammer!! As the show opened Adams was seen backstage, being confronted by a reluctant member of the Fight One production team... The man [named Cecil] was worried when knocking on Myke's locker room door, Adams answering the door only looking have prepared for his match in the Main Event. His face paint nearly done, he finished putting on his custom arm covers and black tank top while this crew member spoke nervously with him... At first it seemed Namen Hammer had been assaulted, or so Myke seemed to think... Once he realized what was actually going on... Myke fly 'off the handle' and hit this Cecil with his Egoshredder Superkick!! The cameras followed a rampaging Myke as he stormed past a group of Fight One's production team and into the rear parking area... There sat his beloved 1969 Dodge Charger... It had been shot, as bullet holes riddled the Mopar and demolished with impact damage all over the car as well... Adams lashed out after picking up what he himself called a '50-Cal' slug, snapping his left foot right at the camera... the second 'Egoshredder' seemed to 'rock' whomever was in tow behind the camera... As this clip ended in static. Myke wouldn't be seen again until the show's close, after a mid-show spot with his opponents for the night [Daniels & Wesley] heavily implied that they were thye one's who destroyed his Charger... They were seen watching a camcorder playback with Vin Wesley's girlfriend Anya Shafiei [who was making her Fight One debut as far as being on the weekly Monday night 'Unlimited' program that is!]. The crew member Myke had kicked at the show's opening spot showed up at Army of Two's locker area and implicated that Adams was irate, storming around backstage knocking things over... And that Myke was armed. [Myke's name was never directly said, but it was obvious he was the 'him' this spot in the show was referencing!] After the show wound down to the Main Event, both teams made their ring entrance... During this Main Event tag title match, Adams wasn't 'himself'... The risk taker everyone knows him as, instead he was rather methodical using more grapples and submissions... This contest was a very split affair, either team could really seem to gain the advantage... Then Army of Two managed to stun Myke's team-mate Namen Hammer... Dropping the big man with their vile combo finisher dubbed the 'Strike-Out' [a combo of Wesley's Striking Distance Spear & Daniels' Light's Out Superkick!] But while Wesley made the cover, Adams 'lost it' and decided he was done 'wrestling a contest'... Grabbing the steel fold out chair from under the time keeper... He hit the ring and bashed Vin Wesley over and over with this chair... The ref disqualified Nemesis, but they retained their United titles by this. After the match was thrown out, Myke shocked Vin Wesley and Seth Daniels... Pointing to the big screen where it showed the Army of Two's locker area a complete wreck... And Vin's lover Anya was laid out in the scraps of a table, her head lacerated as well. Wesley and Daniels rushed to Anya, and Adams simply stormed from ringside at the show's close... Ignoring the jeering crowd. Myke is next slated to part take in October 5th's 'Enemy Territory' Main Event, a 15-person rumble with five representatives from Fight One, Boardwalk Wrestling & 4CW repsectively. Myke has a history of coming out on top in rumble matches... Can he continue this 'tradition' this coming Monday?! Or will he recent 'fractured' mind-set cause him to be unable to focus enough to be the victor? Aside from Myke, Fight One will be repped by Namen Hammer, Seth Daniels, Lyza Reyes, and Reno Destiny! While Boardwalk is sending Ian Bishop, CJ O’Donnel, Juliet Brooks, Cyrus Riddle, and Dante Anglais. 4CW's reps are Aidan Carlisle, Wolfsbane, Jair Hopkins, Watson, Lorenzo Porter. Adams & Hammer defeated Carlisle at United We Stand to win their United titles, Myke also has a history with BW's Ian Bishop... Mostly due to a small spat the two had while part of D[o]PE Wrestling.
