- !nterogative
- "Action" Jay Jackson
- "Aero" Semaj
- "American Gangsta" DJ
- "Bandit" Dane West
- "Bar Room Hero" Wulf Erikssen
- "Big Mean" Harold Green
- "Bullet" Brax Langston
- "C4" Ric Hoge
- "Cajun" Matt Caje
- "Chief" John Razorback
- "Coolguy" Michael Hirn
- "Country" Chris Swinger
- "Crazy" James Matthews
- "Dangerous" Cody Hawk
- "Dangerous" Dick Davis
- "Dangerous" Doug Davis
- "Double A" Aaron Age
- "El Guerrero" Daby
- "Evil Magic" Kaize Aku
- "Fabulous" Freddy Flynn
- "Famous Winner"
- "Genocide" Jack Barton
- "Godly" Ken Davison
- "Golden One" Jeff Jericho
- "Honest" Abraham Gore
- "HotShot" Chris Michaels
- "Hot Take" Corey Lazarus
- "Howler" Harrison Rines
- "Hurricane" Hiro Yuko
- "I Quit" match
- "Incinerator" Nick Jackson
- "Killer" Caleb Keaton
- "Lightning" Kid Rodriguez
- "Lumberjack" Joey Bourne
- "Madman" Bryan Kutterman
- "Magnificent" Scott Steinberg
- "Main Event" Mike Nichols
- "Mr. Intensity" Kerry Collins
- "Mr. Money" Garry Fraser
- "Mr. SFW" Steel
- "Mr Technicality"-Damien Dawson
- "New Breed" Chris Care
- "Notorious" Megaman
- "Outlaw" John Andrews
- "Outlaw" Rebel Jones
- "Pakistani Loudmouth" Asad Chaudhary
- "Peerless" Kris Irvine
- "Phenomenal" Ryan Faze
- "Pretty Boy" Bobby Six
- "Prime Time" Elijah Hunter
- "Primetime" Kyle Gilmore
- "Prince of Hardcore" Shawn Dreamer
- "Prototype" Mike Widdows
- "Psycho" Corey Steele
- "Psycho" Tommy Smith
- "Punk" Drake Hunter
- "Pure Perfection" Justin Sane
- "Queen of Extreme" Angel
- "Radikal" Scott Myers
- "Real American" Rocky Davis
- "Richard Nixon"
- "Shogun" Jack Corpella
- "Showtime" Jamie Clarke
- "Showtime" Scott McKenzie
- "Showtime" Shawn Millar
- "Sick" Nick
- "Sick" Rick Daniels
- "Skull Kid"
- "Sobbing" Johnny Christensen
- "Soufpaw Pugilist"
- "Special" Ed Covey
- "Straight Edge" Rob Chapman
- "Superstar" Johnny U
- "Sweet" Pete North
- "The Advocate" Jake Burkin
- "The American Enforcer" Jim Rogers
- "The American Gangsta" Damian DeNiro
- "The American Nightmare" Alex Jones
- "The Android" Johnathan Doberman
- "The Artist" Zex
- "The Assassin" Kevin Jones
- "The Awesome One" Steve Hayden
- "The British Bruiser" Dan Charles
- "The Brooklyn Kid" Damon Jordan
- "The Cavalier" Dario Barton
- "The Chosen One" Drew Hawkins
- "The Comedian" Bobby Riggs
- "The Creep" Chris Carson
- "The Crimson Viper" Mike Fox
- "The Dark One" Heretic
- "The Devil's Son" Draven Frost
- "The Disciple" Zak Warner
- "The Eliminator" Zachary
- "The Entourage" Sunny Sustain
- "The Epitome" Mike Angelo
- "The Executioner" Edward Samson
- "The Fury" Jake Iggy
- "The Glorious 1" Gregory Bartlett
- "The Golden One" Shane Doane
- "The Golden Prodigy" Travis Blake
- "The Grappler" Frank Whitaker
- "The Great One" Brian Kennedy
- "The Heavy Metal Machine" Logan
- "The Hellman" G Stone
- "The Icon" Axel Halaway
- "The Immediate Impact Player" Steve Zanoni
- "The Jester of SFW" Harlequin
- "The Legacy" Chris Stevens
- "The Living Wreck Machine" Chris Michaels
- "The Lost" Joe Dark
- "The Maine Attraction" Greg S.
- "The Man" Ashton Butcher
- "The Master of Pain" Barry Gower's Extreme Revolution Match History
- "The Master of Pain" Barry Gower's TWOStars Match History
- "The Mastermind" Bill Jones
- "The Mastero" Toby Jones
- "The Memory Maker" M.X. Ogden
- "The Natural" Mike Castillo
- "The New Blood"
- "The New Messiah" Bullet
- "The Nitemare" Rob Osbourne
- "The One" Chris Anderson
- "The One" Jim DeStefano
- "The Outcast"
- "The Personification of Perfection" Michael James
- "The Phoenix" Jason Bell
- "The Professional" Russ Bellinger
- "The Prophecy"
- "The Punk" Jamei Hunnigan
- "The Rated X Superstar" Hutton Brown
- "The Real" Wes Anderson
- "The Real Deal" Steven Styles
- "The Real Deal'' Tek Robbins
- "The Revenant" Michael Bishop
- "The Reverb" Mick Wilson
- "The Reverend" Damien Paige
- "The Ripper" Danny B
- "The Ripper" Rex Armstrong
- "The Royal" Tony King
- "The Royal One" Oliver King
- "The Stallion" Buster Stevens
- "The Stray Cat" Kyle Gilmore
- "The Supreme Justice" Marshall Law
- "The Supreme One" Joe Smash
- "The Truth" Rad Hazard
- "The Ultimate Vixen" Raven
- "The Valkyrie" Lind
- "The Villain" Adam Young
- "The Weirdness" Dave Gonzo
- "The Wizard" Frankie K. Young
- "The Wrestler" Robert Smith
- "The Wrestling Machine" Merrick Brycen
- "The X-Stream" Jetstream
- "The Xtraordinary" Xavier Thompson
- "Top Gun" Tommy Young
- "Ultimate" Cody Runnels
- "Ultimate End" Omega Supreme
- "Warrior" Jason Taylor
- ''The Fallen Angel'' David Gonzales.
