Channels War is a PPV of World Wrestling Television . It's on November week 4. In every event, except for the first one, there have been a Wargames match, also known as a Television Games match.
Channels War 2006 [ ]
Channels War 2006
World Wrestling Television
November week 4, 2006
American Airlines Center
Dallas, Texas
Pay-per-view chronology
Tension Show 2006
Channels War 2006
End Show 2006
Channels War chronology
Channels War 2006
Zim and Snap (W/Misty) def. The Sand Boyz (Gaara and Kankuro) and retained the WWT Tag Team Championship
Snap pinned Gaara after a Snappy Bomb
Temari def. Kin Tsuchi
Temari pinned Kin after the Fan
Sandy Cheeks def. Ember McLain (W/SpongeBob as a Special referee) and won the WWT Womens Championship
Sandy won the match after a backslide and a fast count
Glass Cage match: Patrick Star def. Kappa Mikey and won the WWT Television Championship
Patrick won the match after a PatSault through the glass table
Danny Phantom def. Chouji
Danny pinned Chouji after a Ghost Slam.
Shikamaru Nara, Jimmy Neutron and Timmy Turner def. SpongeBob SquarePants, Squidward and Mr. Krabs
Shikamaru pinned SpongeBob after a Shadowsault
Channels War 2007 [ ]
Channels War 2007
World Wrestling Television
November week 4, 2007
St. Pete Times Forum
Tampa, Florida
Pay-per-view chronology
Tension Show 2007
Channels War 2007
End Show 2007
Channels War chronology
Channels War 2007
Kin Tsuchi def. Ino Yamanaka and retained the WWT Womens Championship
Kin pinned Ino after a Witch's Peak
Kankuro def. Timmy Turner and Patrick Star
Kankuro pinned Patrick after a String Pulling
Kappa Mikey def. Mr. Krabs and retained the WWT X Division Championship
Mikey pinned Krabs after a Lylymu Splash
Ember McLain def. Sandy Cheeks
Ember pinned Sandy after a Rock'n'roll Cutter
Invader Zim and Snap def. Gaara and Chouji and retained the WWT Tag Team Championship
Zim pinned Chouji after an Alien Spear while Kankuro attacked Gaara.
Television Games match: Shikamaru Nara, Captain Youngblood and Danny Phantom def. SpongeBob SquarePants, Squidward Tentacles and Jimmy Neutron
Danny pinned Squidward after a Neutronic Blast from Jimmy.
Because Danny got the pin, he won a match against Shikamaru for the WWT World Title at End Show 2007
Channels War 2008 [ ]
Channels War 2008
World Wrestling Television
November week 4, 2008
Quicken Loans Arena
Cleveland, Ohio
Pay-per-view chronology
Tension Show 2008
Channels War 2008
End Show 2008
Channels War chronology
Channels War 2008
Ember McLain def. Kin Tsuchi and retained the WWT Womens Championship
Ember pinned Kin after Youngblood interfered and exploded a camera on Kin's face.
Snap def. Chouji (W/Ino) and won the WWT Hardcore Championship
Snap pinned Chouji after a Snappy Bomb
Ultimate X match: Squidward and Mr. Krabs def. Timmy Turner and won the WWT X Division Championship
Both Squidward and Krabs took the title off the X and won the title.
Dagget Beaver def. Invader Zim (W/Misty)
Dagget pinned Zim after a Beaver Splash
The Winners (Norbert Beaver and Sasquatch) def. Patrick Star and Jimmy Neutron and retained the WWT Tag Team Championship
Norbert pinned Patrick after a Beaver Fever
Television Games match: Gaara, SpongeBob SquarePants and Shikamaru Nara def. Captain Youngblood, Danny Phantom and Kankuro
SpongeBob pinned Danny after a Spongy Edge
Because SpongeBob got the pin, he won a match against Youngblood for the WWT World Title at End Show 2008
Channels War 2009 [ ]
Channels War 2009
World Wrestling Television
November week 4, 2009
Joe Louis Arena
Pay-per-view chronology
Tension Show 2009
Channels War 2009
End Show 2009
Channels War chronology
Channels War 2009
First Blood match: Jake Long def. Sasquatch and won the WWT Hardcore Championship
Jake made Sasquatch bleed with Barbed Wires.
Shego def. Lydia (W/Temari) and retained the WWT Womens Championship
Shego won when Lydia passed out of the Green Chokehold
Danny Phantom def. Patrick Star and retained the WWT Television Championship
Danny won the match after Kankuro and Shikamaru attacked Patrick and after a Ghostsault
The loser of the match couldn't use the Moonsault anymore.