- On the October 5th's Fight One 'Enemy Territory', which was another Fight One Rally OR 'supershow' event... Myke took part in the Main Event [as he's done many times in Fight One]! It was an 'inter-fed' 15-person rumble... Reps not only from five of Fight One's finest... But also reps from 4CW & Boardwalk Wrestling... Myke's history with Boardwalk seemed to be a driving force for the 'Suicidal Superman'. Now aside from Myke, Fight One was repped by Namen Hammer, Seth Daniels, Lyza Reyes, and Reno Destiny! While Boardwalk sent Ian Bishop, CJ O’Donnel, Juliet Brooks, Cyrus Riddle, and Dante Anglais. 4CW's reps were Aidan Carlisle, Wolfsbane, Jair Hopkins, Watson, Lorenzo Porter. During the October 5th event, a small vingette aired from Boardwalk Wrestling's Juliet Brooks... Stating arrogantly that had she chosen... She'd have easily 'won' the event although the actual purpose of said 'clip' was her bowing out of the event. Ian Bishop [also from Boardwalk] found himself on the wrong end of an assault from one Myke Adams, who was heard stating this was 'vengeance' over an 'attack on him' well over a year or more ago by Bishop during both men's time with D[o]pe Entertainment... Adams being the 'Entertainment Champion' at that time while Bishop was seeking to win the title... Ian and his personal bodyguard assaulted Myke and his lover at the time Meglyn Elliott!! The attack was one of the final times Myke was seen on D[o]pe programming as the promotion ceased operations soon after leaving these two men's 'issues' unresolved. Regardless, this put Boardwalk Wrestling down two competitors heading into the rumble... Thus leaving only CJ O'Donnell [whom Myke once trained for a time], Cyrus Riddle [their 'top' Champion], and Dante Anglais [the final man eliminated during the rumble]!! As the event played out and the rumble got under way, Myke found himself entering at number '8' since Boardwalk was missing two competitors for the contest... [The 'infinity' sign?!] Which in-turn could be seen possibly as a symbol of Myke's seemingly 'unmatched' perserverence, or even 'luck' in the the ring!! Adams sruvived up until there were none left in the ring, working with Lyza Reyes [a fellow Fight One star] to eliminate Boardwalk's top Champion Cyrus Riddle, and 4CW's Aidan Carlisle at the same time!! Myke used a split second mental process and quickly hit Reyes with his 'Egobreaker', a version of a reversed 'lungblower' or 'Codebreaker' before turning it's impact right into a monkey flip which sent Lyza Reyes sailing out of the ring to 'join' Riddle and Carlisle on the arena floor... Myke then found Namen Hammer & Dante Anglais in a jockey for the advantage over one another, the two in a tie up right next to the far ropes!! Adams charged the two, using their distracted state to collide into both, this barely 'knocked' them over the top rope... But thinking quickly Adams shoved at both competitor's legs and thus eliminated them together as well!! This made Myke the 'sole survivor' and winner of the inter-fed rumble between 4CW, Boardwalk and Fight One Wrestling... An honor in it's own regard, but also thus giving the former & very first Fight One Champion a shot at said F1 title anytime he chooses!! What will Myke do with this?! Only the 'Suicidal Superman' knows... And he's not scheduled to compete this coming week on October 11th's 'Unlimited #25' having earned the 'break' after showing Fight One's 'chops' by winning this HUGE inter-fed rumble match!! What's next for this 'High-Risk Heretic'?! Being one half of the United tag team Champions... More tag action is a given, but with his tag mate [Namen Hammer aka the other half of the United tag champs] facing the Fight One Champ this coming week while Myke is 'off' from action... If Hammer finds victory, will Adams even think of 'cashing in' this title chance of his if his current tag mate as 'Nemesis' takes said title?! Only time will tell us, one thing is for sure... Myke Adams STILL HAS IT and will CONTINUE to FLY HIGH while he DEFIES time...
- 10/26 United title match & F1 title match/etc info to come soon.
- More details to come... Stay tuned.
Movesets (In the Ring)[]
Finishing (fan favored) Moves[]
- The Swanton
[This variant on the senton/swanton bomb is performed by leaping from the top turnbuckle (or other raised surface), flipping forward 270°, and landing on the opponent back-first in the standard senton position. Myke Adams employs a variant of this as his finisher, dubbed the Swanton Bomb, in which he waits until the last second to execute the flip, so that he just barely completes the flip when impacting with his opponent. The initial leap resembles that of a swan dive, which is why the move is named so.]
- Perdition Plunge
[This risky move leaves a devastating wake upon impact. Basically a 630 degree front flip into a variant of Myke's famed 'Swanton'.]
Signature Moves[]
- Warp Asylum
[STF/arm trapped crossface, this holds sees Myke lock one arm of a fallen opponent, who is belly down on the mat with Adams on top and to the side, and placing it between his legs before locking their hands around the opponent's chin or face and pulling back to stretch the opponent's neck and shoulder. Alias "The Crippler Crossface" blended with an STF, think of Cena's STF.]
- Suicide Star DDT
[Myke does Shooting star press like flip and comes over into a DDT onto standing opponent, outside or inside the ring]
- Suicide*Star DDT 2.0
[A springboard 720 DDT.]
- The Egoshredder
[Basically a stylized superkick, in Myke's variant however, he uses as much body leverage as he can, lunging into it so fiercely that he commonly looses his balance while connecting with this kick. It usually comes from nowhere without warning.]
- The Egobreaker
[Formally known as the Joke's Over... Basically a stylized Double knee backbreaker also known as a lung blower, lungblower, or backstabber/backcracker in WWE, this technique involves Myke charging in behind his opponent and putting both of his hands round the opponent's head for a rear chin lock or on both of the opponent's shoulders while jumping up to place both his knees against the opponent's back; both wrestlers then fall backward to the ground, forcing Myke's knees to push up into the back of the opponent.. It usually comes from nowhere, without warning and leaves his opponent stunned.]
- The Sudden Impact
[Myke does a handstand in the corner above a seated opponent before swinging down wildly and landing a double footed dropkick in their chest!]
