The eWrestling Encyclopedia
John Austin
[[Image:{{{image}}}|{{{image_width}}}px|Image of John Austin]]
Real name John Austin
Ring Names {{{names}}}
Height 6'4"
Weight 257 lbs.
Date of birth December 23rd, 1983
Place of birth Houston, Texas USA
Date of death {{{death_date}}}
Place of death {{{death_place}}}
Resides Houston, Texas USA
Billed from Houston, Texas USA
Trainer Rocky Stevens
Mayhem Wrestling Entertainment (May 2007 - Present)
World Highest Quality (Jan - Feb 2007)
Handled by CartmanGFX
Win/Loss Record {{{winloss_record}}}
Debut Jan. 2007 for WHQ.
Retired {{{retired}}}

John Austin has spent a lot of time in Mexico and Japan learning his trade, after spending 4 years in Rocky Stevens DCW dojo. After much persuasion from CEO Lexington, Austin signed a contract with the MWE. But sadly lost the Battle royal and his first match on Monday Night Mayhem to Sonny Williams.



John grew up a Military brat traveling all over the World. Born in Austin, Texas. John took to Wrestling while watching it all over the World traveling with his father and mother. After graduating, John enrolled in Rocky Stevens Wrestling school called DCW Detroit Championship Wrestling Academy. After 4 years there John started traveling the world in small wrestling venues trying to get as much experience he could to make it in the big time. After winning 4 body building competitions in Austin, He got serious and started wrestling full-time in Mexico. After 2 years in Mexico, and 1 year in Japan, John came back to the states after many attempts by Collin Lexington to try to get him to sign a MWE contract. But sadly lost the Battle royal and his first match on Monday Night Mayhem to Sonny Williams.

Titles Held[]

  • No Titles Held.
  • World Highest Quality (WHQ)
  • No Titles Held

Wrestling Facts[]

  • Finishing and signature moves
  • Austin Driver (Celtic Cross)
  • Austin Bomb (Batista Bomb)
  • Neck Cracker (Stunner)
  • Running Powerslam
  • Sleeper Hold
  • Powerslam
  • Body Slam
  • Samoan Roll
  • STF
  • Stalling Brain Buster
  • Running Knee to the Face