The eWrestling Encyclopedia

Blade (born Jack Woods, March 21, 1978) is a British professional wrestler. He is currently semi-retired, nursing a bad knee injury and contemplating a possible return in the foreseeable future.

Early life[]

Blade did stuff. (To be elaborated on at some point)


Early career[]

Slamtime Coalition Wrestling[]

Blade's debut match in America, first title, etc. ... (To be elaborated on at some point)

Tough Enough Wrestling[]

Blade did more stuff. He lead Team SCW to victory against Team TEW. (To be elaborated on at some point)

The Big Draw[]

American Wrestling Federation[]

Blade started gaining recognition, headlining in a lot of the minor feds that opened up, such as AWF. (To be elaborated on at some point)

Slamtime Wrestling Coalition[]

Blade's return to SWC. He did some good stuff here, I think. (To be elaborated on at some point)

Ultimate Vendetta Wrestling[]

Blade joined late, I'm pretty sure he wore a mask or something for a bit. He didn't win the World Title here so we can move on swiftly. (To be elaborated on at some point)

Innovative Wrestling Coalition[]

Blade won a Gauntlet Match, defeating five people in a row to win some sort of title I think. (To be elaborated on at some point)

The Main Event Star[]

The Kingdom of Pride[]

Blade finally won a World Title, twice after losing it a little prematurely. He was here for ages and loads of stuff happened. It was pretty cool. (To be elaborated on at some point)

Tough Enough Wrestling[]

Again? I think, anyway. (To be elaborated on at some point)

Return to the Kindom of Pride[]

More awesomeness ensued. (To be elaborated on at some point)

A Year Off[]

Retirement Numero Uno[]

Blade retired for a year after voluntarily leaving KoP. Not sure why that's in Spanish. (To be elaborated on at some point)

Triumphant Return![]

Samurai Sword[]

Blade returned by going all the way to Japan only to not even fight in a match. Not exactly triumphant. (To be elaborated on at some point)

Quixotic Wrestling League[]

Blade set loads of things up but nothing really happened. What a way to go out. Not even nearly triumphant. Hell, acceptable barely fits the bill. (To be elaborated on at some point)

A Broken Blade[]


Blade is out of the runnings having semi-retired from professional wrestling.

In Wrestling[]

  • Finishing Moves
  • The Cutting Edge(Superkick to the face)
  • The End(Shooting Star Press into a DDT (what? It can happen ... ))
  • Signature/Regular Moves
  • Roundhouse Kick
  • Moonsault
  • Sharpshooter
  • Suicide Dive
  • Van Daminator
  • German Suplex
  • Belly-to-Belly Suplex
  • Frog Splash
  • Fishermans DDT
  • Wheel Kick
  • Pele Kick
  • Springboard DDT
  • C4
  • Avalanche DDT
  • Spear
  • Tornado DDT
  • Shining Wizard
  • Lionsault from the Ropes
  • Rope Assisted Siakolypse
  • Hammerlock DDT
  • Combination of Double Underhook Facebusters (Pedigree, Angel’s Wings, Pepsi Plunge)
  • Punching Combo (Two punches followed by Blade looking around at the crowd, kissing his fist and hitting the third)
  • Managers and Associates
  • Teddy Green
  • Nicknames
  • The Self Proclaimed #1 Heel
  • Theme Music
  • "Time is Running Out" by Muse

Championships and Accomplishments[]

Wrestling Trivia[]

  • Blade is actually ten times more awesome then you think he is. True fact.
  • Blade invented the little dot underneath the question mark. He did not invent the one under the exclamation mark, or so his lawyer, Teddy Green, has told him to say.
  • Matt Matthews once claimed that he was more afraid of facing Blade than facing a team of Kurt Noble, Delikado, the Phenomenal Blu and Tim Harrison. That's how awesome Blade is. And now times that by ten.

Personal life[]

Blade had a really great relationship with his father. They'd often play ball in the yard and stay out well past bed time, the little rascals.