Basic Moves[]
1.Handstand in turnbuckles into dropkick (opponent seated) 2.Reversed Russian Leg Sweep 3.Double Footed Falling Dropkick 4.Corkscrew Suicide Plancha (opponent outside ring) 5.modified arm bars/other triangle styled holds 6.corkscrew flipping neckbreaker (from the ropes) 7.Shooting Star plancha (opp. outside ring.) 8.Snap DDT 9. Instant Thriller (kip up into hurricanrana!) 10.450 flip into elbow drop
Alias & Entrance Themes[]
- "The Impact Player"
- "The Suicide Machine"
- ”The Innovator of eXtreme”
- "The Sinister Superman"
- "The Human Highlight Reel"
- "The Suicidal Superman" *current*
- "The Suicidcon" *current*
- "The High Risk Heretic" *current*
- Snake~Eyes ( ACWO Stint )
Entrance Music[]
- "Blind" by Korn (1998-1999)
- "Of Wolf and Man" by Metallica (RWF tag 1999-2005)
- "Wait and Bleed" by Slipknot (RWF solo 2001-2005)
- "Socio" by Stone Sour (UCW 2008)
- "Shockwave" by Black Tide (IWX 2008)
- "Code of Energy" by Papa Roach (SCCW 2009)
- "Monster" by Skillet (SCCW 2009)
- "Before I Forget This" by Slipknot (SCCW, Alpha, DoPE Entertainment 2014)
- "Give it All" by Rise Against (IWX 2010)(Boardwalk 2014)
- "Animal I Have Become" by Three Days Grace (SCCW, Revival, Alpha, Boardwalk) *current*
Career Highlights[]
Career Championship Highlights[]
ACWO World Championship (x1) as Snake~Eyes
ACWO Hardcore Championship (x1) as Snake~Eyes
ACWO World Tag Team Championships (x1) w/Justin Rose
RWF World Heavyweight Championship (x3)
RWF World Tag Team Championships (x2) w/Justin Rose
RWF North American Championship (x1)
RWF TV-grappling Championship (x1)
COPW Tag Team Championships (x1) w/Ryan Reed
COPW All Barrie Championship (x1)
SCCW Heavyweight Championship (x2)
SCCW Barbaric Champion (x3)
IWX Pure Championship (x1)
SCCW Heritage Tag Team Championships (x1) w/Lauri Verne
Revival World Heavyweight Championship (x1)
DoPE Entertainment Championship (x1)
Boardwalk Atlantic City Championship (x1)
Fight One Championship (x1)
Fight One United Tag Team Championships (x1) w/Namen Hammer
Total : 24 in all. 6 Tag Team championships. 18 Single's championships.
Other Career Highlights[]
Inducted to SCCW Hall of Fame class of 2009 as both a character and handler
The ONLY Back to Back Bunkhouse Brawl Winner in SCCW History 2009 & 2010
Notable Match Ups[]
ACWO notable match ups[]
- Apocalypse
- RaGe
- sTar
- Apollo
- The Druids
- Mike Fallwell
- The Ghost from Nowhere
RWF notable match ups[]
- Justin Rose
- The Army of Darkness (Krypt and Morg)
- UnHoly Alliance (Drake Macon and The Chosen One)
- 2xBytch (Tawnya and Amber Bytch)
- Fire and Ice (Sharlene Berger and Aphrodite)
- Mad Mumf
- Fred Debonair
- Corey Sizemore
- Paladin Jay (Jay DeLabrie)
- Nick Hart
- The Nightstalker
- Trevor Stone
- Ryan Kilmore
- Sexton Hardcastle
- Shawn King
- Mike Angelo
- Heatwave
- Shawn Simmons
- Barbed Wire Brian McKinley
- Bryan Sweet
- Ursa Adam Majors
- Marcus Torn
- The Blob
- Rob Dracup
- Dark Angel
COPW notable match ups[]
- Patrick McCarthy
- The Alpha Males (Guy Kadon and Chris Champion)
- "The God of War" Jaden Michaels
- Kirsta Lewis
- The Trippies (Magnetix and Galactix)
- Josh Generation
- Riflewilly
- Primetime
- Ryan Reed
- Silvermane
UCW notable match ups[]
- Ash Matthews (x2)
- Samuel Hessingstock
- Axle Vengeance
- Stardust
IWX notable match ups[]
- Justin Rose (x3)
- Aaron Blaize (x3)
- Ryan Fitzgerald
- Creed
- Randall Raines
- Samuel Hessingstock
- BROS (Doctor Ian and Greg Venom)
IWX [second stint] notable match ups[]
- Tyler Graves (x3)
- Kirsta Lewis
- Ash Asher
