The eWrestling Encyclopedia

The CWO International Tag Team Championship is the secondary title of Championship Wrestling Organisation's Tag Team division. Resurrected at the Fury PPV of 2007, it was allied with the CWO International Championship, to form the CWO International Trios Championship. The current champions are the Hell Risers.

Title History[]

Team: Won From: Date: Location: Notes:
CWO International Tag Team Championship
Jimmy Page & Surge Beach Dudes
(Seahawk & Thunderwave)
April 27, 2003 Detroit, MI Records before this date currently unavailable.
Japanese Connection
(Rising Sun & Tiger Claw)
Pacific Powers
(Michael Xavier & Ryu Yamagachi)
November 23, 2003 Las Vegas, NV Six-Way Elimination Battle Royal also including Enforcers(Josh Harper & White Lightning), HardCore(Jimmy Hard & Joey Core), Ewiak Brothers(Frank Ewiak & Jesse Ewiak) and Lumpy & Death
Beach Dudes Japanese Connection December 21, 2003 Manchester, England Five-Way Tag Team Turmoil match also including American Eagles(Dash Liberty & Rick Flagg), HardCore and Pacific Powers
Falconi Brothers
(Anthony Falconi & Xavier Falconi)
Beach Dudes December 21, 2003 Manchester, England
Beach Dudes Falconi Brothers May 30, 2004 New York, NY
Bronco 7 & Steven Steel Beach Dudes June 27, 2004 Columbia, SC
Beach Dudes Bronco 7 & Steven Steel July 25, 2004 Louisville, KY
(Bad Azz & The Dark Warrior)
Beach Dudes August 8, 2004 Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Armand Delicourt & Balshazzer Massacre September 12, 2004 Tokyo, Japan
Dark Riders
(Midnight Rider & Shadow Rider)
Armand Delicourt & Balshazzer November 9, 2004 Denver, CO
Beach Dudes Dark Riders March 27, 2005 Pittsburgh, PA
Dark Riders Beach Dudes
Decline Of Western Civilization
(Dusk & Gloom)
Dark Riders June 26, 2005 Anaheim, CA
Michaels Of Destruction
(George Greg Michaels & Shane O Michaels)
Decline Of Western Civilization July 31, 2005 Boston, MA
Hell Risers
(Devil & Inferno (II))
Michaels Of Destruction August 14, 2005 Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Savage Boyz
(BT Savage & RT Savage)
Hell Risers November 27, 2005 Salt Lake City, UT
Tyler Bomb & Vampire Hunter
(formerly Thunderwave)
Hell Risers December 25, 2005 Milton Keynes, England
Fighter Jets
(A1 Skyraider & Vampire Hunter)
(formerly Beach Dudes)
Tyler Bomb & Brent Alles February 26, 2006 Manchester, England Match where champions where allowed to choose a partner each to challenge for titles.
Falconi Brothers Fighter Jets April 1, 2006
South Street Riot
(Wulf Erikssen & Dave Vincent)
Falconi Brothers May 8, 2006 St. Louis, MO
Hell Risers South Street Riot June 5, 2006 San Jose, CA
Falconi Brothers Hell Risers June 30, 2006 Albuquerque, NM International Tag Team Titles unified with World Tag Team Titles. Belts retired.
Hell Risers
with Michael Clover
Adam Smoke & Afro Punk
with Jonny G
August 26, 2007 East Rutherford, NJ 7-Team Trios Tag Team Turmoil Match for International Trios Championship also featuring Crimson & Super Duo(Dwight Paul & John Gold), Jim Lane & Lion United(Head Hunter & Von Chaos), AJ Kool & Fighter Jets(A1 Skyraider & Vampire Hunter), Strike Force(Ambush & Ben Turner & Genesis) and Barry Henson & Katsu & Ohara