Well put together page. Active. A good standard setter, imo. Don't believe it has seen front page yet.
After a long discussion with RRS over the past few days, I have chosen to resign from my position as a bureaucrat of the eWrestling Wikia. I believe this is not only the best option for myself but for the wikia community.
This decision was made on a number of factors, but most notably being the showing of no confidence in me as a member of the wikia board on display in this thread. It is evident that the topic raised in this thread has made several members uncomfortable with the idea of me in a leading figure role, which is understandable, and so that the community can continue to thrive stepping down from my position is the best choice for me to make.
As far as the very serious accusation raised in this thread is concerned, I am not willing to entertain it further than stating that it simply isn't true. It is a malicious defamatory rumor started to spread like wild fire and fear monger people into believing it to be fact. As unfortunate as it is, it has clearly swayed many opinion over the wikia and elsewhere, and I am not willing to entertain those who spearheaded this accusation with a long debate on the subject. I adamantly deny the accusation made against me and will leave it at that.
I believe it best to relinquish sole control to RRS who is a trusted member of the community and trustworthy leader while I become a normal contributor.