The eWrestling Encyclopedia

Francis Nicholas Johnson (Born January 1st, 1993) better known by his Ring Name, Franklin Jackson, is a African-American Professional Wrestler who is currently signed by All Elite Wrestling and Ring of Honor. He also has competed for New Orleans Pro Wrestling, and WWE. Where he won championships within both promotions including the NOPW Championship twice, and the NXT North American Championship.

Professional Wrestling Career[]

Personal Life[]

Johnson was born on January 1st, 1993 to Jenna and Taveon Johnson in Lithonia, Georgia. He would spend his whole childhood in the state along with graduating from Arabia Mountain High School in 2011. He would spend 2 years in Perimeter College at Georgia State University before leaving to pursue his professional wrestling career in 2013.

Jackson currently resides in Stone Mountain, Georgia with his daughter Kira Nyla Johnson. He is currently in a relationship with Rosas Hermosa's Selina Ramelle.

He's good friends with Punk Tactics Members, Devon Johnson, and Kendrick Miller and is also friends with Ramona Trevor.

#SpeakingOut Movement[]

In 2017, a unknown woman claimed that Johnson impregnated her 3 years ago and now is wanting payment for taking care of the baby. Johnson refused. Johnson over the next few weeks, would make his known that he loathed and detested the woman thanks to a private reason that happened between the two. After 4 months of pestering him and even breaking into his house at one point, Johnson begrudgingly caved and took a DNA test to see if the child really is his. To his horror, the test came out positive. The baby was in fact, his. As a result, he was forced to pay $15,000 in child support. This would leave him in money troubles for the rest of 2017 and early 2018. In late 2018, Johnson filed a restraining order against the woman, with him claiming it to be for personal and safety reasons. A few months later in early 2019, CPS called Johnson to inform him that his baby mother was arrested for 2 accounts of Child Abuse and Drug Possession. Asking Johnson to take custody of his child. Despite not wanting to help the child at first, believing she'll be fine with foster parents, Johnson caved once again and after taking some time away from Pro Wrestling and with the help of a good lawyer, he gained custody of his daughter, Kira Nyla Johnson.

The truth on how the two knew each other was somewhat unknown to the public for a while, until during the #SpeakingOut Movement in June 2020, Johnson made a Instagram story revealing that he was drugged and raped by the woman following a interaction with the woman in mid 2014.

Details state that he and the woman was at a neighborhood block party in Atlanta, Georgia held by one of Johnson's Neighborhood friends in 2014. Johnson notes the woman was checking him out throughout most of the party and even during a dancing segment, the two would dance with other partners until a party game caused them to dance together. During this, he mentions that he felt her hands rubbing on her lower half. He states that he told her to stop multiple times, but she never listened, continuing to rub near his crotch. Franklin states that despite him being attracted towards the woman, he wasn't there to hook up with anyone, or to get with her, only being there for his friend and wanting to have a good time.

Later, after the helping his friend clean up the mess following the party, Johnson would take a drink of his cola that he had near the bar counter. After a few minutes, he began to feel nauseous and light-headed. His friend advised him to lie down and stay over for the night as his house was a few blocks away from his. Johnson accepted the offer and spend the night at his friend's house. During the night. the woman would appear in the room after apparently lying to Johnson's friend saying that she was there to check in on him, saying that she was one of his friends. She assaulted Johnson for 25 minutes until he began to finally get some feeling and notice her on top on him and was able to push her off him. By the time he pushed her off, both had already climaxed. Johnson's friend, who was asleep during the assault, woke up to hear the commotion and learned what was going on. After a few minutes of arguing and accessing the situation at hand, he kicked her out and apologized to Johnson for letting that happen. Johnson, even to this day, has no ill-will towards his friend and thanks him for taking his side of the situation, but was understandably angry at him following his assault.

Many people in his neighborhood learned about albeit a mostly inaccurate version formulated by the currently unknown woman. While some members of his neighborhood believed his story, including his parents, both whom are previous victims of rape themselves, and even began to try to relay the story to the others, others didn't. Choosing to believe the woman's story, despite Johnson's friend's account of things being more accurate than the woman's. Some even dismissed it because of who Johnson was, his gender, his race, his background, or Rape statistics as a reason to not believe Johnson.

He revealed in a interview on AJ Maverick's "The Maverick's Collision" Podcast in 2021 that the whole ordeal was the reason he moved to Stone Mountain in Early 2015. Tiring of the verbal abuse and even physical abuse and death threats he was getting by his neighborhood. The event caused him to develop more negative feelings towards women and caused him to be more distant in finding a relationship for a very long time.

In Wrestling[]


  • Jaded Cutter (Rolling Cutter); 2013-2022
  • Techno Dome (Canadian Rack DDT)
  • Kiss Da Jay's (Vertical Punt Kick); 2019-Present

Signature moves[]

  • CK'24 (Catch Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex); 2022-Present
  • M1A1 (Leg Catch Underhook Back Suplex); 2013-Present
  • Swanton Bomb