Messiah had a troubled child hood, being beaten by his father growing up. His only escape from the world was watching wrestling, but as the years went on, he left home. He ran across a former wrestler, who took him in and began to train him. Messiah watched closely and learned all he could. But on an ill fated day, his trainer turned on him from drug abuse and was killed by a drug dealer later that same day. Messiah lost it, and grew a hatred for all of society, becoming very evil and sadistic in his ways. He bounced around a few indy feds till joining ACW over two years ago. In another ill fated move, his brother, Magnes Drachen, took him out. Magnes broke his brothers neck and put him on the shelf, for good. Or at least many thought so, now he returns for vengeance.
Strikes & Kicks:
- Yakuza Kick
- Leg Lariat
- Roaring Elbow
- European Upper Cut
- Double Underhook Suplex
- German Suplex
- Belly to Belly Suplex
- Fullnelson Suplex
- Exploder Suplex
- Belly to Back Suplex
- Northern Lights Suplex
- Straight Jacket Suplex
- Falcons Arrow
- Dragon Suplex
- Cobra Clutch Suplex
Various Moves:
- Death Valley Driver
- Fallaway Slam
- Spinebuster
- Cradle Piledriver
- Tilt-a-whirl Back Breaker
- STO & Running STO
- Samoan Drop
- Side Russian Leg Sweep
- Anaconda Vice
- Single Leg Boston Crab
- Arm Bar
- Crippler Crossface
- Dragon Sleeper
- Muta Lock
- Nagata Lock
- Figure Four Leg Lock
- Magnes‘ Nightmare - (Emerald Fusion) (First scoops his opponent up and puts his opponent over his shoulder, hanging them upside down by his side. Then drops to the mat, driving his opponent's head and upper back into the mat. )(
- Sinful - (Impact Driver) (From a reverse chancery, he lifts his opponent in the air and grabs his opponent's left leg with his right arm while holding his opponent in front of him. He then hooks his opponent's head with his left arm and drops them head-first into the mat.)(
- FKNC - (While opponent is dazed in the corner, catch him with a flying knee)
- Chi-Town Breaker - (Suplex opponent onto the top rope, then, drop them to the mat with a neck breaker)
- Hangman - (With opponent on top rope. Stretch them out and hit a double arm ddt)(like tower of London, but with a double arm ddt)
- Tha Forsaken - (Black Mephisto) (First, picks up his opponent and holds him in an ax guillotine driver position. He then grabs his opponent's right leg with his right arm, swings his opponent's head and grabs it with his left arm, and then drops down, sending his opponent head and neck first into the mat.)(
- Last Breath - (Arm Triangle Choke)
- Crucifix - (Cut Throat Driver)