- JS2 (x2)
- Shiru Vanchiez
- Prozac
- Aleksy Madej (x2)
- Sydney Meleoli-Laroux (x2)
The Experts notable matches[]
- Doug E. Fresh
- M.D.K. (x2)
- Ryan Ruckus (x2)
- Hillman
SCCW notable matches[]
- Bunkhouse Brawl 2009 (14 participants)(+ Stands for Bunkhouse Brawl 2009 Participant)
- Bunkhouse Brawl 2010 (13 participants)(= Stands for Bunkhouse Brawl 2010 Participant)
- Jen Blackhart + (x2)
- Samuel Hessingstock + (x2)
- Grim (Justin Rose) (x2)
- Joey Johnson
- Doctor Ian + (x2)
- Greg Venom +
- Sharlene Berger +
- Scarlett Willis + (x5)
- Kirsta Lewis + (x2)
- Justin Brooks +
- Alexander Steele + (x3)
- Riflewilly
- The Machine
- Galactix (x5)
- Paul Cain (x3)
- Damion Darkside (x2)
- Aaron Blaize = (x9)
- Patrick McCarthy (x2)
- Jay Jerzey
- Mike Sinclaire
- Malicia Savage
- Chris Champion = (x11)
- Joseph Cole
- Lauri Verne (x7)
- J.T. Cash
- Eaton Gore (x3)
- Chris Bond = (x5)
- Sydney Meleoli-Laroux
- AC Thunder
- Brandon Watkins = (x2)
- Lilly Rose =
- Dom Harter = (x3)
- Sean Fallon =
- Justin Giomazzo =
- Thomas Watson = (x7)
- Colton Monroe =
- Hannah Rickman = (x3)
- Rex Masters =
- "Hangman" Chett Hawkins
- Jason Steele
- Jace Parker Davidson (x3)
- Tara Michaels (x3)
- Griffin Hawkins
Alpha notable matches[]
- Ben Hanson
- Rian Valiant (x2)
- Johnny Zero
- Chris Hunter
Revival notable matches[]
- Ash Shadows [formerly Ash Matthews in UCW]
- Nero
- Clay Summers
- Lucas Young
- Damion Darkside
- Kerry Windsor (x5)
- British Bomber (x2)
- Ben Hanson (x3)
- Theodore Drake aka The Drake
- Sullivan Aimes
- Aaron Blaize
- Thaddeus Grey (x2)
- Nick Keenan
- Samuel Hessingstock
- Trey Jordan
- Garrett Wolfcastle
- Joe Johnson (x2)
Boardwalk notable matches[]
- Joshua Jones (x2)
- Randy Valdez
- Jay Wilson (x3)
- Amp (x2)
- Baz
- Dave Van Dam
- Justin Underwood
- Clay Charisma
- Gary Mac
Alpha [2nd stint] notable matches[]
- Aaron Blaize
- Chris Bond
- Mac Bane
- Corey Grant
- Vin Wesley
- Robb McBride
DoPE notable matches[]
- Tommy Hustler
- Shane Diamond
- Joseph Kealoha
- Robbie Hart (x5)
- Rowan Miles
- Caleb Houston (x2)
- Ian Bishop (x2)
Boardwalk notable matches[]
(# means 02/05/15 Rumble Participant)
- Sean Fuller (x2)
- Ian Bishop
- Jade Armstrong (x2) #
- Bradley Carrington (x2) #
- Jared Black #
- Ty Lukas #
- Julliet Brooks #
- Andrew Barnes #
- Shyla Clemmens #
- Nathaniel Lockhart #
- Ed Houston #
- Mason Randal #
- Cameron Sanders #
- Alexander Hayes #
- Renee #
- Aria Shelley #
- JC Styles #
- Apollo Nighthawk (x2)#
- Shane Buffer #
- Mike Zybala #
- Mac Bane #
- Gary Mac
- Dude Job
- Dark Tiger
- Dominic Townsend
- Siobhan Townsend (x2)
- Aidan Morag
Fight One notable matches[]
(# means 10/05/15 'Inter-Fed' Rumble Participant @ 'Enemy Territory' Rally)
- Brad Jackson [no-showed]
- Nico Sutton
- Bronwen O'Connor
- Ian Ballistic (x2)
- Namen Hammer (x4) #
- Nirvana (x4)
- Seth Dryden (x2)
- Adam James (x3)
- Kipper Haven (x3)
- Noelle Shelley
- Aria Shelley
- Vin Wesley (x3)
- Seth Daniels (x4) #
- Bryan Williams
- Aidan Carlisle
- Serena Ransolver
- Lyza Reyes #
- Reno Destiny #
- Ian Bishop (Boardwalk Rep) #
- CJ O’Donnell (Boardwalk Rep) #
- Juliet Brooks (Boardwalk Rep) #
- Cyrus Riddle (Boardwalk Rep) #
- Dante Anglais (Boardwalk Rep) #
- Aidan Carlisle (4CW Rep) #
- Wolfsbane (4CW Rep) #
- Jair Hopkins (4CW Rep) #
- Nick Watson (4CW Rep) #
- Lorenzo Porter (4CW Rep) #
- Miranda Reizeger
Myke's Most Notable Feuds[]
- Apollo [ACWO] 1999 [as Snake~Eyes]
- Drake Macon [RWF] 2000 - 2005
- UnHoly Alliance [RWF] 2000 - 2005
- The Trippies [COPW] 2006
