The eWrestling Encyclopedia
The eWrestling Encyclopedia

Episode 1 Season 1[]

HPW Monday Night Fall started with a mind-blowing match. HPW Lightweight Champion Becky, took on the powerful Del'o. It started off when Del'o showed off his "dominance" and picked up Becky will all his force but showed off too much so Becky could rake him in the eyes. Becky followed up with a bottle-blowing kick to the jaw... but only for a 2-count. Becky tried to get Del’o to stay down on the ground but to no aval, Del’o pushed Becky out the way. Del’o with all his force kicked Becky in the skull. Del’o followed up with a pin but got a 2-count. Becky was still groggy but could counter Del’o’s Big Boot with a spinning roundhouse kick. Del’o then fell to the ground, when Becky went to the top rope and hit a leg drop. He went for the pin and won the match. After a commercial break, Monday Night Fall GM, William Sir met up with HPW Champion Rashard Hall and pointed out that his first title defense would be in a Steel Cage match on the same night.

Kelly Ray went up against Pinkie in a singles match. Pinkie was eager to debut so she went straight after Kelley Ray. Pinkie first did a head scissors take down with a pin only for a 1-count. Kelley Ray tried to hit a frankensteiner but Pinkie with all her might hit a power bomb for a 2-count. Pinkie caught Kelly and hit an overdrive. Pinkie picked Kelly up and hit a Pinkie Drop for a 3-count.

Frankie Venus wasn’t always the compatible type. Once the match started, Richards reached his hand out for Venus to shake it. Venus stared at it and gave Richards a hip toss. Richards came back with a strong body slam for Venus. Venus kipped-up and started throwing punches. It took 3 big punches for Richards to hit the ground. Venus ran to the top-rope, hit a Venus Explosion and went for the pin. All he got was a 3-count.

As the cage lowered, Rashard Nemen Hall came down the ramp only to be blind-sided by Aaron Fisher. A brawl happened all around ringside until they both got into the ring. They were tired already and fans seemed that this match wouldn’t be A highlight or a Match of the Week type match. But although Fisher didn’t care about the fans, he wanted to pull out ALL the stops. Aaron climbed the Steel Cage only to stop once at the top. He stood up with both feet on the Steel bar, and hit a signature Elbow drop off the top of the Steel Cage. He couldn’t stand neither could Nemen Hall. Hall tried to crawl his way to the cage door and successfully got both feet to the floor.

3 days later when taking down the arena, The Steel Band was interviewed in an aftermath segment. Rahsard Nemen Hall was the first to speak, he said "The Steel Band is for all comers, if you wanna become a champion then you're in the right place. If you wanna be a loser, then don't be in the buissness at all. If you come to beat our asses then you'll have to get through ALL of us." Nemen Hall's tag team partner Del'o, came and said "We're the strong part of the team, if you're anything but strong come join us, but if you're weak and spineless... well as he said don't be here at all!"

Episode 2 Seaon 1[]

As the Ray Siblings came out to start the second episode of HPW, Kelly Ray picked up a mic and said "Me and my cousin Larry get along well at any given place at any given time if you ask us. We even work togather well in this ring. I don't know about Venus & Pinkie but I'm sure one of them can't even work togather as well as us!" As Venus & Pinkie walked to the ring, Pinkie didn't stand in the corner where she belongs, she sat in a near chair where the commentators table is located and watched Venus wrestle the match the whole time. Somewhere in the middle of the match, Larry tagged in Kelly when Pinkie ran to the ring and pointed out that the match was an inter-gender match not a mixed tag match. So Pinkie left the ring area and watch Venus get slapped in the face by Kelly Ray. Ray dropped to the mat and pinned Venus for a 3-count.

As the match began, Danny Green was the first to attack. Green struck with 3 knees to the gut of Allio. Green bounced off the ropes only to miss a Shinning Wizard. Allio ducked an attempted clothesline with a springboard DDT. Allio went for the pin but got a 2-count. Green looked like he was going for a Cannon Neckbreaker but got countered. Allio floated over Green and connected with an Allio Driver. Allio went for the pin and got the fall.

After Del'o came out to the ring, he announced a new member in the Steel Band. As soon as Vance Richards, music played Del'o started to attack Nick Chord. The ref rang the bell, when the ref was distracted by Matt Chord, Richards ran to the ring and Phantom Tagged Del'o. The ref had no choice but to drop to the mat and get the 3-count. The Steel Band became the new Tag Team Champions.

