Hello everyone. Some of you may already be aware of the situation, but for those of you who aren’t, I feel like it is necessary to bring it to everyone’s attention on this platform because you all deserve to know.
One of our bureaucrats, BrentHarvanator, is dealing with a situation where he is alleged to have sexually assaulted someone. Circumstances of this magnitude are important for the entire community to be aware of because your voice matters on whether you feel someone with this looming over him should still be bureaucrat or have any managing privileges on the EWE, a position which is essentially in control of this fandom subcategory. People have expressed the fact that they are uncomfortable using this wiki knowing the given situation and I wanted to gauge the whole community to see where you all may stand regarding whether they think Brent should be relieved of his position, as well as any positions of authority, due to the situation he is dealing with. I would also like to note that he was recently removed from the e-fed community that he was a part of for similar accusations and behavior, the same e-fed that happens to be ran by several Content Moderators on this wiki. If he can be removed from said e-fed for that particular reason, then it is logical to consider doing it here as well, especially since this is a much larger platform used by people from several different e-fed communities who also deserve a say on the matter.
If you are uncomfortable with BrentHarvanator serving as bureaucrat, admin, content moderator, and any other position of authority on EWE after being made aware of allegations against him, please note so here by saying that you approve.
If you are comfortable with BrentHarvanator serving as bureaucrat and other positions of authority on EWE after being made aware of allegations against him, please note so here by saying that you oppose.
Thank you.
UPDATE: To clarify further, this is a vote for the removal of BrentHarvanator as both bureaucrat and admin stripping him completely of power so he’s not on the board. Although the vote is based around "rumors", his pattern of similar behavior in the past coupled with this allegation makes a good portion of the community uncomfortable on top of the fact that people are unhappy with him as a bureaucrat in general as indicated by the prior thread that was made before these allegations came to light, which we wouldn’t have ended and settled had we been aware of said accusations beforehand.