- Patrick McCarthy [COPW] 2006
- Chris Champion [SCCW] 2009-current
- Galactix [SCCW] 2009
- Justin Rose [IWX/SCCW] 2008 - May 2010
- Sydney Meleoli-Laroux [IWX] May 2010 - June 2010
- The Chompions [SCCW] June 2010
- Aaron Blaize [IWX/SCCW] 2008 - Nov. 2010
- Thomas Watson/Lauri Verne [SCCW] Jan. 2011 - April 2011
- Aaron Blaize [Alpha] June 2011
- Zenith [Alpha] June 2011
- Kerry Windsor [Revival Wrestling] May 2012-Aug 2012
- The Future [Boardwalk Wrestling] June 2014-Aug 2014
- Chris Bond [Alpha Entertainment] July 2014-Oct 2014
- Boardwalk as a Whole [Boardwalk Wrestling] Jan 2015-Mar 2015
- Namen Hammer [Fight One Wrestling] April 2015-May 20
- Adam James [Fight One Wrestling] May 2015-June 2015
- Kipper Haven [Fight One Wrestling] May 2015-June 2015
- The Army of Two [Fight One Wrestling] Sept 2015-Oct 2015
Actual Matches {2008-current}[]
[Legend is as follows [W] = win - [L] = loss - [NC] = No Contest]
Return from Hiatus to Ultimate Championship Wrestling
- 07/28/08 [W] Defeated Stardust and Ashley Matthews on UCW Monday Night Mindgames
- 08/04/08 [L] Loss to Samuel Hessingstock on UCW Monday Night Mindgames
- 08/11/08 [W] Defeated Axle Vengeance on UCW Monday Night Mindgames
Independent Wrestling X
- 09/29/08[W] Defeated BROs, Doctor Ian and Greg Venom as Suicidal Youth with Justin Rose
- 10/13/08[W] Defeated S.Hessingstock and R.Fitzgerald as Suicidal Youth with Justin Rose
- 10/20/08[W] Defeated Aaron Blaize in IWX Monday Night Warzone's Main Event
- 10/30/08[L] Loss to Aaron Blaize and Justin Rose on IWX MOnday Night Warzone
- 11/17/08[L] Loss at IWX's Honorbound to A.Blaize in a triple threat match w/J.Rose
- 12/01/08[W] Defeated Jonathan Pane and Creed alongside Samuel Hessingstock
- 12/15/08[W] Win via Disqualification against Aaron Blaize on IWX's Monday Night Warzone
- 01/01/09 [L] Loss to Aaron Blaize and Justin Rose (tagged with Samuel Hessingstock)
- 01/20/09 [L] Loss to Aaron Blaize and Creed with one shot partner Damian Darkside
- 02/02/09 [W] Defeated Justin Rose in his final IWX contest on IWX's Monday Night Warzone
Simcoe County Championship Wrestling & IWX 2nd stint
- 06/01/09 [NC] Wrestled to a no contest with "The Battle Machine" Chris Champion
- 06/08/09 [W] Defeated Jen Blackhart on SCCW's MNA Main Event
- 06/15/09[L] Defeated by Riflewilly on MNA for the SCCW All Barrie Championship
- 06/29/09[W] Defeated Adam-X on SCCW's MNA
- 07/06/09[W] Defeated Joey Johnson on SCCW's MNA
- 07/13/09[W] Defeated Jen Blackhart for a spot in the Bunkhouse Brawl on SCCW's MNA
- 07/20/09[W] Defeated an impostor GRiM on SCCW's MNA
- 07/27/09[W] Won a Ladder Match vs.GRiM on SCCW's MNA
- 08/03/09[W] Won the 14 man Bunkhouse Brawl to become SCCW Heavyweight champion
- 08/10/09[W] Beat Samuel Hessingstock on SCCW's MNA with his Suicide Star DDT
- 08/17/09 [NC] Walked out of a tag match with his opponents S.Hessingstock and S.LaRoux
- 08/22/09[W] Defeated Sin City Wrestling's MDK, Ryan Ruckus, and Doug E. Fresh
- 8/31/09 [NC] Wrestled to a time limit draw with Doctor Ian on SCCW's MNA
- 09/07/09 [W] Defeated Chris Champion by DQ on SCCW MNA, his first defense as HW Champ.
- 09/21/09 [W] Defeated The Machine by pinfall on SCCW's MNA.
- 10/05/09 [W] Defeated P.Cain,Tix & K.Lewis byDQ.(w/Patrick McCarthy&Greg Venom)
- 10/12/09 [W] Defeated Damion Darkside by pinfall on SCCW's Monday Night Aggression.
- 10/19/09 [L] Lost toAaron Blaize&Damion Darksidew/partner,Greg Venom on MNA.
- 10/26/09 [W] Defeated Galactix to defend HW championship @ SCCW's "War Games".