As soon as the bell rang, Aaron Fisher & Rashard Nemen Hall looked each-other in the eyes making it look as if someone were gonna strike. The ref pulled them back to start the match. They locked up in a collar & elbow hold when all of a sudden Nemen Hall pulled away and went outside the ring. Del'o and Vance Richards came out and attacked Fisher. The ref called the match a no-contest. The Steel Band continued to attack Fisher until a guy from the crowd came out with a lead pipe. He looked at the Steel Band but then turned to Fisher and smacked him across the back with the lead pipe. He then told the ref to ring the bell and went for the pin. The mysterious guy became the new HPW Hardcore Champion.

After episode 2, William Sir pointed out that "2 shows of HPW already turns out as a 5-star average! The Steel Band is already causing problems which I will solve next week on episode 3. I see that our new Hardcore Champion is unknown so I WILL reveal him also. Rashard Nemen Hall was the first to retain his World title! The women's division is heating up. And last but not least, I have signed a few new contracts, including that mysterious man.

Episode 3 Season 1[]

As episode 3 kicked off, GM William Sir came out to speak. "Tonight, is the last night before our first ever FPV. Tonight I am gonna announce the match card for HPW Brreaking Point! After each match tonight I will check to see if that match is FPV talent. Remember i'll be watching!"

When all the competitors came out to the ring, and the ref called for the bell. Venus went straight after Larry Ray. He first attacked with a running lariat then connected with a fall-away slam. Venus pumped up the crowd getting ready for the Venus Explosion. Then Larry Ray went back into his corner when Kelly Ray handed him something. When Pinkie saw Kelly hand Larry the object Pinkie went straight after Kelly Ray almost as if she were repeating Frankie Venus. Venus & Ray went fighting into the crowd, while that happened Jackie Berry went running down the ramp to attack Pinkie and Kelly Ray. GM William Sir did what he had said! He made a match between Frankie Venus & Larry Ray then made a match between Pinkie, Kelly Ray & Jackie Berry for the Women's title!

As the match started, Allio wanted a technical style match and hit Danny Green with an Arm Drag. Green put a smirk on his face then put Allio in a head sidelock move, Allio bounced Green into the ropes only to be reversed by a stiff shoulder block. Green bounced himself into the ropes one more time only to be reversed by a dropkick. The two clapped and gave a hand to each other. Allio went for a springboard roll-up but got a 2-count. Green connected with a victory roll-up pin but also got a 2-count. Both competitors bounced off the ropes as hard as they could and clotheslined each other. Both of their shoulders were on the mat and both of their arms were on each other. The ref dropped to the mat and counted the pin. The ref got a 3-count for both of them calling the match a draw. Fall GM William Sir came out again and announced that Danny Green and Allio were gonna face off in a falls count anywhere match for the HPW Worldwide Championship.

William Sir came out to the ring with 3 other people. William Sir started to speak. "These 3 people behind me are new HPW wrestlers. They'll introduce their name, height, weight, and finisher. Starting from A-Z." The first guy went up to the mic. "My name is Carlos Dos Mias, I'm 5'10" 229 lbs. and my finisher is the Northern Lights Suplex." The second guy went up to the mic. "My name is Issac Reepa, I'm 6" 239 lbs. and my finisher is the Reepa Creepa." The third and last guy went up to the mic. "My name is Shawn Tazer, I'm 6'1" 248 lbs. and my finisher is the Tazer Zap." William Sir started to speak. "Now all of you are probably wondering, who is the masked man? Well, if you heard Issac Reepa said that he weighed 239 lbs. and he's 6". The same weight and height from the Steel Band's new member. Well, there you have it! The Steel Band's new member and HPW's new wrestlers! But I have one more quick announcement. The Chord Brothers will be facing The Steel Band for the Tag Team titles. And Rashard Nemen Hall will defend his HPW Championship against Aaron Fisher!" William Sir left the ring while Issac Reepa got a tamtrum about his quick announcement.

After all of The Steel Band and Shawn Tazer came out, the match started out as if Tazer were outnumbered around the ring. But then Tazer bombed Nemen Hall. He started out with a Lou Thez Press then attack his torso and head with shots with his bare knuckles. Tazer picked up Nemen Hall turned him around and hit the Tazer Zap. Tazer went for the pin and got the 3-count. Tazer left the ring as fast as possible but got outraned by 3 other people from the Steel Band. Reepa hit the Reepa Creepa on the pyro part of the stage. Then Vance Richards hit the Reverse Falling DDT on the pyro part on the stage as well. And to top it all, Del'o hit the Del'o Bomb on Tazer off the stage. Tazer fell off the stage with Del'o injuring each other in the start of their careers.

HPW Breaking Point FPV Season 1[]

As the FPV started, Frankie Venus tried to Body Slam Larry Ray but could barely lift him up. Larry Ray stood there just looking at Venus when finally lifted up Frankie Venus up and over his shoulders for an Oklahoma Slam. He then pumped up the crowd and started to size Venus up for an amazingly hit Blu-ray. Ray went for the pin and got a 3-count.

