The eWrestling Encyclopedia
Jayden Sarek
[[Image:|px|Image of Jayden Sarek]]
Real name
Ring Names {{{names}}}
Height 5'9
Weight 185 lbs.
Date of birth April 20, 1980
Place of birth The Gold Coast, Australia
Date of death
Place of death
Resides Los Angeles, California
Billed from The Gold Coast, Australia
Handled by
Win/Loss Record {{{winloss_record}}}
Debut June 2006
Retired {{{retired}}}

"The Dreamer" Jayden Sarek, born in The Gold Coast, Australia in 1983 is an American professional wrestler currently wrestling for the WrestleView Wrestling Federation, Gem City Wrestling and Yggdrasil Pro Wrestling.


Jayden Sarek is a second generation wrestler, his father being a wrestler for various companies but never becoming well known. His father gave up and told Jayden, who wanted to follow in his father's footsteps, that he could never make it. Jayden left home and decided to prove him wrong. Jay was never a fan of singles wrestling and preferred the faster paced tag team style, and he went in search of a partner. It was in the WVWF that he found one in Dylan Ryder. The two tagged together in a dark match and their chemistry was almost perfect, Jayden's impact move and speed combining with Dylan's aerial ability and agility. The two became Lifeline, because of their love for life. They are managed by Dylan's sister and Jayden's girlfriend Heather Ryder. Jayden also grew up with Skyler Striker.


Lifeline introduced themselves to the WVWF and were quick to make themselves known, physicslly attacking the The Generation of Pain, who had no opposition at the time. The next week they faced off with the Hembree Boyz, who introduced themselves at the same time as Lifeline, for the #1 Contendership of the WVWF Tag Team Championships. After putting on a great match and showing some devious tactics that the crowd loved, Lifeline won the match and the #1 Contendership. Lifeline fought and forced out the Generation of Pain at WVWF Adrenaline Rush. Their win gained them the WVWF Tag Team Championships, and they have held them ever since.