- 11/02/09 [NC] Match ended in no-contest w/Patrick McCarthy via interference.
- 11/09/09 [NC] Match with Aaron Blaize ended by outside interference.
- 11/16/09 [L] Lost a Cage Match & Heavyweight championship of SCCW to Galactix on MNA.
- 11/23/09 [NC] Wrestled to a draw w/Jay Jerzey in a Barbaric rules match on SCCW MNA.
- 11/30/09 [W] Defeated Malicia Savage & Mike Sinclaire w/Sydney Meleoli-Laroux
- 12/07/09 [W] Defeated Paul Cain & Galactix w/Sydney Meleoli-Laroux
- 12/14/09 [W] Defeated Patrick McCarthy & Paul Cain in a triplethreat on SCCW MNA.
- 12/21/09 [W] Won an Eleven Person Barbaric Free For All @ SCCW's Atonement
- 01/11/10 [W] Won by DQ against Joseph Cole was interfered in by Aaron Blaize
- 01/25/10 [L] Lost to Lauri Verne after being hit with a chair shot
- 02/01/10 [L] Lost his SCCW Barbaric Championship to Aaron Blaize
- 02/06/10 [L] Lost in CWC Invitational to PWR's Jinx
- 02/15/10 [NC] Tag Main Event thrown out, Myke & S.Willis vs.Aaron Blaize& C. Champion
- 02/22/10 [W] Won the SCCW Barbaric title from Aaron Blaize in the MNA Main Event.
- 03/01/10 [W] Defeated J.T. Cash by submission on Monday Night Aggression.
- 03/08/10 [L] Lost Barbaric title to Aaron Blaize in a submissions match on SCCW MNA.
- 03/22/10 [W] Defeated Scarlett Willis in a non-title Main Event match on SCCW's MNA.
- 03/29/10 [W] Defeated L.Verne & Aaron Blaize by DQ alongside S.Willis on SCCW's MNA.
- 04/05/10 [W] Defeated Aaron Blaize @ SCCW's Blaize of Glory Arena Event
- 04/11/10 [W] Defeated Tyler Graves on IWX's Redefined II.
- 04/18/10 [W] Defeated Kirsta Lewis on IWX's Redefined III.
- 04/19/10 [NC] Heavyweight title match with Scarlett Willis was thrown out...
- 04/25/10 [W] Defeated Ash Asher on IWX's Redefined IV.
- 05/02/10 [W] Defeated JS2 on IWX's Redefined V.
- 05/09/10 [W] Defeated JS2 & Shiru Vanchiez w/Kirsta Lewis on IWX's Redefined VI.
- 05/10/10 [NC] Wrestled to a Time Limit Draw with Alexander Steele on SCCW MNA #42.
- 05/16/10 [W] Won Pure Title match on IWX's Redefined VII against Prozac.
- 05/30/10 [W] Won tag match w/JS2 over Aleksy Madej and Tyler Graves
- 06/06/10 [NC] Tag Match was double count out on IWX's Redefined X.
- 06/13/10 [NC] Adams and LaRoux walked out of their Will Not Die match in IWX.
Simcoe County Championship Wrestling June 2010 - April 2011
- 06/14/10 [NC] Match Thrown... Adams, Cash, & Rickman against Champion, Willis, & Gore.
- 06/28/10 [W] Won by Forfeit over Chris Bond in MNA 49's Main Event.
- 07/05/10 [W] Defeated The Chompions, for the SCCW Heritage Tag titles w/L.Verne.
- 07/19/10 [NC] SCCW's MNA Main Event six man tag team Cage match thrown out.
- 08/02/10 [L] Lost to Chris Bond on SCCW's August 2 MNA by DQ
- 08/09/10 [W] Defeated Chris Bond & Chris Champion w/Aaron Blaize
- 08/16/10 [W] Defeated Thunder, Watkins, Sydney Meleoli-Laroux w/J.T. Cash/H.Rickman.
- 08/30/10 [W] Won SCCW's 2010 Bunkhouse Brawl for SCCW Heavyweight Championship!
- 09/27/10 [L] Lost to Hannah Rickman during SCCW's MNA #61 Main Event
- 11/08/10 [L] Three Stages of Hell match at SCCW War Games to Aaron Blaize
- 11/22/10 [L] To Ascended Supremacy with partner Chris Bond after Bond was pinned
- 12/06/10 [W] Defeated Chaos Factor alongside partner Chris Bond
- 12/13/10 [L] Lost to Ascended Supremacy w/Chris Bond
- 01/10/11 [NC] Wrestled to a double count out with Thomas Watson on SCCW's MNA #72
- 01/17/11 [W] Won by DQ against Constance Monroe on SCCW's MNA #73.
- 01/24/11 [W] Defeated Chris Bond at SCCW's Atonement 2011.
- 01/31/11 [W] Defeated Chris Champion by DQ on SCCW's MNA #74.
- 02/07/11 [W] Won Fatal Four Way against Thomas Watson, Dom Harter, Griffin Hawkins.
