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Anton Steele
[[Image:|{{{image_width}}}px|Image of Anton Steele]]
Real name {{{realname}}}
Ring Names Anton Steele
Height 5'11
Weight 240 lbs
Date of birth Unknown
Place of birth Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Date of death {{{death_date}}}
Place of death
Resides Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Billed from
Last Stand Wrestling (LSW)
European Wrestling Federation (EWF)
Handled by
Win/Loss Record
Debut 2008

Anthony Markus Steele (Born May 7th, 1984 in Hamilton Ontario Canada) is a Canadian professional wrestler, better known as Anton Steele, first debuted in European Wrestling Federation, during the summer of 2008 but after several short months, European Wrestling Federation closed. In July Of 2009, it was announced that Anton Steele had signed to

Early Years[]

In July of 2006, Anthony Steele was enrolled in a now well known wrestling school in Toronto Ontario Canada, with the funds coming straight from the pocket of his father and it was here that he first met Cara, a woman that would later serve as Steele's manager and friend. In early 2008, upon completing training, he changed his in ring name and for the rest of his career he would be known as Anton Steele

European Wrestling Federation[]

Anton Steele debuted