- ''Thunder'' Tommy Vice
- 'Dark Angel' Draven
- 'Dynamite' Dean Bates
- 'Mandrake' Garth Kidd
- 'Psychosis' James Caine
- 'Sweetest Nightmare' Lya Batiste-Jax
- 'The Career Stopper' Brian Michaels
- 'The Cuban Bull' Jason Pasquelli
- 'The Reality' Isaac Reynolds
- 'The Sinister Super nova' Daniel Stone
- 'The Terminator' John Austin
- 'Triple Threat' Britton Gray
- (GWS) Global Wrestling Society
- (IWE) TNA Destination X
- (Kaleb Berry Owned E-Fed) United Wrestling Federation
- -
- .M.a.f.i.a. B.a.n.g.g.a.z.
- 08-08-08
- 101 Colony
- 101 Colony 3T
- 101 Colony Alumni
- 101 Colony Best Ofs & Shoot Interviews
- 101 Colony Charity Shows
- 101 Colony King of Trios
- 101 Colony King of the Anthill
- 101 Colony Lords of the Underground
- 101 Colony Match Types
- 101 Colony Non-Cannonical Shows
- 101 Colony Non-Canonical Titles
- 101 Colony Other Tournaments
- 101 Colony Roster
- 101 Colony Season 1
- 101 Colony Season 2
- 101 Colony Season 3
- 101 Colony Season 4
- 101 Colony Season 5
- 101 Colony Season 6
- 101 Colony Season 7
- 101 Colony Title Histories
- 13
- 13 Ghost Gauntlet match
- 14n14
- 16 man open weight tourney
- 180 Spining double underhook facebuster
- 187 Wrestling Academy
- 1942 Productions
- 1955
- 1956
- 1957
- 1958
- 1959
- 1960
- 1961
- 1962
- 1963
- 1964
- 1965
- 1966
- 1967
- 1968
- 1969
- 1970
- 1971
- 1972
- 1973
- 1974
- 1975
- 1976
- 1977
- 1978
- 1979
- 1980
- 1981
- 1982
- 1983
- 1984
- 1985
- 1986
- 1987
- 1988
- 1989
- 1990
- 1991
- 1992
- 1993
- 1994
- 1995
- 1996
- 1997
- 1998
- 1998 Award Show
- 1999
- 1999 Award Show
- 1st January
- 2-Pac
- 2000
- 2000 Award Show
- 2001
- 2002
- 2003
- 2004
- 2005
- 2006
- 2006-2007 URWL Fans' Choice Awards
- 2006 FMW Draft
- 2007
- 2007 Pay-Per-Views
- 2007 Season
- 2007 tapings
- 2007 tournaments
- 2008
- 2008 FMW Draft
- 2009
- 2009 Award Show
- 2009 WSX Draft
- 2010
- 2010 Productions
- 2011
- 2013 4CW World Championship Tournament
- 2014
- 2014 AWS Awards
- 2016
- 2018 EFL Season
- 21KM
- 24Eight
- 28 Days Later
- 2NLW International Championship
- 2NLW Universal Championship
- 2PW
- 2VN: Les Reines du Royamue Infernal
- 2VN: Les Rouis du Double Enfer
- 2VN Combattants
- 2WWF Internet Championship
- 2WWF Lethal Lottery
- 2WWF World Championship
- 2WZ: Hot Rod Classic
- 2WZ: Suicide Kings
- 2WZ (Wrestling War Zone)
- 2WZ Active Roster
- 2WZ King of Fighters
- 2 Dope "Undead Juggalo"
- 313 Mafia
- 360 Into a shooting star press
- 3T Raven
- 3WA Annihilation
- 3WA Television Championship
- 3WA World Heavyweight Championship
- 3WA World Tag Team Championship
- 3 Branded Show
- 3 Branded Show Smackdown
- 3 Branded show ( RAW)
- 3 Feet High & Rising
- 4-Chi-W
- 4CW
- 4CW '18 (4CW Video Game)
- 4CW '19 (4CW Video Game)
- 4CW '21
- 4CW Custom Cup Championship
- 4CW Franchise Championship
- 4CW Grand Slam Championship
- 4CW Hall of Fame
- 4CW Hardcore Championship
- 4CW Tag Team Championships
- 4CW Universal Championship
- 4CW Win-Loss Records
- 4CW Womens Championship
- 4CW World Championship
- 4DK
- 4 Drop Dead Diamonds
- 6-Pac
- 606 Championship Wrestling
- 6WA (Wrestling Alliance)
- 6 Minute Warning
- 6 feet under match
- 76
- 7 Deadly Sins
- 7 Shots of Sin
- 8-Bit Theater
- 8 Man elimination for the Jr. Heavyweight title
- 8 Team elimination for the Midwest Tag Team Titles
- ???
- ??? (
- ?¿? (The Mysterious One)
- A$W Championship