Kappa Mikey (W/Ino) def. Squidward and retained the WWT X Division Championship
Mikey pinned Squidward after a Lylymu Breaker
Two out of three falls match: Skulker and Captain Youngblood def. Chouji and Mr. Krabs (W/Ino) and won the WWT Tag Team Championship
Krabs pinned Youngblood after a roll up
Youngblood and Skulker won the second fall by DQ after Squidward push them on purpose
Skulker pinned Chouji after a Sunset Flip
Ino Yamanaka def. Desire
Ino pinned Desire after a Brain Crusher
Television Games match: Kankuro, Shikamaru Nara and Jimmy Neutron def. Invader Zim, Snap and Dagget Beaver (W/SpongeBob as a special doorkeeper)
Jimmy pinned Invader Zim after a Neutronic Blast
Because Jimmy got the pin, he won a match against Zim for the WWT World Title at End Show 2009
Channels War 2010 [ ]
Channels War 2010
World Wrestling Television
November week 4, 2010
MGM Grand Garden Arena
Las Vegas, Nevada
Pay-per-view chronology
Tension Show 2010
Channels War 2010
Four Crests of Destiny
Channels War chronology
Channels War 2010
Misty def. Lydia
Misty pinned Lydia after a Sunset Flip
Patrick and Truman X def. The Cruiserweight Monsters (Chouji and Timmy Turner) and retained the WWT Tag Team Championship
Truman pinned Chouji after a Truman Jump
Before the match, Chouji attacked Patrick with a chair, taking him out, and during the whole match, Timmy was not at ringside.
Shikamaru Nara def. Dagget Beaver and won the WWT Hardcore Championship
Shikamaru pinned Dagget after a Big Splash
Mr. Krabs def. Kappa Mikey and retained the WWT X Division Championship
Krabs pinned Mikey after a Million Dollar Elbow
Squidward def. Timmy Turner and retained the WWT National Championship
Squidward pinned Timmy after a Clarinet
Ino Yamanaka def. Kin Tsuchi and retained the WWT Womens Championship
Ino pinned Kin after a Brain Crusher
SpongeBob SquarePants def. Sasquatch and won the WWT Television Championship
SpongeBob pinned Sasquatch after a Spongy Edge
Television Games match: Snap, Invader Zim, Jimmy Neutron, Gaara and Captain Youngblood def. Danny Phantom, Shikamaru Nara, Kankuro, Skulker and Norbert Beaver. As a result, Snap won the WWT World Title
Snap pinned Danny after a Snappy Bomb
Channels War 2011 [ ]
Channels War 2011
"Let the Bodies hit the Floor" by Drowning Pool
Pay for the sins
World Wrestling Television
November week 4, 2011
Greensboro Coliseum
Greensboro, North Carolina
Pay-per-view chronology
Tension Show 2011
Channels War 2011
End Show 2011
Channels War chronology
Channels War 2011
Temari def. Roll, Shego, and Fifi La Fume to retain the WWT Womens Championship
Temari pinned Shego after Ino hit her with a steel chair.
Chouji def. Snap and won the WWT Television Championship
Chouji pinned Snap after a Banzai Drop .
Norbert and Sasquatch def. Team Amazement (Bart Simpson and Chris Griffin), Zaku and Dosu and Neji and Rock Lee and retained the WWT Tag Team Championship
Sasquatch pinned Dosu after a Sasquatch Elbow .
Timmy Turner def. Kappa Mikey and retained the WWT X Division Championship
Timmy pinned Mikey after a Timmy Star .
Eric Cartman def. Squidward Tentacles (W/Mr. Krabs) and retained the WWT National Championship
Cartman pinned Squidward after a Big Splash .
Television champion Chouji def. X division champion Timmy Turner to unify the X division title to the TV title.
Chouji pinned Timmy after a Small Package .
Shikamaru Nara def. Captain Youngblood and Kankuro and retained the WWT World Championship
Shikamaru pinned Youngblood after a Strings Pulling from Kankuro.
Team Patrick (Patrick Star, Gaara of the Sand, Jake Long, Airnaruto45 and Dagget Beaver) def. The F-B-N (Danny Phantom, Invader Zim, Jimmy Neutron, Skulker and Wolfgang) in a Television Games match
Patrick pinned Danny after a PatGore .