- 02/21/11 [L] Lost to Lauri Verne & Hannah Rickman teamed with Colton Monroe.
- 02/28/11 [W] Won by DQ against Lauri Verne & Thomas Watson handicapped match.
- 03/07/11 [L] Lost to Lauri Verne after interference from Thomas Watson on MNA #79!
- 03/14/11 [L] Lost to Lauri Verne & Thomas Watson w/Aaron Blaize on MNA #80.
- 03/21/11 [W] Won on MNA #81 against Thomas Watson.
- 04/11/11 [W] Defeated Ascended Supremacy on MNA #84 as w/Aaron Blaize!
- 04/25/11 [W] Defeated Lauri Verne & Thomas Watson w/Aaron Blaize -SCCW's ViG.
Alpha Entertainment May 2011 - June 2011
- 05/30/11 [L] Lost to R.Valiant & Ben Hanson with tag partner Aaron Blaize on AGM #1.
- 06/13/11 [L] Lost to C.Hunter & Johnny Zero with tag partner Aaron Blaize on AGM #2.
- 06/27/11 [L] Lost to Rian Valiant after interference from Ben Hanson on AGM #3.
Revival Wrestling May 2012 - Oct. 2012
- 05/02/12 [W] Defeated Ash Shadows & Nero in 3way match on Violence#1.
- 05/09/12 [W] Defeated Clay Summers in Main Event on Violence#2.
- 05/16/12 [W] Defeated Lucas Young on Revival's Violence #3.
- 05/23/12 [W] Defeated Damion Darkside in the Main Event on Violence #4.
- 06/03/12 [L] Lost Main Event Ladder Match to Kerry Windsor @ Ascension PPV.
- 06/20/12 [W] Defeated Kerry Windsor&British Bomber w/Aaron Blaize @ Violence VI.
- 06/27/12 [W] Defeated Rian Valiant w/Aaron Blaize in a 2-1 match.
- 07/04/12 [L] Lost to Ben Hanson on Violence VIII
- 07/11/12 [W] Defeated The Drake on Violence IX.
- 07/18/12 [W] Defeated Kerry Windsor on Violence X for the Heavyweight title.
- 07/25/12 [W] Def. Windsor, B.Bomber, B.Hanson, S.Aimes w/S.LaRoux, A.Blaize & A.St.Croix
- 08/09/12 Refused to wrestle his lover, Sydney Meleoli-Laroux
- 08/19/12 [L] Lost World title to Ben Hanson in Fatal 4 Way @ Glory.
- 09/06/12 [L] By DQ to Thaddeus Grey on Violence XV.
- 09/13/12 [W] By DQ over Nick Keenan on Violence XVI after Thad Grey inter.
- 09/27/12 [W] by forfeit over S. Hessingstock, T. Jordan, J. Johnson & G. Wolfcastle
- 10/04/12 [W] Defeated Joe Johnson on Violence #19.
- 10/11/12 [W] Defeated Thad Grey
- 10/18/12 [W] Defeated Aston LaRue
Boardwalk Wrestling June 2014 - current
- 06/06/14 [W] Won 3-way Anarchy Rules Match on HYPE [Randy Valdez/Joshua Jones]
- 06/13/14 [W] Won Main Event on HYPE vs. Jay Wilson
- 06/20/14 [W] Won Main Event Tag Match on HYPE vs. Jay Wilson/Amp w/Mac Bane
- 06/25/14 [W] Won Anarchy Match vs. Baz on XTRA
- 06/30/14 [W] Won 'WarGames' match at Boardwalk's "FULL TILT"[5v5 cage match]
- 07/16/14 [NC] Wrestled to a No-Contest w/Gary Mac [BW Xtra Main Event]
- 07/21/14 [L] Lost to Joshua Jones on Boardwalk's LIVE
Alpha Entertainment July 2014 - October 2014
- 08/11/14 [L] Lost Triple Threat AGM #1 Main Event, Aaron Blaize pinned Chris Bond
- 08/18/14 [NC] Wrestled to Double Count-Out w/Mac Bane on AGM #2
- 08/25/14 [NA] Refereed AGM #3 Main Event [M.Bane vs C.Bond]
- 09/01/14 [L] Lost TagMatch to DomiNation w/Chris Bond on AGM #4
- 09/08/14 [W] Won AGM #5 Co-Main Event against Robb McBride
DoPE Entertainment August 2014 - October 2014
- 08/12/14 [W] Beat Tommy Hustler in 'Road to Primetime' Match
- 08/19/14 [W] Beat Shane Diamond in 'Road to Primetime' Match
- 08/26/14 [L] Lost to J.Kealoha in 'Road to Primetime' Match
- 09/02/14 [L] Lost to C.Houston in '3 stages' Match on H.I.T.M. PPV
- 09/18/14 [NC] No Contest w/Robbie Hart & Josh Davis in triple threat match.
