The eWrestling Encyclopedia

"The Masked Man" was a storyline event in the EUWC which focused on a mysterious masked man who single-handedly took down all members of the Regime through several backstage assaults and attacks, including a victory over the EUWC Commissioner and Regime herald Matt Pickstock.


After losing the World Heavyweight Championship to Lord Alucard at Ultra Brawl V, Paul Doom was immediately booted out of The Regime by Commissioner Matt Pickstock. Doom, who was the most prominent leader of the Regime, was assaulted by his own team mates following a gruelling Hell in a Cell match. It was expected that Doom might not be fit to compete on the next Mainframe, which was confirmed as Doom was not in attendance.

Meanwhile, as the Regime was without a leader, a certain Masked Man decided to take out the Regime one by one. He started off with Scott Samson, attacking him backstage. His next attack was most brutal, as he attacked Nero in a parking lot, hitting him with a vicious DDT on a car hood. This earned him the anger of Nero's tag team partner Big G, aka Lynch Garrison. The Masked Man's attack attempt at Pickstock was thwarted by Garrison, who intercepted the Masked Man backstage and managed to overpower him, till the Masked Man escaped.

Furious with the constant interruptions and backstage attacks, Matt Pickstock challenged the Masked Man to a match at Excessive Force, which the Masked Man personally accepted in the ring and knocked out Pickstock. After defeating Pickstock at Excessive Force, the Masked Man revealed himself to be none other than Paul Doom in disguise.


The Masked Man was a successful storyline, albeit a very short one, in which Paul Doom exacted revenge on the Regime after he was booted out of the group. Though not as well-known, it was a trigger to two other important developments, including the transformation of Big G to a more brutal persona of Lynch Garrison, and the more prolific storyline between Paul Doom and Garrison which culminated at Blood Bath.