When the ref called for the bell, Pinkie went clashing on Jackie Berry then Kelly Ray took Pinkie by the hair and threw her across the ring. Kelly Ray went to see if Jackie Berry was alright. Just when Berry was getting up, Pinkie took her whole body to pounce on Berry and Kelly Ray. Pinkie went to the top-rope and hit a Frog Splash on Kelly Ray and pinned her. Pinkie then became the new HPW Women’s Champion.

As Allio set foot in the ring, the ref started the match. Green and Allio locked-up in the same Collar & Elbow hold from last week on Episode 4 of HPW Fall. Allio this time got control of Green and Irish Whipped him into the ropes. Green came back with a missed Clothesline then hit the ropes again. Allio went for Dropkick and missed; once again Green bounced into the ropes but connected this time with a Shoulder Block. Allio went for an Allio Driver but couldn’t get a grasp. Green dropped to the mat and hit a Cannon Neckbreaker. He went to the top-rope and hit Greenland. He went for the pin and got the fall over Allio.

As the Steel Band came out, The Chord Brothers couldn’t wait to unleash punishment on The Steel Band so went outside the ring and brawled. Nick Chord was he first to strike anybody. He first connected with a huge right hand to Vance Richards. Then hit a bulldog on the steel ramp. Matt Chord hit 3 elbows to the forehead of Del’o and threw him off the stage. Del’o didn’t move one inch which lead Matt to hit a long Leg Drop off the stage onto the concrete floor. Nick Chord hit Matt Chord’s finishing move, the Chord Ally-Oop onto the steel ramp. Nick Chord came down to the concrete floor to check on his brother. He called Doctors to the scene and put Matt onto a stretcher. They then left the building.

When the ring announcer introduced the competitors, the ref showed the HPW title everybody in the arena, and the ref called for the bell. Rashard Nemen Hall and Allio were ready for a fight. The match started off in a weird way. Rashard Nemen Hall and Allio went outside the ring and took every single thing around the ring they could find and threw them into the ring. When they were finished, they locked up into the refs hold. Rashard Nemen Hall tried to Irish Whip Fisher into the barbed wire he set up in the corner but ended up falling into it. The ref surprisingly, didn’t call for the DQ; he let the match go on. Allio went into the corner Nemen Hall fell into in and stomped him until the ref pulled him back. Nemen Hall fell to the outside and begged Fisher to stop but tricked him into a low blow. Nemen Hall went back inside the ring and picked up a wooden table then set it up in the middle of the ring. Fisher pulled himself into the ring looking like a snail trying to hide from a snake. Nemen Hall lifted Fisher onto the top-rope looking like he was setting up for a Super Last Call suplex. Fisher noticed were he was set up and pushed Nemen Hall of the turnbuckle into the table. Fisher dropped to the mat onto his knees and went for the pin. Nemen Hall kicked out and surprisingly hit a pump kick coming back up from the mat. He went for the pin and won the match retaining the HPW title.

Episode 5 Season 1[]

HPW Fall Episode 5

Episode 6 Season 1[]

Carlos Dos Mias tried to have a fair match with Becky by extending his hand toward Becky in a hand shake form. All Becky did was stare at Carlos’s hand until he put it down. Becky and Carlos then went into the referees hold. Becky wanted to end the match soon by stuffing Carlos into the corner and started kicking him until he sunk into the bottom turnbuckle. Becky bounced himself off the ropes then back to hit a Diving Senton into the corner. Becky dragged Carlos to the middle of the ring and went for the pin. The ref’s hand went up for a 2-count though. Becky was calling for a Tombstone Piledriver and set up Carlos in a perfect position. Becky went for the pin once again and the ref’s hand called for the bell and the match.

During the break, Del’o and Vance Richards came out to ringside in neck-casts. Del’o picked up a mic and spoke. “The Chord Brothers REALLY wanted our HPW Tag Team Championships. Well enough is enough; you have our belts Nich so give them back! Vance and I will become the “Greatest Tag Team Champions” in the world. But we can’t prove that if we don’t have belts!! I’m gonna give Nicholas Chord 5 seconds to get inside this ring. 1.….2.….thr…” The lights went out. 3 seconds later the lights came back on… Nicholas Chord and Shawn Tazer were behind The Steel Band. Chord & Tazer attacked The Steel Band viciously until The Steel Band ran up backstage. Tazer picked up a mic and said “Matt and I have been friends since he’s came into the business. I’m not gonna let his career end up being short! So Nich and I have teamed up to face you maniacs!!!”