- 09/25/14 [NC] No Contest tag match w/J.Ford vs. R.Hart & R.Miles
- 10/02/14 [W] Beat Caleb Houston & Robbie Hart to become new Entertainment Champ.
- 10/11/14 [W] Retained title @ PPV 'H.O.H.' vs. Robbie Hart in 'Stairway to Hell' match.
- 10/22/14 [W] Won in Title defense on DoPE's 'Trauma' Main Event vs. Ian Bishop
Boardwalk Wrestling January 2015 - March 2015
- 01/12/15 [W] Won tag match w/Mac Bane vs. Sean Fuller & Ian Bishop on BW 1yr Anni-Show.
- 01/26/15 [W] Won tag match w/Mac Bane vs. Carringtons @ BW's 'Crowning Achievement' iPPV.
- 02/05/15 [W] Won the 20-person 'Rumble' on Boardwalk's 'XTRA'
- 02/12/15 [L] Lost tag match w/Mac Bane vs. Gary Mac & Dude Job on 'XTRA'
- 02/19/15 [W] Won tag match w/Mac Bane vs. A.Nighthawk & Dark Tiger
- 02/23/15 [NC] NoContest tag w/Sean Fuller vs. Siobhan & Dominic Townsend
- 03/04/15 [W] Won Triple Treat 'AC title' Match w/Sean Fuller & Siobhan Townsend
- 03/16/15 [W] Won vs. Aidan Morag on 'LIVE' in Main Event.
Fight One March 2015 - Current
- 03/13/15 [W] Won vs. Nico Sutton [Jackson was no-show] on "Unlimited #2"
- 03/00/15 [L] Lost vs. Bronwen O'Connor on "Unlimited #4"
- 04/06/15 [W] Won vs. Ian Ballistic on "Unlimited #5"
- 04/13/15 [W] Won vs. I.Ballistic vs. N.Hammer for F1 Championship @'Mill-City Massacre'
[Myke pinned Ian Ballistic, Namen Hammer couldn't halt the count in time.]
- 04/20/15 [NC] Main Event vs. Nirvana on "Unlimited #6" was thrown out.
- 04/27/15 [L] Lost vs. N.Hammer vs. Nirvana [Hammer pinned Nirvana] on "Unlimited #7"
- 05/04/15 [L] Lost w/Adam James vs. Nirvana/Seth Dryden on "Unlimited #8"
- 05/11/15 [W] Won vs. Seth Dryden on "Unlimited #9"
- 05/18/15 [W] Won vs. Namen Hammer [F1 Title defense] @ F1's 'Fuel the Flame'
- 05/25/15 [L] Lost vs. Adam James on "Unlimited #10"
- 06/01/15 [L] Lost vs. Kipper Haven on "Unlimited #11"
- 06/09/15 [W] Won vs. Nirvana on "Unlimited #12"
- 06/15/15 [W] Won w/Aidan Morag vs. Adam James/Kipper Haven on "Unlimited #13"
- 06/22/15 [L] Lost vs.Adam James/Kipper Haven [F1 Title defense] @ F1's 'Collision Course'
- [Kipper Haven pinned Adam James after Myke's risky Perdition Plunge took him down/out!]
- [Myke's now a Co-Owner of Fight One, taking time 'off' atleast from ring-action to heal.]
- [Myke returned to 'action' on 09/02/15 after a brief break from the ring.]
- 09/02/15 [W] Won vs. Shelley Sisters @ ‘United We Stand’ 1st round w/Namen Hammer
- 09/02/15 [W] Won vs. Vin Wesley & Seth Daniels in ‘United We Stand’ 2nd round w/Namen Hammer
- 09/02/15 [W] Won vs. Aidan Carlisle & Bryan Williams in ‘United We Stand’ finale w/Namen Hammer
- 09/14/15 [W] Won vs. Serena Ransolver on "Unlimited #22"
- 09/28/15 [L] Lost by DQ vs. Vin Wesley & Seth Daniels "Unlimited #24" w/Namen Hammer
- 10/05/15 [W] Won '15 Person Rumble' Main Event @ Fight One's 'Enemy Territory' Rally
- 15 Person Rumble involved 5 grapplers from Fight One, Boardwalk, and 4CW each.
- 10/26/15 [L] Lost United titles vs. Army of Two "Unlimited #27" w/Namen Hammer
- [Hammer left mid-match [leg break], leaving Myke 1vs2 w/Vin Wesley & Seth Daniels!]
- 11/09/15 [L] F1 Title Match vs. Miranda Reizeger(c)
- --/--/-- [-] Information To Come...
Overall Record since 2008 return - [W-L-NC] 101-40-19
Overall Record before 2006 hiatus -[W-L-NC] 123-21-8
Overall Record for Entire Career -[W-L-NC] 224-61-27
Contact Information[]
- Handler Real Name is also MYKE…
- Also handles the characters - Trey Jordan - Vin Wesley - Justin Rose
- [X]E-Mail:[X]