The eWrestling Encyclopedia

The NWF Hall of Fame is a hall of fame for e-wrestlers maintained by NWF. It was officially created in the December of 2009 in the first year of NWF being alive. People didn't think NWF would last a month, but it lasted a full year and that year, gladly inducted; Randy Bourne (Inducted by TLA), Bryn (Inducted by Grave), UK Force (Inducted by DJ Styles) and Tougie (Inducted by Kevin Devastation). In 2010, NWF had it's second Hall of Fame inducting ceremony, once again inducting four new members of the NWF Hall of Fame. The Members Included: Demo (Inducted by the UK Force), Blade (Inducted by Sheikh), SG2 (Inducted by Tougie), and TLA (Inducted by Blade). NWF is going to have another have another inducting ceremony this year as NWF hits it's third official year with new inducties. The Rumored inducties include: Steve, Taylor, Adam, Shawn Stryker, Danny and Suicide Kid.