Danny Green wasn’t surprised that Frankie Venus was his opponent. Venus still had some steam to blow off and wanted to blow it off soon. Venus attacked Green as soon as the bell rang. Venus kicked, stomped, kneed and punched as hard and as much as he could until the ref pulled him back into his corner. Venus ran back to Green only to be caught with a Cannon Neckbreaker. Green climbed the top-rope and hit Greenland. Green went for the pin and got a 3-count. When Green left the ring, Venus went on a rampage the whole time he went back to his locker room.

Rashard Nemen Hall came to the ring and didn’t even speak. Everyone knew what Nemen Hall was waiting for… an opponent. The lights went out for the second time tonight. A drum roll sound had played. A spotlight had hit a stage. The stage lit up with smoke then sparks appeared. A guy had flew from the rafters on a hook line and landed in the ring. He was about 6’5” and looked very muscular. With rage in his eyes, he Clotheslines Nemen Hall 3 times. As soon as Hall gets up, the man Body Slams Hall. The man picks up Hall and places him up above his shoulders, spins around and hit’s a Cutter type move. From there the man places his boot onto Hall for a 3-count. That man became the new HPW Champion!

Episode 7 Season 1[]

As Monday Night Fall started, William Sir and his brother Randal Sir(which is his first appearance) made their way to the ring. William Sir spoke. "Welcome to HPW Monday Night Fall! This is the seven to eighth episode of HPW Fall and I want to make an announcement my brother Randal and I are going to have another brand added to this franchise of HPW. The show is called HPW Electricity, the brand is called Electric. Me and Randal are gonna split this Fall roster in half! Randal will take the Electric Brand, I will take the Fall Brand. It's time to shake things up!! As for the matches tonight, Randal will announce an Electric wrestler then I will announce a Fall wrestler and we will scout our wrestler for future purposes."

Ring Announcer, Tony Champlion announced that every competitor that comes out first will be announced on the Electric Brand. When the bell rang, Shawn Tazer was the first to come out for the Electric Brand. Tazer's opponent who will be staying on Fall was Nicholas Chord. Both competitors locked up in a refs' hold. Chord elbowed Tazer until Tazer had no control over the refs' hold. Nich bounced off the ropes and back to hit a small bulldog. Nich went for the pin but only for a 2-count. Tazer punched Nich 2 times in the gut and got up from the ground. Tazer hit a Manhattan Drop on Nich and Nich went down in pain. Tazer climbed the top rope and hit a Split Legged Moonsault. Tazer followed up with the pin and got the 3-count.

The next Electricity wrestler that came out was Danny Green. The wrestler that remained on the Fall roster was Larry Ray. The match began when Danny Green ducked Larry Ray's clothesline and hit a backbreaker. Green then hit a springboard body splash from the turnbuckle. Green bounced off the ropes and went for a leg drop but Ray moved out of the way at the last second. Ray was looking for a Blu-ray but Green slipped out of it and hit a Cannon Neckbreaker. Green climbed the top rope and hit Greenland! Green went for the pin and won the match.

The next match was a tag team match. The first two wrestlers who represented the Electric Brand was Del'o and Vance Richards, The Steel Band. The other two wrestlers who stayed on Fall were Frankie Venus and Becky. The match started when Del'o was first to attack. Del'o hit a monstrous clothesline. Frankie Venus already looked like he was done for. Del'o tagged in Vance Richards, Richards picked up Venus over his shoulders and put him down looking like he was going for the Reverse DDT. But instead of slipping down to the mat, he picked Venus up and slammed him on his neck. Richards went for the pin and got the fall. Becky went inside the ring and checked on Venus.

A battle royal match took place during the break. 4 men were battling for a spot on the HPW Electricity Brand. The 4 competitors were Issac Reepa, Carlos Dos Mias, Allio and, Aaron Fisher. The wrestlers still battling up in the corners. Reepa hit an Arm Drag from the top turnbuckle on Aaron Fisher. Allio and Dos Mias were trading shots in the middle of the ring. Reepa slithered across the ring and hit a Reepa Creepa on Allio out of nowhere. Reepa hooked Allio's leg for a 3-count. Reepa kneed Dos Mias in the back of the neck then Dos Mias landed in between the 2nd and 3rd rope. Reepa choked Dos Mias until Dos Mias started gagging. Aaron Fisher climbed the top rope seeking for a missile dropkick but Reepa got to the top rope before Fisher was going to hit. Fisher and Reepa were trading shots until Dos Mias got to the same turnbuckle they were on. Dos Mias Double Superplexed Fisher and Reepa. Dos Mias pinned both of them at the same time to get the 3-count. Dos Mias was now on the Electric Brand.
